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Did anyone watch The View this morning?

Poor Elizabeth. That Rosie is such a liberal idiot! She doesnt ever give anyone a chance to speak. Elizabeth has great things to say but because the friggin liberals are so loud and obnoxious, she never gets heard!!! If I were her I would have told That stupid liberal idiot Rosie to shut up!!!

Go Elizabeth!!! We love you!

What do you think if you were watching??? Did Rosie even give Elizabeth a second to speak?????

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ya I watched and totally agree with you. Rosie should leave sooner then the end of the season. I never did like her and I like her even less now. She should listen more and beek off less. I hope she never gets another job after this. I loved it when Elizabeth slammed her about Donald.


  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah I know. I actually use to be a Rosie fan(way back when)... I love Elizabeth and I'm so proud of her for finally standing up to rosie...Rosie only hears what she wants to hear!not to mention ,she talks over everyone!..I am sooo glad that she is leaving The View,and I think that Elizabeth should get a job on Fox News where she can actually be heard for once. She is so smart and no one gives her any credit because she was on survivor,give me a break!.. When I was watching today I felt like slapping the tv. I was like a guy watching a football game (my kids even asked me why I was yelling at the tv lol)...hopefully tomorrow she will get a chance to clear her mind...that's if the producer remembers the duct tape for rosie's mouth!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Poor Elizabeth ! Are you kidding me!

    She wouldn't even be recognized if it were not for Rosie sparing with her providing a point to her counterpoint.

    Elizabeth is laughing all the way to the bank!

    You obviously haven't read her most recent interviews where she says Rosie is her dear friend and she doesn't want her to leave the show AND she doesn't want Rosie to be " easy on her ". (full article in tv guide)

    So why do you people keep whining ?

    And who was it that kept interrupting Joy when she repeatedly ask to finish? Yeah Elizabeth the Saint.

  • 1 decade ago

    Elizabeth is in a no-win situation with the democrats at the table. However, she should speak her opinion and let the rest roll off her back because 1) she's pregnant and 2) Rosie will be gone in less than a month and she's definitely not worth it!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm huge Rosie fan. Always have been and always will be. She has a huge heart and has done so much for the children in this country that no one else seems to care about.

    And poor Elisabeth? Give me a break. She nothing more than a narrow minded, kool-aid drinking, chipmunk on helium. They don't come much more annoying in my book.

    And great things to say? C'mon! All she does is mimic the talking points she hears from Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity & Combs et al.

    We don't need any more shrub supporter's in this country. That's what got us into this horrible mess to begin with.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I saw it on youtube. Rosie is a boob. She is going to be gone soon. Rosie interrupts everyone. Elizabeth is a sweet girl, with a kind heart, and I feel bad for her always being attacked.

  • izzymo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am by no means a fan of Rosies, however, I could care less what Elisabeth has to say. I used to really like her, until she opened her mouth to speak, then my respect for her went way down. What we don't need more of in this country, are supporters of Bush. I would hope that someone as young and smart as Elisabeth would have a different view on politics. So if Rosie is the only one around to shut her up, then GO ROSIE!

  • 1 decade ago

    I accidentally stopped on the station and saw Rosie the Tank. I immediately ran into the bathroom and gouged my eyes out of their sockets.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    my wife had it on when i got up. rosie can`t open her mouth without showing everyone she is a stupid idiot

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree she should let her voice her opinion as well as she

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