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15 month old baby who has not done # 2 in 5 days.?

He's going to the doc today at 5pm. He's has an viral infection and is very crancky now. I also noticed he wants to be held all day long and whine all day long. He has not gone poopy in 5 days now. I think he wants to but it wont come out.

Please advise.


Yes, he's peeing fine. I give him lots of fruit but he refuses to drink prune juice.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well its a good thing he's going to the doctor poor little tyke is probably going crazy.

    He could be impacted, Lets hope not. I have a 1yr. son who seems to have dificulty as well, when I notice he is having dificulty I give him juice 2oz. for flavor and then water mixed and warm it up and get him to drink it at night or in the morning.

    Have you tried jared prunes (for baby) beech nut stage one..I will mix that in with yogurt or another kind of fruit, maybe a half jar to help keep him regular..about every other day.

    I hope he is okay and good luck at the doctors.:)

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a 21 month old and I would say that a little bit af apple juice should make him have a bowel movement. I wouldn't give a lot maybe about 4 ounces. Also he could be teething that's why he's cranky. But not having a bowel movement for 5 days isn't normal, he's probably constipated. Good luck with the Apple Juice I hope he feels better. I hate when my daughter gets sick. They are so miserable and they can't really tell you what's wrong so it's pretty much a guessing game.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would take him to appt. ASAP! It may just be constipation. However, some babies don't #2 everyday. My daughter Tiffany had the same problem she would #2 1 every 3 days at 4&5 months old. The doctor said that some don't #2 as often as others. Tiffany turned out just fine, no problem. But I would still take to appt. to make sure. Good luck sweetheart!

    Source(s): What I did/ was told
  • try mixing 1 to 2 teaspoons (I would use 2 since it's been 5 days) of corn syrup in some juice or milk...whatever he will drink but it will take a little while to work and it's not unusual for a child to not use the bathroom when they are sick, my child has done that before (he's 2). The corn syrup idea came from my pediatrician and it works, just not super fast.

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  • mari m
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Is he peeing ok? I'm glad you're taking him to the doctor.

    Have you tried prune juice? You can water it down if you need to. Also, increase his fruits and veggies?

    Hopefully the doc gives you more insight.

    best regards,


  • 1 decade ago

    When my son gets "stopped up" he won't drink prune juice either. So, I sneak baby food prunes into his meals. I mix it in his applesauce and fruit cocktail and he doesn't mind it then.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope his visit with the doctor helps clear this up for you. I think baby's digestive system just gets out of whack when they are sick like the rest of us. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    girl, grab some mineral oil and put a spoonful in his juice/milk/whatever. It is a clear, odorless, tasteless laxative that is mild enough for toddlers. a spoonful tonight, and "smooth moves" tomorrow!!

    Source(s): mom of two
  • 1 decade ago

    Karo Syrup, the dark kind, just a little bit, but it'll do the trick

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    is he/she getting enough fluids maybe he/she is constipaded because of lack of fluids. try giving water a lot.

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