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Gay Marriage?

I'm in Canada right now and last night a group came into the bar I was having a beer in to celibrate a same sex engagement. Aparently the couple is getting married in Aug. It was strange because I had no intrest in leaving my wife and having sex with men. I thought it might be me so I asked around and not only did none of the straight guys I asked want to leave their wives or girlfriends...they didn't seem to have a problem with the gay guys getting hitched. I was told that same sex marriage was a threat to all just seems not to be true. I just thought that was odd. Have all the anti gay marriage people just been lying?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i love my gf, but we vowed to not get married till gays have the same right... you realize that the straight marriage divorce rate is about 50%... its these super conservative losers humping there bibles that don't want gays to get married, cuz they are prolly closeted homos themselves

  • 1 decade ago

    It has always been a religious issue. As much as the US government says that they keep church and state separate, the Christian Right doesn't want gay marriages to be recognized, and they always get their way.

    Though nobody with any degree of clout in the goverment will admit to this, you know it's true. They try to say things like the purpose of a marriage is to procreate, which cannot happen with a gay marriage. Yet, men or women who are infertile are able to get married, as long as it's to somebody of the opposite sex. They also try to say that gay marriage will lead to a greater amount of divorce, even though divorce has been steadily declining. Massachusetts, for example, being the first state to legalize gay marriage, has reported the lowest divorce rate in the country for years. Oh, and my favorite is when they say that marriage has traditionally been between men and women, so it shouldn't be changed. Yet, marriage also used to allow multiple partners (polygamy) and that changed. Marriage used to define the wife as property of the husband, and that changed. Marriage used to mean that getting divorced or using contraception within wedlock was illegal, and that has changed too.

    I also love the politicians who say that if it was the will of the people to allow same sex marriage, they would vote for it. Why is it even something that needs to be voted upon? If two human beings of sound mind and of legal marrying age want to get hitched, let them! It doesn't need to be put on a ballot, it just needs to be allowed. Plain and simple.

    And thus I take you back to my initial statements. What the Christian Right wants, the Christian Right gets.

    To them I say this: Who cares? If you're so sure that you're right about homosexuality being a sin, then let your God take care of them after they die. I am not entirely familiar with the bible, but I'm pretty sure there is nothing in there stating that you will go to hell unless you fight against gay marriage until your dying breath.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time and is visible in all aspects of life. People feel uncomfortable with it mainly because of the religious values they were taught. The anti gay marriage crowd's are usually people who are either:

    a) homophobic

    b) extremely religious

    c) just don't like it for some reason

    but for the most part its mainly a and b. I know how you feel, I too was raised to think homosexuality was evil beyond all evil, but growing up I noticed they are just people like you and I. The only difference is they have a different sexual preference. One of my best friends is gay ( and I didn't even know it.) I was bothered with it as first, mainly because I was taught that it was "bad." Over time though, I got over it and accepted him for who he was. He is still my friend today. IMHO, I feel that most people who are against it feel it will threaten their way of life or something, I think they are gravely mistaken.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know why some people are so worried about other peoples lives..Everyone has the right to their own opinion but what gave them the right to judge...Don't we have more important things to worry about in our society.Like the stupid moronic war in Iraq..Most anti gay people have issues of there own. They are so insecure about them selves that they have to hate.....I have bin married to my wife for 5 years I am not gay, But why waste energy over something that will never change...Look at our stupid president...He is so worried about gay marriage but yet he started his own war and killed millions...Now that's something to worry about..............

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think they've just been lying. I also don't believe that seeing two men or two women who are married are going to make it okay for a man to marry a goat or a 7 year old.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heh. Though I think everyone should be able to suffer through the joys of marriage just like straight couples do, I don't think that's the kind of 'threat' being alluded too.

    I'm guessing it's more a fear of the institution of marriage being 'debased' by 'immoral' unions.

  • a
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Its a huge threat... because.. well.. I cant think of any reason why its a threat.... geez.. I guess its just two people who want to be together.. thats horrible.. .wait.. I thought of a good reason to not allow it... lawyers will make money on it from future divorces..... damn those evil lawyers...

  • 1 decade ago

    its changing the definition of marriage is what people are having a problem with

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's called homophobia. People who are comfortable with their own sexuality aren't concerned.

    Why is it that when gays want to do something responsible like commiting themselves to someone else, paying higher taxes,or insurance to take care of the one they leave behind, people get their underwear in a knot?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice fantasy!


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