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Help Me! In a very sticky situation!?

OK,so I had my hpt come back positive yesterday. I'm pretty sure theres no doubting now that I am in fact,pregnant. But i'm in a very sticky situation. I'm 23,live at home & work for my father(as a secretary at his funeral home firms) My boyfriend is 22 & just graduated from college just 3 weeks ago. My boyfriend is very interested in taking over my families business(we do plan to marry in the next year or two) but would have to go back to school for a year to do so. I haven't told anyone (besides my bf & a very close family friend) that i'm pregnant. My parents aren't the most understanding people & i'm sure will try to persuade me into an abortion(which they did when I was 18 & wound up pregnant by a total loser of a human being) An abortion is not even up for discussion though,no matter what they say. So I guess what i'm asking is,giving my situation...what would you do if you were in my shoes?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK. I actually had a similar situation. I was 22 years old when I got pregnant the first time and my mother told me to have an abortion and my dad told me to give it up for adoption. He ask me if when God passed out brains did I think he said trains and let it pass on by. I was devastated. There was no way that I could have ever given my child up. It wasn't like I was a teenage drop out. I had finished college, and was living on my own. But now my mom loves my son. Unfortunately my dad passed away before my son was born, but he warmed up to the fact that I was keeping the baby. My baby's father was and still is a loser, but I kept the baby, and wouldn't change anything about him. He is now 7 years old and I am happily married to a wonderful man that my son calls daddy. Listen to your heart. I am sure that since your situation has changed since you were 18 that they will be a little more understanding. Tell them right away and be sure to tell that that you WILL NOT have an abortion this time!!!

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    First of all CONGRATULATIONS! Ok so maybe it's not the best timing in the world but your parents would be really cruel to try and force you into an abortion. You are a grown woman in a relationship and you can make your own decisions. I would make every effort to get a place of your own asap if I were you. And if you are really concerned about their reaction then just don't tell them until you are past the point that you can have an abortion. They won't be impressed but what do they expect! Alternatively you can take a chance and tell them. If they give you a hard time about it then you will have to move out to give yourself some breathing space from them. Maybe though now you are much older they will surprise you, but only you can be the judge of how they will react. You know them best. I hope they will give you their blessing, cause having a baby should be a really special event for the whole family. Good Luck, and keep us posted!

    Source(s): mum of four #5 due 27/01/08
  • 1 decade ago

    If it were me I would know it's time to move out and start a life with my boyfriend. I wouldn't feel right continuing to live under my parent's roof like their little girl, when I had just made a very grown up decision... getting pregnant.

    The good news is, once you are living on your own, their reaction won't have as much an impact as it would if you were still depending on them financially. And in time, they will be supportive, they may just need a little adjustment period to get used to the fact that you are all grown up now and doing adult things.

    You and your fiance are off to a good start. He's just graduated, you've got a good job (even if it is with your dad), and you both have a plan for the future. Having this baby is going to make everything speed up a bit. First step, getting a place of your own together and being independent.

    Good luck and congrats on the baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    If i were in your shoes i would have the baby no matter what like you said. I would go to your parents house with the boyfriend and tell them that your having a baby. If they freak out like last time (which i don't think they will because you got a good man this time) just leave and don't talk to them until they contact you next with a friendly word to say to you. Nothing negative or demoralizing. They will come around because their not gonna live for ever and they definitely will want to see their grand child at least before they die. If they don't you and your boyfriend move on and be successful without your parents in the picture. I know that's harsh but if their not gonna respect you and your boyfriend as an adult they need to understand it the hard way that they chose. You have to remember you used to be a dependent under the rule of your parents but now your a grown woman and need to be a grown woman! Good Luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you are both committed to each other and the child I don't really see a problem with you both still working and him going back to school while you are pregnant and the baby is an infant. If you both want the child it shouldn't stop you from carrying out your plans... it may make things a little more difficult but it can be done. I went to college for two degrees while raising a daughter alone and I was a lot younger than you... you will be fine in the end. Follow your heart and mind. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was in your shoes! I got pregnant at 18 by a low life piece of crap excuse for a man. My parents HATED him and the situation and influenced me to have an abortion. Now i have been with my current boyfriend and we are 20 weeks pregnant. When i first found out i was kinda worried what my parents would say.. after a while i realized it didn't matter i'm not a little girl anymore! Don't let your parents influence your decision. If you have a stable relationship whats the problem? Congratulations!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would try to get my own place and have your boyfriend go ahead with the last year of school. that way he'll be done shortly after the baby is born and will have another degree on his resume. It's a lot harder to go back to school after you have a child. Other than that it sounds like you and your bf are on the right track. Stand firm with your parents. You're an adult now and can make your own decisions. Good luck and Congratulations!

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to your parents. I think things are different now - you're in a good relationship (at least it sounds like it) and it seems like your bf and your parents are close as well.

    But please remember, this is your child, only you and your bf have to make the decision. Things happen when God decides and they always turn out for the very best. I think it will be both you, your bf and your parents closer together. Also, I wouldn't let anyone force you into getting married before you both are ready. My brother and his wife were 20 when they had their first and both parents were surprisingly very excited about their grandbaby - even though they weren't planning to get married (and didn't until 5 years later).

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are on the right track, you have a job, he has his schooling, you just need to get your own place together..This time it may be different for you parents, your older and working and with someone you love and apparently they like or else they wouldn't let him take over the business...I think you know what to do, make the right decision for you and your boyfriend. And if your parents do try to force you again remember you r a grown woman now and have her own mind!

    Good luck with what happens and congrats i guess i would say!

    7 1/2 months pregnant with baby boy

  • 1 decade ago

    first of all, you need to live for yourself not your parents. You are 23 and an adult responsible for the events of your own life and now for the pregnancy. Your parents don't have the right to make the decision about your baby at this point although it is understandable to want their respect. You need to sit down with the father and consider your options including adoption as an alternative. You will need to ask yourselves how this will affect your boyfriends education plans and possibly get the advice of your doctor or counselor of some type.

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