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What Exactly Do you Think Being a Liberal is?

Really i want to know what you think...give me truth...give me both barrels...but tell me what you really know or believe is Being a Liberal!


Ok we are doing good so far just a little Flaming but not too bad...please ask your friends to Answer this question too. as i really want to see what others believe! Thank you all for your Heartfelt Answers! Keep them coming.

Update 2:

Ok ok now Where do you come up with these answers? I i see kim has either removed herself or was removed from the list...I had nothing to do with it I have asked an honest question and just want to sincerly see what eveyone thinks will not see me flame anyone for answering whot they truthfully believe! Thank you!

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Your ignorance is astonishing!

  • 1 decade ago

    To me, who is a conservative, being a liberal means that you want change in this country. That this country deep down is bad and needs to be changed. Liberals feel that it is the job of the America government to help solve the worlds problems such as hunger and disease. Both of those are good, but not the responsibility of government. Liberals want there to be big government controlling all aspects of life. That there should be some sort of regulation on everything. They feel that it is the governments responsibility to fix poverty by taking money from the rich, no matter if that person is working or not. They want open boarders. We should not be allowed to put up fences and tell people that they can not come here (I thing i would like to make clear is that they are not doing this because they care for those people. it is because they know that they will vote democrat) These are just a few...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's the same thing all of the republicans demons are, an unseen, untouchable movement aimed at dissolving the traditional American values and family. It's their own fear of anyone not a republican. To me being a liberal doesn't add up to being a completely irresponsible person, it means you are open to new ideas and in general for things that will better the lives of most Americans, not the few. I want less legislation in my life not more, does that make me liberal? I want my government to represent me, not illegal aliens and big business, is that liberal? I want my government to pay as it goes, not run sky high debts, is that liberal? I want fair trade, not free trade, is that liberal? I want our borders and ports secured, is that liberal? It's just a term republicans use to blame people who do not agree with their thinking and way of running government.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that using the word Liberal to call someone is a way to avoid having to study and look up facts about something. If you want to win an argument you just start calling names and make sure no facts are exchanged. This seems to be the way that media and others envovled with politics use it. Make sure you talk the key points and repeat them til they believe or just call them bleeding heart liberals and this way even if you are an idiot you still win.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give you the truth. If you are a liberal ( you are aren't you) you can't handle the truth. You wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit you in the behind. But, I will try.

    A liberal is someone who believes that all money (except theirs) should be evenly divided among all the people. This is to be accomplished through taxation.

    A liberal is someone who believes that we should be like France. Why, I haven't a clue.

    A liberal is someone who thinks we should kill unborn children but should not kill people who have already killed others.

    A liberal is someone who thinks schools and governments can raise my children better than I can.

    A liberal is someone who thinks the USA is always wrong.

    A liberal is someone who does not support the military and would like to see it disbanded.

    A liberal thinks he knows how to spend my money better than I do.

    A liberal thinks he is the only one who cares about the environment and thinks raising taxes is the way to fix the problem.

    A liberal sees a problem and will throw billions of dollars at it and then be surprised when the problem still exists.

    I am a conservative which means I think I can solve my own problems, I can support myself and I do know how to raise my children. It also means I am proud of my country and very proud of the young men and women in the military. I believe the USA is the best nation on earth (note I did not say we were perfect.). Do you see the difference?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From what I see, being a liberal means that you support all that is indecent in America.

    ...and if you want to check out this Q that I posted a week ago.

    HA HA!! Too funny. LMAO!

    EDIT: Right on KIM!! You hit the nail on the head with that answer. That WPB_LV_AV person is wacked out and suffers from brain damage.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe a liberal:

    1) Supports abortion

    2) Supports gay marriage

    3) Undermines the efforts of our military abroad

    4) Supports giving ILLEGAL aliens amnesty

    5) Supports giving SS benefits to illegal aliens while moaning and complaining that our own citizens are living too long and draining our Social Security system.

    6) Wants to remove God from everything visible to society.

    7) Wants to give comfort to terrorists

    8) Squawks about driving an SUV but does nothing to bolster alternative fuels.

    Sorry libs, I'm just being honest/

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To many of us, "Liberal" now represents a dirty word. I do believe that there are good liberals out there and they are those who belong to the Democrat party of 'yesterday', just like many of us Conservatives belong to the Republican party of 'yesterday'.

    It's the neolibs who scare us. Not the true Democrats.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Liberalism is embracing new and reasonable ideas. It is based on a love of learning, reading books, attending university, and almost never holding a notion or emotional response that can muddy the intellect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Before I even knew what "liberal" meant, I was five, in Bible school, and learning about Jesus. I admired him and wanted to be like him. That's why I identify as "liberal" today.

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