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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Jesus?Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus?????????????????????????????

My question is this .Jesus loves us a trillion zillion times more than we can comprehend.How can someone hate someone that sacrificed everything He had for all of us? I don't get it.

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "they know not what they do......"

    "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free"

    "I once once lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see", it's just like the Hymn we sing says,

    It IS only by His Amazing Grace that are eyes were opened and have been made free through Him, and now we are able to Love, only because HE Loved us first"

    A heart has to be "willing" first, the Father must draw them first, they are still His beloved.

    You have to "receive Love" to know it, for "God is Love" how can anyone give away what they don't have? For this is how you know the children of God, that they love one another. If you've never known or never received love and kindness from.anyone in your life and have only know hatred, pain and anger you whole life, from hate-filled parents who who covered you ridicule, hard blows and shame as a child, how could you recognize love and know what it is?

    They hate because they hurt.They hate and reject God's Gift because they felt abandoned and betrayed so the reject the very One who brought them into this world. Some even feel & believe they are worthless and undeserving, and believe it totally impossible for God to save them, they believe for them, they've failed and have fallen too far, They believe it is too late, so they reject God's plan of salvation even when it it offered to them. They carry around so much guilt and shame that they are filled with more & more hate. They hate themself, they hate they life,hate the world they're in, and the people in it, and they resent their Maker. In their mind, no one suffered more than they did, no one's endure as much pain as they did, no one has done the things that they have or gone through as much as they have, They've already made up their mind about God. They just simply believe that it is all too good for them.

    I have met several people over the years who were just like that, and they built up a wall so thick trying to protect themself they won't even accept God's Gift. Even when the way is made as easy as possible for them to believe & receive it, even when it was presented to them on a gold platter and handed to them and all they had to do was say "yes" and pick it up, they rejected it still. They totally accepted & already reasoned it out in their minds, that they are going to hell and nothing, not even Jesus can save them. Very sad, but that's what alot of people truly believe. The harder you try, the thicker they build the wall.

    That's why is is IMPERATIVE! that we as christians don't point out their faults and sins, and throw the Bible at them, telling them they are going to hell. That's not going to help them, quoting Scripture and condemning them only affirms what they already believe. They need to receive God's Love and Forgiveness in us! How else will they know it? If they never receive this in us, God's OWN children first?

    They need to be loved and accepted just as they are, just like God through His Son loved us and accepted us as we were when we were yet still sinners. Like the Hymn we sing, "Just as I am"†

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you don't believe, it really isn't that hard. Seriously, we Christians are unfortunately brainwashed from the get go. You are born, parents take you to church, and before you can talk, walk, and comprehend you have heard 100 sermons about God and Jesus. Take a step back and look at it from someone else's eyes. There is no proof of God, sometimes the Bible tells stories that never happened, many times our fellow Christians are only Christians when they feel it is applicable, and Christians have a bad rep with stuffing it down people's throats.

    You can't prove to people that there is a God and Jesus more than a man from scripture. The scripture was written by man in the book that you need to realize is a bit of a stretch. Your faith keeps you believing and loving, but the people you are referring to have no faith. And I can't blame them. People will ask God to give them the numbers to win the lottery. Why? Do you have a job? Did you go to college? Whatever it is that you can't afford why can't you afford it? IS it because you made bad decisions in life? Maybe it is best if you can't afford it to show others that the path you took was not the right path.

    My personal beliefs are that God does not intervene. I refuse to believe he would allow war if he did. I also can't believe he would allow a quarter of a million people to be killed by a tsunami if he believed in stopping such things. It couldnt' have been all those people's time to go. Heaven and Hell, I think people have the wrong idea. How can I enjoy someone's company with no body? I can't hug them, can't see them, hear them, etc. So why do I want to go to Heaven? I think it is a state of mind that you are in when you die. The satisfaction of knowing that you lived a good life.

  • Jesus is on the planet making preparations for the transformation that is underway - and - as we speak you can see the changes taking place. We are also meeting with World Leaders on important issues to the spirit. Jesus is looking out for you in this world and your spirit in the world that this one is changing into. So Rest assured you can sleep safety tonight. Yes - he has arrived.

  • Dan X
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't hate Jesus. I just don't believe he ever existed, and if he did he was not divine.

    I agree with some of what he is supposed to have said (for example, do to others what you would have them do--even though he wasn't the first to say that) and I disagree with other things he said (for example, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me..." MT 10:34-38).

    People love to pretend that all non-Christians hate Jesus because it helps their cause. Just like the "war on Christmas" and the concept of prayer being "banned" in schools, Christians get great political milage out of convincing people that they are some oppressed minority. America is a Christian theocracy where people do not believe in freedom of religion unless it is thier religion. Christianity in its purest form is opposed to peace and freedom.

    It's also not a fact that Jesus sacraficed everything for his us. That's what a book says. That book also says he didn't want to do it--his father made him and he reluctantly obeyed.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Name Jesus is all over the New Testament Bible while the name Jehovah does not exist in the NT. Stop looking at your Watchtower magazines and read the REAL Bible, not the false bible with that Jehovah name inserted all over the NT! Jesus is Lord!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep shining the Light of His Salvation in this dark world.

    "Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way the persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11-12

    Those in darkness do not want to see the light. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus with those who want to hear it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The real Jesus couldn't have cared less about you.

    His message to Judea was just that, and was never intended to be hijacked by Paul and spread to non-Jews.

    And Jesus died without ever knowing how perverted and distorted his message had become just a few generations after his death.

    I kind of feel sorry for the guy. But it's better that he didn't know.

  • 1 decade ago

    #1. Anger clouds the love of God. Can't you hear the venom in these answers! Darkness=sin. Light=righteousness. Throughout Romans and 1John we hear God explaining that those who walk in darkness can not please God. For the darkness has " blinded them. " It is hard, as well, for them to understand our faith because they don't have Jesus, as we do, who can remove those blinders so that they can see. That's why we can never stop telling about Jesus. They may not want to hear, but they need to hear because without Christ there is no hope!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes. He is on the way!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    They may not know about him, and many are raised to believe in other higher powers. I think you would have a hard time convincing a Muslim to believe like you do, or a Buddist, or whatever. Just be glad you have your faith.

  • No one hates Jesus, it's just that The Bible's own testimony of it being the word of God is not valid.

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