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Why did our forefathers only want educated owners of property and businesses to vote in election?

What happened first, the tax code and big government or the ammendment allowing everyone 18 and older to vote.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably because they new a democracy would be doomed when poor people found out they could vote tax dollars into their pockets through entitlements.

    It was a way to regulate the greedy and ignorant.

  • Sean
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because they wanted people that could understand the issues and had some economic stake in the country to make the decisions.

    I think it's ridiculous to say we don't trust 18-21 year olds to drink, but give them the vote. Have you talked to an 18 year old recently? Most (not all) of them are still mental children.

  • 1 decade ago

    CONTROL, MONEY, POWER. The Tax Code came first. Until after Vietnam, 21 was the voting age and the age of majority in most states. Because our soldiers were dying in Vietnam and were subject to draft, and because there were so many anti-war supporters and Kent State and other riots, Students wanted the right to have a say in their government. I don't remember the exact date.

  • It was thought that propert owners would be less dependent, and thereby less exposed to manipulation, from other people. It had nothing to do with supressing anyone. It was merely an attempt to prevent a powerful land owner from being able to intimidate those who worked for or lived with him; including his wife.

    Big government, than 18 year olds voting

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  • 1 decade ago

    Huh lets see the liberal indigenous war chiefs let gun powder/lead/steal/firewater chase them away or give up without a fight! NOT. July 1, 1971 was the date which changed voter age from 21 to 18. Richard M. Nixon signed the law! As to your question the greedy came to their senses trying to exclude all but the privileged, they knew it was wrong & went against the constitution as a whole.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they were business and property owners... They didn't want the poor and un-eduacated to be able to vote. Slaves and women for example. There also used to be a voting tax, thus keeping the poor and slaves from voting once again. Even after changing the voting age and alllowing woman to vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well that's essentially why we still have the electoral college. After reading some of the posts by some of these nutcases on here, I silently thank our forefathers for their foresight.

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