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Interesting blog from Gerry after the visit....?

Here is an excerpt...all sane, relevant and fair comments welcome. Let's just say that I find it quite in indicative of his priorities.......

Today has gone as well as we could possibly imagine.

We woke around 7.15am and got ourselves ready. There was a lovely continental breakfast prepared but both Kate and I ate very little due to nerves. We left the Embassy just after 9.00am and stopped en route to the Vatican, at Piazza Pia for a photo opportunity with St Peters in the distance. I made a very short statement regarding our forthcoming visit and expressed my gratitude to Francis Campbell, the British Ambassador to the Vatican, and his staff for making us feel as if we were part of their family.

We arrived in plenty of time for the Papal audience and were delighted to find we were seated in the ?Prima Fila?- the first row. Clarence, Francis and Monsingneur Charlie Burns, a colourful Glaswegian who teaches at the seminary and looks after the Ambassador?s spiritual well being were seated immediately behind us. It was extremely sunny and I have to admit that Kate and I were struggling somewhat with the heat in our dark suits but Francis rescued us with an umbrella and some water and following that some heavy cloud rolled in, cooling us down.

The atmosphere in St Peter?s square was almost carnival like with up to 35,000 people there to see the Pope. He did not disappoint, driving slowly around the crowd in his open jeep, waving cheerfully


Just to be fair, he does mention Madeleine later on in the blog...this is the first few I stated, it is an excerpt from the blog...but it is word for word how he starts off the blog...i.e. verbatim

Update 2:

No, Rosie, I'm not

Yes, I know you weren't referring to moi..

Update 3:

Toiletmoi: ''Positive and Focused'' - Yes. But positive and FOCUSED on what? Their missing daughter? Please read the above excerpt again...have you got an opinion on what he writes about and the manner in which his prose flows?

Update 4:

DeAnna: It is on

Update 5:


It was 'toiletmoi' who made the reference to staying positive and focused. My feeling is that the McCanns are directing their energies in a self-centred and egotistical manner. Madeleine should be the focal point of attention - not them!!

Update 6:

Toiletmoi: Thanks for the reply. Whilst I think we must agree to disagree, I respect your right to voice your opinion and am grateful that you do not resort to petty name calling and the OTT reactions so prevalent in many of the McCann 'supporters'. I think my stance is that Gerry is not merely being upbeat for his daughter's sake, he is displaying a rather inflated ego which he either already has, or is quickly developing.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is definitely the basis for the forthcoming book.

    I'm struggling to find words at the moment to describe how i feel about the two parents.

    many of us have commented on the lack of emotion displayed by Kate & Gerry, but yesterday i saw some emotion for the first time,

    When they met the Pope.

    After all that has gone before, cool, calm and icy, i was genuinely taken aback, even shocked, at their reaction to the Pope.

    Yes, i know that they are supposed to be Catholics,


    Pope = emotion

    Madeileine = nowt

    They really are the odd couple.

    I am not at all comfortable with their behaviour, and yet the media adulation goes on.

    I feel as if i am in a parralel universe. How much longer can this freak show, for that is what it has become. go on?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I find the whole 'Find Madeleine' thing very frsutrating. All they seem to do is spend donated money dashing all over the world and leaving their other 2 kiddies at home. They did that interview on Spanish TV, was it? They asked about them drugging the kids and all they could reply was 'I'm not even going to answer that question' and they did not respond in a way which I would in that same situation. I know everyone is different but I would have been shouting 'NO! How dare people think we would! We did not drug our children'. I mean, they left them on their own for crying out loud, any normal person wouldn't do that, why would we not think they had drugged them?!? Ah, now I've got that off my chest! I find the reading of the blogs quite disturbing, as though he's writing about a child which is not his, writing a book maybe, some kind of fiction. I know what I'd be doing if I'd lost my son, I'd be crying, every second of every day! I suppose they are trying to keep strong in the hope that something they do will help find her. I don't think they did it but I do think they are acting very strangely.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really dont like the McCanns, I feel terrible for the little girl because God knows what has happened to her.

    Im not even opinionating about them anymore because of the McCann lovers just rip us to pieces because we dont agree that u should leave ur kids alone while u have a meal, as mugs like us either take them with us or stay in the hotel room, reading a book or watching foreign tv. Personally I think that the normal thing to do would be not to want to let ur other children out of ur sight, but still they go to day care all day long and are left while they go to see the Pope.

    Fair play they are trying to get all the media coverege about her, so we dont forget but what about the other two? and please no more treating them like hereos because they certainly arent.

  • Good question to start the day, as Gerry might say.

    To any bulimics out there, go and read Gerry's Blog, this will provide you with a novel way to feel sick. These two extracts I found interesting:

    "We were sombre in contrast given that we were there to ask Benedict to pray for Madeleine, ****although I am sure others were also there to get blessings for their loved ones. **** "

    NO Gerry, they were all there for YOU!

    And this:

    "It felt as if time stood still for a moment when the Pope looked into our faces and there was almost instant recognition and a change in his expression."

    I bet. He was probably wondering how discreetly he could throw up in public faced with a callous automaton and an oppressed wifey.

    Oh, and Maddy gets a mention (I think) in there somewhere. Don't know who she is but apparently she has some connection with the TEAM McCanns TM, PLC, (Copyright 2007), Patent Applied For, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, (Registered in London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Morocco, New York, Paris, Dubai, Moscow, Cydonia (Face on MARS), Atlantis, Eldorado, The Lost CIty of The Incas, and sponsored by Lear Jets, Endemol, Bank of England, The Lottery (gotta be in it to lose it), Cartier, Portuguese Time Share Inc.,and by appointment to HM Queen Elizabeth II in association with Warner Brothers, MGM, and soon to be released, the Waddingtons-McCann-Monopoly (Special Edition)incorporating every nation on the planet as the properties, and instead of the car, iron, hat etc there will be cheque book, credit card, sovereign, diamond, gold bar and sick bucket.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wow yes they should stay positive and focused but how is telling the world you were in black suits and all the pope did a meer man who is the head of a religion have any relevance to this story. I think it is great that they want to be out there and keep it going because all to often after so many days the press moves on to something else but they are going about it the wrong way. I am going to say it over and over and over,,,,,they should be with the twins and let other family members do the press thing and keep the media going. And altough I cannot relate because I have never been in their situation and well never would be from leaving my kids alone for 3 hours...I cant imagine being able to get an early nights sleep or exercise just a few weeks after. My friends daughter died in a car accident this past winter and she is still not able to sleep well and it wasnt even her fault. She is still grieving 6 mos later. She is not locked in a house wearing all black and crying constantly but she still has trouble sleeping at night especially since she worries about her older daughter who is out there driving on the roads at night. I would be paranoid that these supposed kidnappers might be watching those twins waiting to snatch them up. I would not beable to let them out of my sight. At least they are using the daycare now however.

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I have seen and read of this cool and collected pair, they hardly ever mention their daughter. One 'press release' didn't mention her once other than in the context of the website address.

    I think there is more to this than meets the eye.

    They are to cool, calm and downright cold, they aren't speaking to their daughter of whoever may have her in the press conferences, or any of the many chances they get in front of the camera.

    I'm glad to hear they enjoyed their trip to the vatican. Wonder how the twins got on without them? Probably closer to normal for them, being looked after by nannies etc, than having their freakish parents around all day.

  • 1 decade ago

    "We left the Embassy just after 9.00am and stopped en route to the Vatican, at Piazza Pia for a photo opportunity with St Peters in the distance."

    Photo opportunity? You'd think they were more concerned about publicising their last pictures of Maddy than taking (even more) pictures of themselves!

    Also, no mention of their daughter in the extract... shame on them!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you had lost your daughter and thought she had been taken by paedophiles would you then give an account of an 'exciting' day out to meet the Pope? Would you be giving an account on the Web at all? I know I wouldn't - what is it with these parents? They are enjoying every minute of their publicity for their little egos - it stinks.

  • 1 decade ago

    This man is an ego on legs.

    I for one, an not interested in their breakfast, the trip, where they sat, who they spoke to etc. Did he forget why he was there?

    Having said that, it flowed very well, & he had obvious thought it out very well. I thought it was an interesting choice to use the word Carnival though.

    When this is over, will he be printing out the entire blog, sending it to publishers & writing a book or will he send it to prospective employers in the media?

    Source(s): my opinion only
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How many other missing children are there in the world?

    do they get the publicity.NO

    my wife´´s friends daughter went missing 10 years ago,she was 9 years old at the time

    still not been found

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