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Problems with Fiance's ex/child's father. How should I handle it? I'm ready to go to court?

I am currently engaged to an extremely nice lady. Unfortunately she has an ex that is the most pathetic loser I have ever seen. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but she has a 3 year old osn with him.

I have never seen someone treat anyone as horrible as he treats her. I have had enough of it. She has done everything she can to resolve every situation with him amicably. He apparently has no interest in this. I suggested that he three of us sit down and try to come up with somethng that works for everyone.

He also has no interest in this, his response being that this is none of my business. However, next summer I will no longer be the boyfriend/fiance and will be the husband. I would like to curb his immature demeaning behavior now! Should I force the issue with him now or wait until her and I are married and use my attorney to do so (no light weight). I will not stand by and watch the way he treats my fiance when she is respectful as can be. My patience is gone!


Just to clarify, I am in no way trying to interfere with the way their child is raised.

She has done an amazing job raising her son, although he has the child on the weekend and she has to spend the first day with him back trying to erase the habbits picked up every weekend.

My problem lies within the way he talks to her and the way he treats her.

As far as my testosteron, if that was truly getting in the way I woul dhave just kicked his *** 18 months ago, that isn't coming into play here. It's not as if they can just quit talking, they have a child to raise together.

I know this isn't easy for him, he has admitted that he is not over her, which is understandable to a point. I am trying to come up with a way that works for everyone, I need to get him to understand that. I don't want this idiot to be an enemy, that is in no way good for their child (who live with her and myself 5 days a week)

Update 2:

And yes, I have seen him treat her like **** with my own eyes. I have had to step in when he got out of line. I have sat next to her when he is screaming things like you little b***** or you f******* whore. This isn't some kind of exagerration. If someone treated my sister this way, they probably wouldn't be talking for a while. Being raised to treat women with absolute respect, this isn't something that I am willing to swallow. I see it as a sign of a loser, who IS jealous that his ex is much more succesful than he will ever be, and is dating someone who treats her well.

I guess this becomes much less of a legal question vs. a moral issue.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should cut all ties with him. Visitation can be done though a 3rd party and send the check in the mail.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand how you would feel like part of this is your business but to a degree I have to agree with hexelieb. I'm sure you're more than aware that he is the childs father and that's pretty much that. But what I'm hearing is that YOUR concern comes in when he treats your woman like crap. I completely understand that. This situation does effect you in that manner, however this is HER problem not yours. Even if you become the husband what right does that give you? This is a situation for the parents to handle, and SHE is the one who should file the complaint in court regarding visitation and at that time bring up the fact that he is being harrassed or verbally abused by this guy. I wonder if she can file a restraining order....worth looking into. I can give you this feedback because currently I'm going through a divorce and my husbands girlfriend always tries putting her two cents in about what I need to do to make things run smoothly etc....It's none of her business. She is in no way, shape or form involved in this except for the fact that she is my husbands girlfriend which means nothing. She is not my sons mother or any kind of legal guardian. My husband and I are not on speaking terms and when we talk we fight. This is something we are going to settle in court because we obviously can't settle issues between ourselves. That's what your fiancee needs to do. What is your lawyer going to do for you?

  • 1 decade ago

    I would see what the lawyer says first. But when you do marry her.....the manner in which he treats her is your business. And if he cares in any way what so ever for the child, he will treat his son's mother respectfully. She can also tell the x that she has had enough of him being disrespectful to her and that if he does not stop then she will seek other means. She can also tell him that from this point on she will record every conversation they have for future use....and she will need to record herself saying that to whether or not she will have to tell him every time she speaks to him, I have no clue. but this can be used against him should you have to go further with this issue. The 2 should get along for the sake of the the end the father will end up turning the child against him, because children hate to see their mom being treated badly. The x needs to grow up.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, he is correct. This is none of your business. If you persist in trying to insert yourself in the legal issues between your fiance and the ex, he can file a civil suit against you for interference with a parental relationship.

    Do you really want me to tell you how many third-parties have been removed from the courtroom or admonished by a judge for their placing themselves in a situation they are not a party to?

    And just for your education, even after you marry the woman it will still be none of your business and your legal exposure will be exactly the same.

    Marriage to the child's mother gives you absolutely no legal rights to any issue regarding the child.

    I would strongly suggest you check your testosterone at the gate and let your fiance/wife deal with this. Your cajones can lead to a situation whereby your fiance will have to answer to the court.


    If it's a moral issue then put a sock in it. You have a family now so act accordingly. You are a third-party and no matter what you feel, the issue is between the parents.

    ANYTHING you do at this time can be held against the child's mother as interference. If you don't believe me I'll put you in contact with a former client who lost custody of her children because of a similar issue.

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  • Ella
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Unless you guys can get him to sign over all parental rights, stop the child support, visitations, and so forth.........this guy will be in the picture for a very long time.

    In reality, it isn't your place to say anything. You may have the mother and child's interest at heart, but it's up to her and her lawyer to call the shots.

    The ex will probably be upset with her for another couple of years and then hopefully things will settle down and all of you can put your differences aside.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that you should wait till you are married with a stable home environment. Then talk to your wife & make sure that you both agree that his behaviour is no longer exceptable. Then go to the laywer & apply for full coustody. In the mean time, keep a journal of his behaviour with dates & times, to show the judge.

    Here's another thought. The ex is acting this way cause you are accomplishing something he couldn't. You have his girl, he prpbabbly sees his son getting comfortable with you. He's boiling over with jelousy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK first off if this loser isn't interested in keeping peace yes hire the lawyer. Then make him explain to the court why he feels the necessity to treat his ex so disrespectfully. When he says its none of your business i think you need to respond with anything to do with my fiance is my business and anything that is a part of her life is my business as well otherwise once you two are married it will drive a wedge between the two of you

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you seen him treat her bad with your own eyes and ears? My son's ex-girlfriend used to talk about how bad her ex treated her, and after they broke up, he came to the conclusion that she hadn't been honest about it.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to wait for marriage and then fight him in court.

  • 1 decade ago


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