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Legal action against T.B. man Andrew Speaker?

This man Andrew Speaker a lawyer from Atlanta knowingly boarded a transatlantic flight while he was a carrier for an extremely resistant strain of tuberculosis possibly infecting hundreds of people along the way and even flying back after the CDC called him in Rome and told him to report to the Italian health ministry, Yet I haven’t heard anyone talk about pressing charges against this fool. I’m sure this must be illegal? Depraved indifference for human life, violating a quarantine order by a federal official? Something? Any lawyers online that can think of something to charge this idiot with?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ironic, isn't it? He is a personal injury lawyer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I definitely feel that legal action should be taken against Andrew Speaker. If none is taken, what is going to prevent others in similar situations to take the extreme measures that Andrew did. I do not think that the ABC interview helped Andrew Speaker in any way. He kept repeating how the doctors stated that he was not contagious before his trip to Europe. So I can semi understand why he might decide to go ahead with the trip (I still disagree with his decision). Andrew says he doesn't know what changed that made the CDC decide that he should not come back to the USA on a commercial flight. What changed was that they discovered that he had a drug resistant strain of TB!

    I was also upset when it was mentioned that the CDC was planning to send a private jet for Andrew to come back to the USA. But the problem they had was coming up with $100,000 to pay for the jet. Andrew Speaker is a lawyer, he probably earns $100,000 in just a few months. I doubt that it would have been that difficult for Andrew to come up with the necessary funds, especially when he says how he felt his life was so in danger if he remained in Italy. $100,000 is probably pretty meager compared to how much he might lose if the passengers decide to sue him. Last but not least, why the heck did he feel like the CDC abandoned him? His father-in-law works for the organization. Does he truly think his father-in-law would have just sat back and done nothing to encourage the CDC to get his son-in-law back to the USA for treatment? This guy is truly unbelievable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a lawyer, but according to the reports I have read, there was no quarantine order by anyone in any official capacity - and therein lies the real problem. He was waiting for more extensive test results to find out exactly what strain of TB he had, and his doctor only told him "you might not want to travel right now, you might want to postpone your trip". That was it. Yes, of course he should have done it, but there was nothing that made him have to. He was already mid-way through his trip when he got the call from the doc about how bad it actually was. He only went under quarantine after arriving back in the U.S.

    Should he be prosecuted? I think so. Can he? Doubt it, under the circumstances.

    I don't want to blame the doctor for this man's idiocy, but he should have called the CDC the minute the guy said (supposedly) "that's unacceptable" when it was suggested that he not go on his trip.

  • 1 decade ago

    No lawyers are going to respond as this guy is only going to confirm that all attorneys are arrogant & think they are above the law. And he was a personal injury lawyer?! Can you say Cha-Ching!! He has no sympathy or regard for others that he as exposed to this disease.

    So they can easily trace the passengers on the plane. What about his being out & about while on his honeymoon as they have stated in the news that he is "tan". While he's getting tan, he's exposing those around him everywhere, restaurants, hotels, public places. This could be the start of an epidemic!

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  • 1 decade ago

    He was told that he has a deadly form of TB and should check himself into a hospital in Italy and not fly home. As soon as he made the decision to disobeyed the CDC than I feel he opened himself up to legal action.

    It is illegal for someone who knows that they have HIV/AIDS to hide this information and have unprotected sex.

    In both cases it involved someone hiding information and knowingly putting others at risk of contracting deadly diseases. I think he should be charged with the same thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I were a passenger on any of those planes, especially the plane flight he took from Prague to Montreal after he was already told the seriousness of his drug-resistant TB, I would sue him for actual damages of any medical tests that I would need to take over the next two years to make sure I didn't have TB or develop TB over that time period as well as seek punitive damages for the emotional distress that he caused.

    Considering he is a personal injury lawyer, all I can say is that Karma sure is a b*tch!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    There's a category of torts (civil law) that allows a person to file suit for intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress. And I imagine that anyone who tests postive for this strain of TB due to Mr. Speaker's actions has a claim for reimbursement of medical expenses as part of his/her suit.

    I really hate lawsuit abuse for frivolous claims, but I geniunely hope that every person he put at risk sues the pants off him. What a selfish jerk! All he had to do was stay put and let the CDC take care of getting him medical care. Too bad he can't be disbarred for ethical violations as well!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you, this guy's an idiot and putting other people's lives at risk. Heck, an even larger population could be at risk if it spreads somehow. He claims he swore he didn't know he was contagious... I don't believe this guy, after all, he's a bloodsucking lawyer. He needs to face legal consequences for putting people's lives at risk same thing for that idiot border patrol agent. It clearly said to detain Speaker when he checked his passport but yet he let him through? What does that say about our security?

  • 1 decade ago

    This guy should get jail time. He knew exactly what he was doing being a personal injury lawyer. He started a global scare a disreguarded the possible spread of infection to children and the elderly who are can die more easily from this. He should not only be sued by every person he came in contact with during his great honeymoon of death in europe, but he should be charged with a crime in every country he set foot in. If his name was Muhammed or Bin Laden he would do life with only what we know now. And god forbid i lost my son due to illness because of this self centered muthaf?c*er. Id put him down like a rabbid dog. FU Andrew Speaker

  • 1 decade ago

    His actions seem to be cost focused based on his current medical plan coverage and how American plans are treated abroad. Cash payment required for treatment abroad for typical USA medical plans.

    Source(s): Media coverage, KP medical Plan
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you dumb shits should wait before spewing unsupported accusations... what is wrong with the people in this country? Did you watch his interview? Are you really such unfeeling pieces of **** that you blindly call for his public castration? People make mistakes; he was told by his doctors that it wasn't contagious. He had to choose between making a semi risky flight home or dying in Italy. It's easy to point the finger when it's not you involved, but are you telling me you would sacrifice your own life in that situation. Bullshit.

    The people who should be sued are idiots like you guys who jump to conclusions and scream for blood every time someone makes a mistake and the media gets a hold of it. You people make me sick to be a fellow human being.

    Source(s): Your idiocy.
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