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  • Male BFF what to do in a wedding? (bride)?

    So my best friend in the whole wide world is getting married and she happens to be a girl and I happen to be a guy. We have been best friends for 13 years. So this week her Boyfriend proposed to her and they are getting married. I have seen men come and go and this one is a keeper, We both get along great he's a really nice guy. So she has never really had many friends that were girls, its been basically just the two of us. About 6 months ago she meet a girl at work and they started hanging out and its cool she is really nice also and we all get along great. So her Boyfriend calls me up 48 hours before he plans to ask her and I give him my blessings. Then two days later me my friend that's getting married (Bride) and her new girl friend meet up for dinner to discuss and chat about the proposal and the wedding. So she asks the new friend (female) to be her maid of honor, I have no issue with that..then she says that she wants me to be a usher. I of course acted gracious and honored but after thinking about it now I'm a little pissed off. Here is this girl who you have known for two years tops and she's your maid of honor and me who has been next to you through all the crap and drama is given the position of usher!!!!??? Honestly I didn't think I would have a problem with it until now! I feel left behind and thrown away. Ladies I'm i crazy or do I have a solid reason to be upset? I don't want to be the maid of honor but an usher??? I'm you freakin BF

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Texas state board of eduction to rewrite history, have we all gone mad?

    I just read this article and I almost fell out of my chair in utter shock. Have the Republican Neo Christian Fundamentalist lost their minds? Thomas Jefferson no longer included among writers influencing the nation’s intellectual origins, just to name one of many changes this group of small minded people want to make to history. Read this story and realize that this is the start of the systematic return to the dark ages for this nation. Its a sad day to be an American.

    4 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • What percentage of a companies income is generally used for wages ?

    Do major companies try to stick to a certain percentage when it comes to wages? What is the percentage?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • What is the gun that Bridget Fonda uses in Point of No Return?

    I know its a semi automatic, its in the box that she gets on her birthday.

    its the one in this poster

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • So was Eminem in on the 2009 MTV Bruno stunt?

    After Eminem's made fun of Moby in one of his songs then not being able to take Triumph The Insult Comic Dog jokes about him and storming off show. I wonder if this years stunt with Bruno was staged with him involved? If not thats way too funny. I lost all respect for Eminem when he showed he can dish it out but he can't take it. What a mommies boy!

    13 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Airman Timothy P. Davis killed in Afghanistan ???(IED)?

    What was an airman doing on the ground? I would think that the Air force would only be on a airbase in the air or on a aircraft carrier? Please someone with air force experience tell why he would be on the ground in a combat area? Something doesn't make sense here.

    15 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Lets see how Semper fidelis, our men & women truly are.?

    The military generally votes Republican, but this time Obama has won. If you scan yahoo answers you will see people still bashing Obama even thou they haven't given him a chance. Obama will soon be your new commander and chief, will you under take your oath to this nation and but aside your political views and respect your new C & C? or will your blind devotion to a withering political party over take your duty. Semper Fi

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • God Bless our union God bless our Nation, God bless Obama?

    Thank God that wisdom and logic has won over evil and repression, thank god that we have shed the darkness that is the Christian right! thank god that the wisdom of mankind has disposed of the false ideology of the evil, dark cruel disgusting ways of the false doctrine of the Evangelical, Mormon evil doctrine. God bless our new commander and chief god bless our new president GOD BLESS OBAMA!

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you think I'm over reacting? ?

    Well I just saw this news story out of Canada of all places. Its by far the most disturbing thing I ever read out of a politician outside of the middle east. Perhaps I was way to hasty in my view's about gun ownership. I fear history is about to repeat itself, It seems like we are in Germany in 1938 and the social and economic hardships will be blamed on a small group of individuals. I feel that even thou the audience in this forum found the speakers comments to be in poor taste the fact that he feels his religious convictions calls for this seemingly drastic measure is indicative of the over all sentiment that is brewing within the greater Christian community inside this country and outside as well. My political views are becoming more motivated by a sense on simple survival. I wonder if the Jews felt or even realized that their right to exist were being decided by how they voted, I wonder how many Jews actually supported the nationalist movement without realizing they were signing their own death warrants. Call me paranoid call me unrealistic either way I pray your right, one thing is clear I will not go gently into that good night.

  • Sarbanes-Oxley, have we created a monster?

    Sarbanes-Oxley was created in response to the Enron and Worldcom accounting scandal. The basic idea behind this act is to insure that companies have transparent and accurate financial information. However it seems that people have taken this regulation and have stretched its interpretation and meaning to the point of madness, even security protocol for non financial companies dealing with individuals that have no access or influence to financial records have now fallen under this act. Someone is making a lot of money on this, and its killing some small business Where do we get clear information as to how far this act needs to go?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Would you support CA prop 69?

    We who support the protection of marriage feel that proposition 8 doesn't really go far enough, so we plan on moving froward with a really strong proposition to protect marriage. Under proposition 69 any union between two people would require that a child be produced within the first 3 years of marriage, otherwise a yearly fine or a complete dissolve of the marriage would take place, after all the good lord has seen fit that the main purpose of marriage is to produce children. Also we would limit the scope of divorce removing the unrecognizable differences as a valid excuse for divorce, this would of course limit the amount of divorces for reason of economic gains, after all you did vow "for better or for worsts" and of course we would invoke a new set of laws under which to prosecute adulterers, if the 2nd party in a marriage can prove the infidelity of the other, we would impose a 10 year prison sentence and a fine of 10,000.00 to be paid to the victim of this breach of gods union. Together friends we can really strengthen marriage to insure that people marry for the appropriate reasons, which is clearly defined by the will of the high father. Thank you for your support, and god bless.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • McCain's promise no more earmarks, but according to some GOP representatives is a promise he can't keep?

    Is McCain making promises his own party won't back? it seems the more I read about the McCain and Palin ticket the more transparent it really is. Whats your take?


    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is this true about Sarah Palin? That she believes the earth is 10K years old? ?

    I just heard some guy say that Palin believes that the earth is only10 thousand years old? Is that true?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What happened to the Y2K people?

    Ok, so I'm dying to know what happened to those poor bastards that panicked about Y2K and mortgaged their houses and quit their jobs and built underground bunkers and spent all their savings on supplies for the end of the world. News stories would be great ;-)

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • What Happens if we don't save Freddie Mae and Mac?

    Why do we need to help save a company that made bad financial choices? Isn't this the most basic rule in capitalism? You sell a bad product and you will go out of business? Why are we suddenly worried about helping the foolish and the corrupt lenders that sold loans to people they knew couldn't afford the loan if the rate adjusted?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Ok I have a question I can get the Apple Iphone for 399.00 or the At&T Tilt for 299.00 which is better?

    Ok I like the iphone but I don't get a discount on it so its going to cost me 399.00, However I do get a discount on the AT&T Tilt from 449.00 I get it for 299.00 so 100.00 bucks less. Which will make my happier? I really like the full keyboard on the Tilt but I'm wondering if the iphone Wi-Fi is better than the Tilt? The Tilt does have something called 3G tech not sure what that does and if it's better than the Iphone.

    I appreciate the asisstance.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Accounting and Compliance question?

    I work for an ad agency and we hire talent and freelancers quite often. Lately it have come to my attention that we have a rather strange accounting practice when it comes to paying off our vendors and freelancers. The agreements we make with these companies and individuals state that we will be the ones paying them not our clients which we represent; however it seems to be corporate strategy and procedure not to pay off our vendors until our client pays us for the job we did for them. The problem comes in when we are invoiced by our vendor with in a couple of days after we use their services and often a job isn't completed for months sometime and everything is packaged together for billing when it comes to our clients. Our vendors call us after 30 days asking were their money is? We are told to stall them or ignore their demands citing that we won't pay them until we get paid. I'm not an expert but this can't be legal or legitimate accounting practices? Which Laws are we violating

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Legal action against T.B. man Andrew Speaker?

    This man Andrew Speaker a lawyer from Atlanta knowingly boarded a transatlantic flight while he was a carrier for an extremely resistant strain of tuberculosis possibly infecting hundreds of people along the way and even flying back after the CDC called him in Rome and told him to report to the Italian health ministry, Yet I haven’t heard anyone talk about pressing charges against this fool. I’m sure this must be illegal? Depraved indifference for human life, violating a quarantine order by a federal official? Something? Any lawyers online that can think of something to charge this idiot with?

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can the president declare war without congressional approval?

    I was reading the article in the news about how congress has warned the president that he doesn't have the authority to attack Iran, However I thought I read somewhere that the president can take action for I believe is 60 days until he need congressional approval. What seems strange is that once that door is open "WAR" I belive you need all parties to decide to end it. Anyone care to give insight?

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago