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Evolutionists: Please explain how the Honey Bee evolved?

Please explain how the Honey Bee evolved.

When it evolved it's thirst for nectar and pollen, did it's leg's pollen sacks evolve first, or the nectar proboscus?

Did it evolve it's ability to fly before it evolved the nectar Dance?

Did it evolve the complex navigation trigonometry after the Honey Dance, or before?

Did it evolve the ultraviolet sensing eyes before it evolved it's thirst for nectar?

Did the Honey Bee live in ant hills before it evolved to create hives?

Did it evolve the ability to make octagonal honey comb cells by experimentation with quadralateral cells first?

Did the Bee originally evolve it's colony societies around a democracy, or was the queen/worker/drone the first idea of the original hive?

Did the bee develop the hive cooling methods by trial and error before, or after deciding to live in trees?

How many committee meetings did it take to conclude that ALL Honey Bee colonies should have a queen and drone society? Is there a law?


Dear Baron Von Strudel: 1. they weren't "white", they were middle Asian, if anything. 2. All human genetics point to a common ancestor - Anthropologist have known this for a long time. The Evolutionary biologists come up with a different hypothesis than I do, but they do not deny a common ancestor; so your point is invalid.

Update 2:

J. : "Any Science Class" of the 1960s was giving out false information, which has been scientifically disproven for the succeeding 40 years.

One issue that "any science class" taught was that evolution could take place gradually. However there is a new scientific fact they did not address at that time: IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY (IC). What we now know is that there are complex mechanisms in even the basic cell, and/or single celled organisms, which are totally interdependant. If you remove one of the functions, the system CANNOT exist. Evolutionists skirt this issue in every discussion I have with them.

And your insults to my intelligence are just another way of skirting the issue without really evaluate it.

The honey bee must have the full suite of systems on board to function in it's role and is completely interdependant with the irreducibly complex reproductive biology of plants.

This is why we're all concerned about declining bee populations. No bees, no harvests. See?

Update 3:

Gaila, since there are so many Evolutionary Atheists on the site, who are using this as a forum to attack the newbie Christians on this section, I had no problem with discussing a creation perspective.

I am aware of the "theistic evolutionary" concepts. However, I do not agree with them. Accepting evolution is a matter of faith. You need more of it to accept the premise of evolution than to believe in a creator. I am aware that the 6 day premise makes us ask many questions, but those questions are not insurmountable when you consider the full plethora of science now available. On the other hand, there is NO UNIFYING THEORY in evolution. ANY ONE WORTH HIS SALT IN THE FIELD WILL TELL YOU SO. So, without a unifying theory (a+b = b+c, so = c+a) there is no point in people blindly accepting it as utter fact. Yet they do and are on here regularly trying to argue evolution from an absolute factual perspective that does not exist.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check this to see how the Bible and evolution are not really at odds with each other:

    It's important to go on to 7 and 8 htm where the discussion moves up a gear or two.

  • heesch
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    >Can an evolutionist clarify to me why human beings have not developed previous our modern-day state? You advise different than on the grounds that's what the be conscious 'modern-day' definitely means with the aid of DEFINITION? it incredibly is nearly like asking why it is not the next day yet. it incredibly is our modern-day state because of the fact we've not yet developed previous it. If we had developed into yet another state, then THAT state could be our modern-day state. merely as the next day would be at present as quickly because it arrives. >An evolutionist claims that we as quickly as developed from monkeys incorrect. Evolutionists purely declare that cutting-part human beings and cutting-part monkeys the two developed from a undemanding ancestor, which will or won't have resembled cutting-part monkeys. it is not like monkeys have 'stopped evolving' or something, they have been under decision rigidity for the previous few million years merely as our ancestors have.

  • 5 years ago

    All the human minds that ever existed combined cannot produce honey bees. Computers are infinitely inferior to honey bees. They require electricity, constant care and repair. Leave them alone for 1,000 years and, unlike honey bees, they will be extinct as a functioning entity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution is complex and takes long periods of time and many failed mutations to come up with the complexity of life we have today.

    You ask this question in religion I assume it is for religious reasons.

    Know that there are also many species that have failed. There are even body parts with little or no reaming values such as the appendix, or tonsils.

    Try now to think of God as bigger and more complex than you originally conceptualized him. Can you see the possibility that the creator set all things in motion. The evolutionary processes that eventually produced a being that is conscious of it's creator?

    Do you think God would try to trick us by planting a false history we could uncover with science or do you think God allows us to learn more of his nature and complexity from science?

    Source(s): Sorry, I believe My thoughts are a bit more scattered that usual tonight. I hope this helps give a fresh perspective.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Humans have intelligence that surpasses anything else living on this planet. The answers to your questions are probably less complicated than you'd think. Even as smart as we are, we are run by instinct. It is how and why we procreate, how we socialize, etc. Bees have instinct too, but without all the intelligence and higher brain power we have.

    Evolution explains the how, and the why to some extent but some questions just are not answerable. The one thing that everything living does on this earth is work to procreate, to extend our generations across time. Why are we bound to do this? Maybe that's just the way things are.

    Kind of off topic, but humans are given their higher brain function for the very likely reason because of all the living things on the earth, we are the only ones capable of truly defending ourselves, and other species as well. Maybe we're here evolutionary speaking to make sure life goes on. You could just go off on this kind of philosophical stuff couldnt you?

  • 1 decade ago

    20 million years ago there were roaches, spiders and dragonflies, but NO BEES! Where do you suppose they came from? The Bible tells us that after the initial Creation, God "rested", that is, stopped creating, so I assume He didn't start creating again later? So where did all the new species come from? Where did mammals come from? There were none at the time of the dinosaurs. Where did vertebrates come from? We know there were many millions of years when the only animals on earth were marine invertebrates. Etc. Etc.

    Here's a little basic information so you at least have some general idea what you are talking about ...


  • 1 decade ago

    This is one of those subjects that stump evolutionists in their religion. They really can't answer your questions without really sounding totally absurd. The unproven theory of evolution takes more faith than it does to believe in God the Father and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ actually came to us and was witnessed by many people while no person has been a witness to evolution in progress. They can't prove in the absolute, because of the missing and inconsistant data as well as the doctored data. It is a waste of time trying to argue, or discuss the issue and just carry on in your faith my friend.

    God bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have enough ignorance and blind faith to believe in evolution; but I'll answer anyway. It's very simple: It couldn't and didn't evolve! God made each creature according to its kind.

    Hey, "baronvonstrudel": Who said they were white? They had the genes for all the "races" - just check out what percentage of DNA is common to *all* humans!

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you lost? You're asking a complicated scientific question, you might want to try the Biology section.

    This answers some of your questions:

  • J.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Before we talk about the birds and the bees, you need to review the facts that the scientific theory of evolution explains.

    Tell me the facts, tell me how the theory doesn't explain the facts, and the we can talk about the birds and the bees.

    Answer: It appears that you have not studied the facts that the theory explains.

    Source(s): Any science class.
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