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Home Sellers: When listing your home, did an open house help?

I know every market is different, but did you really get more offers after an open house?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely, you want to attract the "lookers" most of them are thinking about buying a house....some not right now but that one couple that comes to your open house may decide they are ready to buy, maybe not yours but ready. A lot of ppl don't want to have a realtor show them the house. I for one don't need someone telling me how spacious the cabinets are, I would rather just go in the house and look around myself. It's like buying a car, you want to go look at some that have sparked interest to you, your not interested in the salesman telling you that if you buy today you get the free steak knives. And the best news is you don't have to do anything to have an open house, a simple sign two weeks before, a clean house and kids at the grandparents. Oh yeah, lock up the slobbering dog somewhere. Good luck!

    Source(s): I've sold 4 houses without a realtor and all of them were sold to someone "just looking"
  • 1 decade ago

    I find that most people that come through open houses are just either bored neighbors, or bored lookers that happened by. If a buyer is serious, they will have already taken the steps to talk to a mortgage lender and hire a real estate agent to help them in their home search. You may have some success if your house is in the "first time homebuyers" price range, but anything other than that is just a waste of everyone's time. Besides, with the internet and virtual tours, buyers are able to see much of what they need to online, thus eliminating the need for an open house. But, that's just my experience in my market, and may not be (and probably is not) the same everywhere. Good luck with the sale of your home!

    Source(s): Maryland real estate agent 7+ years.
  • 1 decade ago

    When we sold our home in Connecticut (USA), yes, having an open house made a difference. We got each of our offers after having an open house, and the people who ultimately bought the house attended an open house first.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a realtor, I recomend that you do try to sell yourself first. For the most part, open houses are on Sundays, but I have found that having it on Saturdays will get you more people who are willing to buy. It can't hurt! Anything that markets your house to the world is a good idea!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not big on open houses. They seem to attract lookers but not buyers.

    The main thing is to have a realtor open house...Make sure that every realtor working in your area knows about your house. That's the way to get quick offers.

    Source(s): 20 years in business.
  • Deb S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Most definitely. I had it listed for awhile with no offers. After the Open House it sold that day.

  • godged
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some houses need to have people walk through them, they don't photograph well or have lots of nice features that need to be seen to be appreciated.

    Sometimes the only people that come through my open houses are the neighbors, professional house shoppers or people trying to get remodel ideas for their house.

    Will it bring you offers? You won't know if you don't try.

    Source(s): Oregon Realtor
  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely! Here in NYC, because of so much street traffic, an open house brings in many people. MLS is good too. More people and more offers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Realtor. I seldom do open houses. I do them from time to time - TO PICK UP BUYERS. Not to sell that house.

    Open houses DO work. To pick up buyers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, if it is clean and staged properly.

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