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Why do people?

Think that Global Warming is fake? It's a real problem. Here's my opinion.

Most of the people on here are in the middle to the end of their lives, you guys got to live how you wanted, and it destroyed Earth. My birthday is Tuesday and I'll just be turning 16. In the movie Inconvinent Truth (I don't care if you are a fan of Gore or not) He stated we only have 10 years to reverse our effects, or basically we're screwed. Doesn't that scare you? It terrifies me. 26 years old and living in a world where birth defects thanks to the enviroment are out of control and the weather conditions are going crazy and animals are dying. That doesn't sound fun to me. Even if global warming was fake that doesn't scare you into fixing the problem!? People are scared of UFOs and Bigfoot and you see people looking for them trying to show them we're good people and that we don't want to hurt them so they don't hurt us, and we know thats fake but we still do it. So why do you think Global warming is fake?


inconvenient truth* sorry i think i spelled it wrong.

Update 2:

bfwh218: I don't drive yet. I don't drink pop and as part of my help to go green I use one plastic water bottle a week. I recycle too. I don't eat meat either I've been vegetarian for one week. And I didn't just blame your age group. I meant baby boomers times.

Update 3:

misterpeasea, do you buy life insurance JUST IN CASE? Fire insurance, weather insurance, car insurance? Going green is a way to insure we, I have a future, a healthy, long, good future. Something we all want.

crknapp79: I've never heard something so stupid in my life. HURRICANE KATRINA! And Co2 is the main cause of global warming, not the sun. Just because it's called global warming doesn't mean its all heat. Snow and rain is going where it shouldn't, and messing up the natural flow of the earth.

And just because I'm 16 doesn't make me some stupid little girl. I'm a senior in high school, and I should be caring about school and college and all that and I have to worry that the world is falling apart underneath my feet. I'm not telling you what to do I'm asking you why you don't believe whats true.

Update 4:

I'd rather be scared into what could happen (like with not eating vegetables. You don't eat, you go hungry. You go hungry, you get sick. You get sick, you die. Of course it's more detailed but it can happen.) Rather than not know or pretend it's not real (i.e. Sickness is not real therefore i won't die. Or in this case, global warming is all a bunch of BS and the earth is just fine, I'm only going to live to be 70something anyway) The tell us in school, you have sex and you COULD get pregnant, so isn't that putting the fear of teenage pregnancy in us so in result we don't have sex? Okay well we are polluting the world and that could result in drastic problems that we cannot fix in the near future. There I put the fear in you. And quit making it seem like I don't do my part to be green, thats what I do now a days. I inform my friends, family, and myself on this issue.

Update 5:

Gary: First don't call me sweetheart, thats creepy and I don't like it. Second, the world is not fine if the temp isn't consistant with history and seasons. Seasons werre predictable, but the aren't anymore. Global warming didn't start in 1700, Give me a hard written fact that it did. 300 years left? Left to what, till the problem is unable to be fixed? The end of the world? Sorry kid you don't know when the end of the world is. It's predicted that 10 years are left until we cannot fix the quality of life to reduce Global Warming. Al Gore is presenting this, as are scientists, and causing a panic so we'll react! Duh! Paris Hilton is trying to cause panic with the illness and how she reacts to everything so we'll react and we are. And if you think Global Warming is fake, and like people are saying it is, WHY WOULD YAHOO! PUSH GOING GREEN?!

(said in a more, you're crazy tone of voice, not yelling)

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been surprised again and again with how many nay-sayers there are talking about how global warming is fake. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of people didn't really focus on it at all a few years ago. It almost seemed like it just sprung up out of nowhere, as all of a sudden, more and more people have been becoming more aware of the effects of global warming and are starting to take actions to try to fight against it. I think people that are talking about it being fake are kind of feeling like all of the "believers" are just kind of jumping on the bandwagon of the "Global Warming Brigade" and running after Al Gore.

    I've got to say that as annoying as all of these people are who are constantly talking about doubting global warming, I think things are definitely improving. More and more people are becoming aware and taking steps, be they small or life-changing, now that they are hearing more about global warming. While this might bring out even more of the negative people, it will also bring more people interested in trying to help. I've wondered if a lot of people are just "jumping on the global warming bandwagon", but I don't really care if they are, so long as they are still making efforts in the right direction to try to help (or hurt less).

    I also believe that a lot of people are starting to make changes that are not sure whether global warming is the problem that it's been made out to be, but they are seeing the destruction that we've caused to the environment and want to stop that. Whatever people's reasons, we all need to just try to do our part and talk to others. I feel obligated to talk to people about recycling more (when I go through my friends' trash at their houses, haha, seriously), biking more (I was really pushing on Ride Your Bike To Work Day a few weeks ago), and just doing little things like switching to CFL's. All you can do is try to make a change and hope that if you can influence someone, so can that person you've affected.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lets get something straight; the earth is fine, different? YES changing? YES. But not in any danger.

    The Earth constantly changes.

    OK sweetheart the plan was that your generation live better than ours and it can.

    You can afford computers, Ipods, Mobile phones etc.

    These things didn't exist when we were young. Sure we lived better than the prewar and war generation.

    WE expect the same for you and we will deliver.

    WE cleaned up on pollution, the world is a much cleaner place to live in even though there are billions more people.

    We improved crop production so millions fewer live near to starvation. WE leave you much more to do on that.

    The difference is that we just don't accept the word of some ratbag or con artist. We have seen people like Al Gore come and go.

    We have studied records from the past and we know that GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL it has been measured since 1700.

    Because we have been around awhile we expect to find vested interests on BOTH sides of this argument so we find NO good reason to simply accept the conclusions of the IPCC about CO2 being the sole cause of Global Warming.

    CO2 didn't rise until after 1940; that's 240 years after Global Warming began.

    WE do not accept the Greenhouse Theory for Global Warming simply because it CAN NOTexplain what was observed before 1940. Gore will not mention these things.

    If they can be so wrong about the cause how can they possibly know about a solution.

    WE do expect that you will continue to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels because there are only about 300 years left.

    WE also expect that you will concern yourselves with the poor of the World.

    The worst crime committed by these guys is that they are needlessly scaring young people like yourself.

    I have taught Biology and Science generally to four generations of kids I have never seen such unnecessary despair on the faces of our youth.

    The precautionary principle doesn't apply here, the damage in human terms of reducing emissions far outweighs any possible benefits.

    Whenever someone tries to panic you, become suspicious; it usually means that a simply presentation of all the facts will not suit their needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's something for you to think about. Last year, in America, due to Global Warming we were suppose to have the worst Hurricane season in history, but not one storm hit the coast anywhere, not one. This horrible season was suppose to be due to Global Warming. It didn't happen. And, in all the talk about Global Warming, the one main cause is never mentioned. The Sun. The SUN. You know, where the heat comes from.

    Here's a few more things for you to think about.

    We know there's a hole in the O-Zone, we don't know how long it's been there, we just discovered it in the 80s, and we presume that we caused it, however, I don't think so.

    Now, think about this-this is something you can do.

    Take a ballon, blow it up, keep adding air to it-eventually it will pop. However, if you put a piece of tape over it, and put a hole in it (where the tape is) and keep adding air, it will not pop-so long as the air increase is equal to the out flow. With this massive hole in the o-zone, how much CO2 do you think is leaving the earth?

    Also, how is it that CO2 can trap the heat bouncing off the earth, but not stop it from getting in? In the 1950s scientist were convinced that the industral revolution, with all the factories and steam trains, was going to cause another Ice Age because of CO2 blocking heat from the sun.

    What's really sad is you're exposed to one side of the story, but not the other. Anytime you really want to know about it, ask, and I'll be happy to tell all I know-which would take slightly longer than Al Gore's cartoon movie.

    Oh, one other thought. Do you know what Solid CO2 is?

    Dry Ice, very very cold.

    Did you also know that at one point in time Greenland, was really Green.

  • 3DM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry that you have been so terrorized by the stories.

    How many young people do you think there are that might feel it's too late or too out of our control, that they do nothing for the environment?

    What would you do if tomorrow you found out that the world was cooling? That serious misinterpretations and incorrect predictions were made in the scientific community? Would you then be wasting energy and resources like there was no tomorrow? Our actions should be made based upon the logical merits of those actions, not on the fear of consequences.

    You should not steal because you're afraid of being caught.

    You should not kill because you're afraid of execution.

    You should not waste energy and resources because you're afraid of global warming.

    When I was young, if I didn't want to eat my peas or other vegetables, my Mom might say something like, "every time you don't eat your peas, a child goes hungry in Africa." Well, it was not like children were going hungry from not getting my peas or that my Mom was going to send them to Africa (spreading world peas?), but that was a little exaggeration that was used because I was too young to understand the importance of not wasting. At least she didn't threaten me with physical harm, or scare me into thinking that not eating my veggies was going to kill me. But that is what many alarmists are doing by scaring you with the consequences of global warming.

    As you get older, you will find out the fundamental scientific shortcomings of the claims of man-made global warming. Chief among them are the sureness of their findings' validity and the reliability of their predictions. Valid science doesn't make these types of bold claims - one of the reasons you won't see a bold refute of those claims.

    Either way, relax. Do what you can to conserve the environment. Inspire others to act the same. Know that everyone of us has a limited ability to affect change, and that scaring someone in order to make them do the right thing is usually not the most productive tactic in the long run.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hell Im scared of that too Im just 21! I say who REALLY knows if its too late or not, People are twisting and turning the global warming theory the way they want it to be. ONE thing for sure that EVERYONE knows is SOMETHING is wrong with this planet, melting glaciers, terrible storms, diseases coming back that havent been around for 50 years or more, wildlife dying, HOT weather, no snow, not that much cold weather...Yeah something is happening and its going to kill us all! The problem is NOT enough people care, People have the wrong idea about how its fake when it really isnt, they think politicans are just using it in their evil agendas. Well the problem CAN be fixed but NOT enough people care or they are in denial about it. There are millions of dollar awards out there for anyone or group who can come up with a solution to the problem. Branson that Virigin Mobile phone guy has a $25 million dollar award and someone else does too I cant remember who though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, America is one of the biggest abusers of the environment and we rape and pillage the rest of the earth through exploitation of cheap labor in other countries, etc.

    It is precisely right to call it an "inconvenient" truth. People don't want to bother with conserving or driving a more fuel efficient car. They don't care that what they waste in a year could feed another family in some other country for that same year. Americans think they are above it all somehow. We are energy hogs and it will kill us in the end.

    Also-- I think we are on the road to hell, but it's not going to happen in 10 years. When I was your age, the scare tactic was nuclear bombs and nuclear energy. There was a movie called "The Day After" or something like that about living life after a nuclear holocaust and the effects. It scared the crap out of me. Each generation gets a new scare tactic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow....I am 50 and let me explain a little bit about my generation versus yours before you go placing fault:

    We rarely drank pop, and when we did it was out of glass bottles that were 'recycled' long before anyone used the word or had the concept of 'recycle'.

    The production back then for pop, milk and beer was to return the bottle for your 'deposit' so that they could be refilled. At 16, you've probably drank more pop and water out of disposable bottles than I've done in my lifetime; plastic being one of the longest things to deteriorate.

    We were a one-car family, with us walking to school and mom walking to the store or we rode out bikes. Now every kid who turns 16 feels the need to have a car.

    We grew up with ONE TV. And we didn't have cable that ran 24/7. So after Johnny Carson, everyone turned off the ONE TV they had in their home.

    How many homes have just one TV now? And how about computers? Think of how much energy we're using now compared to when I was your age.......oh, and we used typewriters, only a handful of families had 'electric' ones.

    My younger brother was clothed in clothe diapers. My mother didn't contribute ONE disposable diaper to a landfill. Can you say the same about how you grew up?

    Homes are being built bigger and bigger. The concept of a family of four living in a 2 bedroom one bath house is unheard of now, although common when I was 16. How much energy is being generated to heat and cool all those unused square feet?

    There are less birth defects than ever, thanks to the generations that formed the polio vaccine let alone vaccines against meningitis, tetanus, chickenpox...

    I never had children, and am glad I didn't because I AM concerned about what the next couple generations will have to deal with. I don't feel my generation is to fault. Anyone who uses energy or drives a car is a contributor. Unfortunately, facts were hidden by some, ignored by other, and continues as such. It's kind of like no one was concerned about terriorists until 9/11. It's like closing the barn door once the horse has run out....

    I don't eat meat due to the barbaric way our 'meat' is raised and the conditions they're raised in. (Food poisioning during my generations heyday was unheard of.) Man's greed for mass production has laid new ground for germs and virus' to breed.

    I take canvas totes to shop with instead of using a stores' plastic or paper. I STILL haven't seen anyone else in my area doing the same. I still don't have central air, but just one window air conditioner so I pretty much live in my bedroom during the summer. I STILL ride my bike to the store in nice weather. I've bought the DVD (even though I don't have a DVD player) Inconvinent Truth and have passed it out to people to watch.

    I lobby hard for greener living and have been doing so for a while now. I even plant fruit trees in the woods for food for wildlife, or pines for the woods! Sometimes I wonder why, because the 'younger' generation is likely to clear the land to put up some condos or another McDonald's. God forbid there isn't a fast food restaurant every other mile.

    I DON'T think Global Warming is fake; I DO feel it's a real problem. And I resent you blaming those that are middle aged, or the people at the end of their lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're 16 and you think you know better than us adults? Hm.

    The Earth is not destroyed. Look around.

    Just because Al Gore says something in a movie doesn't make it true. And he's been saying we'll be doomed in another 10 years for about 30 years. We aren't doomed yet.

    Look. Little green men COULD come here in a month and enslave us all.

    Shouldn't we DO SOMETHING about the possibility?

    Do you really want to waste millions and trillions of dollars, consign millions of people to poverty, and restrict your own life choices for a hoax, just in case?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    it is called comfort. To start paying attention to the "Global Warming" phenomenon would mean to most of us using candles, no longer long warm showers, let alone cars, tvs, topoftheline kitchen appliances, alarms, automatic sprinklers, automatic this automatic that,...blahblahblah. all of this, young kara, is tough to leave behind when you have been used to it your entire life. But you are the one who is right. absolutely. i don't intend to live a long life to begin with. but for the kids in the family and the ones that will come after, yes, i do worry and not only about the environment. I don't know if you are aware but the 2007 G8 summit just ended and nothing has been actually materialized. As usual. For those of you who don't know: G8 summits are yearly conferences where top industrialized countries meet to talk just about that: issues mentioned here. Instead, we are too busy making wars and speaking about Paris.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sadly you have been sucked in by Al Gore's "Convenient Lie." Most of the people on here actually seem to be younger than their middle ages, as you have just shown yourself, and I myself am 24.

    Al Gore doesn't know what is going to happen in 10 years let alone tomorrow. We do know some things about climate change but any predictions of the future are just that: Predictions they may or may not come true.

    Global warming is nothing to worry about or lose any sleep over. When I was in school they tried to scare us with the coming "population bomb"

    The best thing you can do is learn about science, learn what is fact and what is a prediction, and then try to decide the best you can what will really happen.

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