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Are you willing to get past the word "heaven" and address the concept?

I have read a number of questions/answers that include heaven in them- the latest from a woman who posed an excellent question-what are you willing to do to create heaven on earth. Why all the crazy reactions? go with it as a concept of what it is that you truly would love your life to be.

Here's a heaven day to me; wake up to sunshire and birds, excellent coffee, a little meditating under the oaks. Work on my art, lunch of fresh food grown locally, walk on the beach, see some dolphins, have a laugh with some friends. Talk to my son, tell him I love him, have a laugh. Walk my dogs, have a friendly chat with my neighbour, listen intently while she talks about some issues she has, she walks away a little happier that someone listened. Cook a great dinner with a perfect California wine, enjoy with loved one sitting outside, laughing and flirting. Light some candles, and the night is still young.....

did you create heaven or hell for yourself and those around you today? it is a choice


to Mikld; Pollyanna?

honey, I have worked since I was 14. Have worked every day since,still am. And now I have worked to get to a place where I do the work I love, and get really well paid for it. Sorry you aren't there yet, but the point is try!

Update 2:

to Expertless: indeed, the down side is tough-really tough. I have personally experienced every single one of the things you listed, as well as others (although the murder was a loved one, obviously not me). We all have grief, challenges, agony. I haven't escaped it- I just am doing the best I can to focus on what I DO want.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wonderful explanation. I congratulate got it!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think we all have to do our utmost to live as you described, and many days we can. The down side is on this side of the real heaven we have death, sickness, murder, violence, rape, robbery, on and on. I know we have to go on as if it's not there, but it is and it's always a dark cloud over us and our loved ones. I wish it weren't so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heaven or having happy lives here can not be more satisfying that real heaven. YOur example is just having a happy life. Heaven is holy where you would have no troubles, or any disturbances. Peace

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in a god of unconditional love that created our souls with free will (not humans) in his likeness. many souls could not bear to leave fathers side for the loss of love. many souls went out and returned to share their adventures. Some souls rebeled wanted to be a god themselves. This place (earth system) WAS CREATED FOR THE SOUL TO MAKE ITS FINAL CHOICE. Do they really want to be a "little God and live in dominion=lordship over others. or return to father of love/fellowship/joy/sharing/ab... bliss.

    What if heaven and hell are exactly the same except for one difference? What ever you picture in your head heaven to be, imagine hell to be the same except for one difference. Everything you can do in heaven you can do in hell except for one difference. The difference is love or dominion. If you choose love you are in heaven, you are sharing love/joy/fellowship, absolute bliss in all you do.

    If you choose dominion you are in hell, everyone will be dominion bent, acting without regard to anything but personal pleasure, personal gain, exercising power over others. Everyman for himself in all that is done. Everything else is the same.

    Now which path do/will you choose? LOVE or DOMINION

    P.S. Doesn't hell feel a lot like earth?

    P.S. S. If you choose dominion click on exit, there is nothing here for you.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some of us have to work for a living.

    Does Pollyanna mean anything to you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for me heaven doesnt involve coffee or

    yes hubby feels loved and wanted and hes off to sing karoke

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice way to interpret it.

  • Me
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Heart-warming. Thanks.

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