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Hello, and namaste. I am here in spirit, quietly thinking of ways to cause you laugh, inspire you to ponder, add to your quest, broaden your vision - and so my own.

  • The veils between the worlds are thinning; how does that feel for you?

    There is great change afoot;the gates are unlocked, the windows and doors of the mind and heart are opening..... what are you experiencing that is surprising and heartening for you? In the midst of the current massive deconstruction, what is your own personal simultaneous creation of the 'new you' looking like? Are you feeling it? Do you ask for what it is you DO want for yourself and others everyday? Out loud? And are you having fun in this creator space of limitless possibilities......???

    With much love to my beloved family here on YA, peace and great abundance to your respective worlds!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do we break through to our own radiance, individually, collectively?

    "We do not need more knowledge, but more wisdom.....

    wisdom comes from our own attention....."


    to what ?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • "Life lives on life.....we all eat and are eaten spiritually...." ~ what do you think of this wisdom?

    "When we forget this, we cry;

    when we remember this, we can nourish one another."

    this is the wisdom of the Buddha, but I wonder if there aren't similar concepts in other spiritual seems to be a broad truth to me, what of you?

    How do you experience nourishing others?

    Is the experience selfless, do you benifit from it?

    Do they notice your gift?


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in the power of focused intent?

    We here in the west are beginning to understand the simple and pure power of intent, of focus in our lives as progressive spiritual beings.

    No matter the reference of background, we are now receiving the proof so many minds require in order to put into practice making conscious choices.

    Here is a link to Dr. Emoto, who has shown repeatedly the power of intent upon the literal structure of water.

    In that the human body is roughly 50 to 65 % water (45 quarts), what bearing do you then think that your firmly held beliefs have upon your health, your experience of your life, when something this simple and basic within each of us is being effected every moment?

    Is it worth at least careful consideraton of your spoken words?

    thoughts, considerations?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is Self-Illuminating Wisdom for you?

    It is said that all of the knowledge attained through the body of the now realized Enlightened self, can then be expressed through the body.

    All bodily movements

    Fashioned spontaneously from enlightened mind

    Pure in essence,

    Become sacred gestures.

    Whatever is spoken is sacred speech....

    Activities that are graceful, heroic, terrifying,

    Compassionate, furious, and peaceful ~

    And passion, anger, pride, greed, envy ~

    All these things without exception

    Are the perfected forms

    Of pure, self~illuminating wisdom...........

    A being of pure mind can engage in any activity, and that activity will be pure.

    Is it possible for you to recognize your own purity, act from within it?

    How do you feel within this?


    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is it that knocks on the door to your heart?

    Large and widely cognized shifts abounding......

    cosmic yearning, longing for Home, reaching for compassion deep within......

    what is that sound? who is it that seeks to enter? will the door swing outward if you open it, or will it swing within.....

    is it Someone else ?

    is it You, have you been inside all along, and the knocking was to remind you it is time to remember, to open, to receive and to be received.....

    if you open the door to your Home, will you walk through the door of your heart?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What might the mirror of the ego look like for you?

    When the adept becomes the master, there is no attachment and all things of the world can be enjoyed, tasted with no conflict. The mind is even, and can percieve their true nature....

    The ego is not involved, there is no mirror that the dust can settle upon...

    which is not to say there is no ego (a useful tool), it is to simply say, it is not engaged....

    what of your ego? Is it your friend, supporting your efforts and intent? Affirming your charactor?

    Or does it run you, cause disharmony, demand regular and ever more frequent feedings......

    what to do, what to do......???

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What of moving from form to spirit and back again to form?

    We look alot at moving ourselves into spirit, knowing and tasting and touching ourselves there (lol)

    What of knowing Self as Spirit, and drawing Spirit here?

    Could you walk yourself as Spirit here?

    Is your house clean enough, is your heart clear enough?

    who is it that would judge???

    Would you need 5 more minutes to get it right, and then 5 more, and just a few more....

    or could you bow your head and offer up all that you are, as you stand, no do-overs.....

    what do you think this position would create for you?

    How would you walk yourself as Spirit incarnate, conscious that you are Spirit, not veiled......

    please tell me what you know of this, what you would like to know

    and how can you get there from here, I wonder......

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • HELP!!! just lost an looong email message, can it be recovered?

    Had to re-log back in, had two email accnt. windows open and session expired. When I logged back in, the message I had been working on for 2 hours was gone, and there were no ooptions to save as a draft before I logged back in. This is the worst system flaw ever!!! Can my message be recovered??? Please help me...

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • What do you know of Kundalini?

    " Kundalini is referred to as a Goddess in the East, as the Divine Feminine is the archetypal form of the power of creativity and embodiment. Her effects, while transformative and supremely uplifting, may feel challenging at times and dis-integrative, especially as She does the work of setting the mind and body free from the many layers of conditioning that bind them. This allows for a higher order of integration and wholeness of Self to emerge.

    Kundalini Shakti, the power of the Infinite to reveal itself....."

    Have you entered this theshold? Tasted it? What do you think of this quote?

    Where does it fit into your focus, your intent?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does "bringing formless into form" evoke for you.....?

    Shiva is the silent witness, consciousness, compassion.

    Shakti is the power to bring forth form, wisdom, the radiating energy of expression without number...

    they are not seperate, but One.

    We live in the illusion of seperation here. How has this effected your relationships, your journey, your path?

    Are you healed? Are you healing? How have you gotten there?

    {{{{{{ peace and love }}}}}}

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I cannot get out of the "confirm your email address" loop for 360.?

    I sign in, it says my alternate email address has been confirmed , then when I click on go on to yahoo, it takes me back to the sign in screen. I can't invite anyone as a friend because of this. Help!

    1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • As we experience a great shift in consciousness, what does this cause you to feel?

    "If I know how to swim, and even one other being cannot, then it is right to remain behind in this world to assist them until they know how to save themselves from drowning".

    "The thought of I or self is the only obstacle to reaching enlightenment and liberation. If the I can be dissolved without enmity then you will become enlightened. Constantly remaining in that view is liberation. When the thought of self arises in your mind it is like a cloud gathering in the sky blocking the natural radiance of your true nature."

    These are partial quotes from the prayer of the bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is a being who has forgone their own final entry into Nirvana, Enlightment, to remain behind until all sentient beings are able to reach their own liberation. It is believed there are perhaps millions of such beings alive today, not willing to rest until this freedom for all is reailized.

    What do you think of that?

    Would they all be Buddhist, or of many faiths?

    Ever met one?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are you aware of this world unity oriented event? Do you think you could participate?

    A respected fellow spiritualist send this link out to me not too long ago, and I have since come across it through friends here and elsewhere....

    I am always a bit leery of "big" movements or group things, but this woman's intent rings true, despite my aversion to some of the "frills"....

    I am curious, what do you think of this, do you feel moved to join in? Do you believe in the hundredth monkey effect? There have been meaningful discussions in here as of late reguarding unity and expansion of spirit, and there are many who are finding the connections being made here are adding to this rising.

    Have you ever contributed your thoughts, your focus, your precious energies, to a large combined act of intent such as this?

    If so, what was your experience? Did you feel more expanded through it?

    If you never have, why not? Do you feel too small, that your efforts won't make a difference? (do you vote?)

    take a look, see what you think.....

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does this just take the breath right out of you?

    I was reading through some answers to a recent question on Christians,sin, and non- Christians feelings about it - when I read this. (see below)

    I am stunned and so deeply saddened that anyone would endure a lifetime of believing this to be the truth of all that they are.

    Why oh why, would anyone accept this as "truth" from any God?

    I never in my life have heard anyone speak about themselves this way - is this common?

    My heart is breaking..............

    quote; " I'm saying that I am weak, sinful, and need help to survive. As a Christian, I'm saying that there is nothing I can do outside of Christ to save myself. I'm saying that I'm filthy with sin and that the only way I can be clean is by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Peace."

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should my doggie get exorcised? or exercised?

    While I was out, my very very naughty doggie ate 3 little chocolate cakes. (please don't fret - she has a stomach like a goat)

    She was clearly possessed, that she would risk the wrath of Mom like that - so which should it be?

    Serious answers only please!!!!!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where can you go in the beauty of awareness?

    Unless you are aware, all morality is a fraud, a pretender that can easily be destroyed.

    "But when you have reached awareness, you will respond to every situation from your awareness. Everything you do will be good. That is the beauty of awareness; anything that comes out of it is simply beautiful, is simply right, and without any effort and without any practice".


    Where will you go in this? Are you already there?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the cost to you, to listen to your heart?

    Listen to your heart, move according to your heart, whatever the cost......

    what does the beauty of a simple heart mean to you?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are you willing to get past the word "heaven" and address the concept?

    I have read a number of questions/answers that include heaven in them- the latest from a woman who posed an excellent question-what are you willing to do to create heaven on earth. Why all the crazy reactions? go with it as a concept of what it is that you truly would love your life to be.

    Here's a heaven day to me; wake up to sunshire and birds, excellent coffee, a little meditating under the oaks. Work on my art, lunch of fresh food grown locally, walk on the beach, see some dolphins, have a laugh with some friends. Talk to my son, tell him I love him, have a laugh. Walk my dogs, have a friendly chat with my neighbour, listen intently while she talks about some issues she has, she walks away a little happier that someone listened. Cook a great dinner with a perfect California wine, enjoy with loved one sitting outside, laughing and flirting. Light some candles, and the night is still young.....

    did you create heaven or hell for yourself and those around you today? it is a choice

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How is the moon of your mind tonight?

    A lovely bit of Zen to ponder and inspire -

    When the moon

    Of your mind becomes

    Clouded over with confusion,

    You are searching

    Around for the light outside.

    - Hozoin Gakuzengo Inye

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago