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Where can you go in the beauty of awareness?

Unless you are aware, all morality is a fraud, a pretender that can easily be destroyed.

"But when you have reached awareness, you will respond to every situation from your awareness. Everything you do will be good. That is the beauty of awareness; anything that comes out of it is simply beautiful, is simply right, and without any effort and without any practice".


Where will you go in this? Are you already there?


lol - Phil, I don't think it was Osho who forgot. Thanks for adding to the picture ; )

Update 2:

beautiful and heartfelt answers, thank you.

Update 3:

Whiteworker - thank you for your kind words, and thank you for the recommendations. I will go and see what is there.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally I prefer the Dharma of the Lord Buddha

  • Eve
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Some would think that it would be a real "bummer" to 'wake up' to the long sought after enlightenment/awareness to find oneself!

    The difference is a slow rising newness. The burden of life, blame, guilt,worry, meanness, jealousy, great happiness, celebration, affection, etc...being human, has a new flavor.

    The closest analogy is being at the theater. The play/movie is filled with drama and one is totally caught up in the plot...agonizing over the character's plight. One is totally engrossed, mesmerized on all levels! There is bodily tension, the mind is racing.. as to how to cope, emotions are strung out...then...then there is an electricity failure...the theater lights go out. There is an immediate awakening to simple longer the character being chased about on screen...just sitting in a chair...nothing going on.

    The "system" fights this. The adrenalin level is flat lined. the mind darts about looking for remnants of the 'old life'...that character held so many much excitement and at the same time felt a deep loneliness.

    One leaves the theater, walks into the street in a bit of a fog, wondering how to live free of this stimulating character. By now, the character is a vague memory.

    One senses a difference.

    There is a 'watcher' now...every action, thought, event has the watcher there. All the qualities of being human are present, but nothing sticks around for long. The old sense of PERSONALIZING everything is gone.

    The curtain has been opened in Oz and the wizard has been exposed!

    And so, there is no place to go. As some have said...You leave one bank of the river to cross over only to find that you end up in the same spot you thought you had left! are still "chopping wood and carrying water!"

    I think the nagging questions of "Am I enlightened...what does it mean to really be really be awake, if I were enlightened then I would think this, do that...right?! On and on we go...totally miserable about why 'others' make it and "I" don't. There is a release from that darned Nag! I am "Here" and that's all folks!

    This may not make one tiny bit of sense, but we can keep at it. right? :)

    Thanks for another great question!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to say first thankyou for a spiritual question they are few and far between on this site thanks Asfor your question Yes generally this will happen but as you are probably aware of these things all come with practice . Becoming aware is one thing ,The shift from unconciousness to concious comes with a lot of new vibrations which can at times make you feel like you have been on a big night out and wake up witha hangover ,as well as the mind transfomation the phisical body also transforms, as the mind raises frequency so does the body IT can be painfull at times , most of us have similar symptoms some can be extreme.what as a matter of fact is actally happening is that our phisical bodies are tranforming ino our auric bodies{light bodies,solar bodies] for this to happen we must rid ourselves of the old vibrations to let in the new and this can be not as easy as it sounds , you may require going to a healer or auric clearer, to help you if you hold onto phisical to strongly .anyway yes I am as are many others going through this process It can take many lifetimes to get to that there level.At this time you need to know so many things. Iwill leave you with some web sites to visit and some books which I recomend you start reading


    Eckhart Tolle;The power of now{a guide to spiritual enlightenment} which you can get from Hodder; Happy journey.....

  • 1 decade ago

    The sublime for me is the grace that envelopes my entire heart. It is the heaven,the mansion of His father, and it has the absolute beauty.That is the space to which I am destined and wish to confine my consciousness , my unconsciousness and my being .I will have owned that beauty when I will be in that spiritual space.I am struggling to be there.It is time I made a lip into that space, a la Kierkegaard.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd like to say I am already there, but everytime I think I have all the answers 10 more questions show up.

    So I will go exactly where my questions lead me and I already know it will be a beautiful awareness, because it has proven itself to be so.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand this to mean when a person acts from the awareness of unconditional love, there can be no wrong actions. Guilt free days will follow because you love your choice of actions toward others and yourself, and toward Mother Earth. The beauty is in the effortlessness of your actions...... once you are no longer hostage to the frightened ego............


    "Most of our energy goes into upholding our importance........If we were capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things would happen to us. One, we would free our energy from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and two, we would provide ourselves with enough energy to......... catch a glimpse of the actual grandeur of the Universe."

    Source(s): The Art Of Dreaming Carlos Castaneda
  • 1 decade ago

    The only authentic responsibility is towards your own potential,

    your own intelligence and awareness — and act accordingly.

    Values have not to be imposed on you.

    They should grow with your awareness, in you.


  • 1 decade ago

    Osho neglected to mention that there will be no 'you'!

    You are already an instrument of perfection. You cannot become more perfect. There is nowhere to go.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In Truth, truth and beauty have been joined eternally. This is Buddhas{truth} enlightenment{beauty}. ~ : )

  • 1 decade ago

    To the library.

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