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As we experience a great shift in consciousness, what does this cause you to feel?

"If I know how to swim, and even one other being cannot, then it is right to remain behind in this world to assist them until they know how to save themselves from drowning".

"The thought of I or self is the only obstacle to reaching enlightenment and liberation. If the I can be dissolved without enmity then you will become enlightened. Constantly remaining in that view is liberation. When the thought of self arises in your mind it is like a cloud gathering in the sky blocking the natural radiance of your true nature."

These are partial quotes from the prayer of the bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is a being who has forgone their own final entry into Nirvana, Enlightment, to remain behind until all sentient beings are able to reach their own liberation. It is believed there are perhaps millions of such beings alive today, not willing to rest until this freedom for all is reailized.

What do you think of that?

Would they all be Buddhist, or of many faiths?

Ever met one?


dear Sunman;

I agree, the sense of self remaining intact is perhaps a most important aspect of this shift. It is being added to the picture, I believe.... I like the way you phrased it - "your former life's purpose." true. It is a new time, and new consructs are being formed - thus the breaking apart of Tibet. It was the stronghold of what has been.

ostracized???? noooo way...

Update 2:

dear Fluffy-

you are so far from "fluffy" it makes me laugh every time.

it is a confounding thing, to have so many going at such different rates and paths - but that in and of itself is what this is about - all in their own time, to their own level. All that is required is the sincere desire to know Self. amazing You are an excellent instructor ; )

Update 3:

Island man - again we touch on maintaining the sense of individuality. I agree - this will bring someting new to the whole. I hope we are at the end of this Kali yuga stuff too - it has been brutal!

Update 4:

dear Squirt- hello finely spotted one!

You make a very good point - I think that it is part of this current shift, and so neccessary - "to do what we can and move on". Change is in the air, and in the various above, so below.

Update 5:

dear bluebootz~ goodness and light follow in the wake of your swim. I am glad to be a part of that

Update 6:

dearCosmic~ I am sure you do remember... so we practice becoming simple, the words become simple and the energy of the innate goodness of each comes to the are a teacher to me in that. Thank you

Update 7:

dear Philmeta, indeed. Perhaps that is what this is all about -getting all those Bodhisattvas to move along, change things up, let it all go into a new place of being -as so many mentioned above in their own wondeous ways. Or not. lol

Update 8:

dear Recital vinylist - you make me laugh. You can play the down home card all you like, but your answer is self evident. ; ) Refinement, choice, kindness - these are all essential to this paridigm shift. It is so simple, and one at a time for sure.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Great Shift in Consciousness is a thrilling experience and sometimes challenging. Though most are going through the shift all are not proceeding at the same level or rate. It can be frustrating and dis-hearting at times to be a swimming instructor but there are wondrous moments both experienced personally and through seeing others awaken and move closer to the light.

    The "bodhisattva" as you call them are in every faith and every walk of life. Each has their own individualized mission or purpose as well as being part of the over all mission of assisting and guiding Humanity in the next step in Human spiritual evolution. Some are in very public, high profile positions and some just regular folks. They will never proclaim who they are but simply work steadfastly to accomplish their purpose. If you are at all sensitive you will be able to feel when you are in the presence of one.

    Source(s): Fluffy wisdom
  • The great shift in consciousness can, necessarily, only be experienced by each aspirant, one by one. There is no collective consciousness, as it were. Bodhisattvas are adherents of the Mahayana, and are beings who have generated the wish to achieve Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings, and to remain for the sake of even one, so that there are millions of these beings is a matter of fact. In short, I think that it is terrific that it is so and that bodhisattvas are necessarily Buddhist because of the three higher trainings, the six perfections and the subsequent wisdom arisen through the three relative to the true nature of reality. However, that there are millions of people of other faiths bringing tremendous benefit to others is certain as well, and this collective effort, this interfaith effort, can spark an intelligent response to the critical concerns of this age: the environment, violence and war, disease and famine and chief among these, ignorance. Self-cherishing and self-grasping ignorance create all of these destructive thoughts in the minds of beings which lead to wrong action. Only wisdom can uproot them and wisdom should be shared!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am always conscious of any major spiritual shift within my own realm of experience but I cannot say that I feel or have ever felt that humanity as a whole is of the verge of any great spiritual revolution; assuming a major shift in consciousness,it would undoubtably be a gradual evolutionary process. We may or may not notice it in the long term,depending on our awareness of history,but one would still be dealing with a time-frame of (at the least) several hundred years. Many people consider me a "New Ager" because of my non-deist spirituality,but in fact I have studied the history of the New Age movement of the '70s and I have little in common with those beliefs - least of the conviction of a "New World Coming" (a Cass Elliot song) or any dawning of an Age of Aquarius. The world has changed much since 1945 - lots of mini-wars but no superpower clashes for example - but it is still too ear;y to identify that as a permanent gain as opposed to a short-term phenomena. Basically I believe spiritual evolution is different for each of us and something we do alone in that in occurs from within. Of course we find each other - but that does not constitute anything like a wave-effect.

  • Sunman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Meta-shift 'causes' me to feel multidimensional, awake, immortal, infinite, eternal and whole/complete. (Ecstasy also comes to mind)

    I say this at the risk of being ostracized.(again! ;-)

    In those terms, I am Bodhisattva, but there are important differences in my interpretation of what that means.

    During my awakening, I paused briefly at 'nirvana' and then decided against it.

    Instead, I transcended it.(there is more to life than nirvana)

    In one sense, you could say I fulfilled my former life's purpose, and if I chose I could have passed to the other side without undergoing physical death(the Lakota call it, 'laying down their robe'. There was also an inner voice that said, "stay for the sake of the children" This is what I chose.

    Again, at the risk of alienating others, the 'I' or the self EXCLUDING others is an obstacle. When the sense of self expands to include all others, you have overcome the obstacle. But the sense of 'I' is not annihilated. (nor should it be) I am still myself, but now, you are me and I am you....and I and thou art that.

    -----oops! No, they might be from any or no spiritual path. And yes, after a moment or two, I would recognize one. (I would recognize one in the making! ;-)

    -----Recital Vinylist: thumbs up!

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  • Gaz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is a profound sadness I feel not for the other answers already posted, these bring real joy, sometimes though it hits with a force beyond my reckoning, yet this is "self" this is participation in experiences, this is human frailty no fault just failing to maintain the Observer's stance.

    The thought arises "self" it emanates and causes the consciousness to maintain it, this is not the entire story though, "self" is part of it yet there is another part, more insidious, less talked about, more hidden than is delusion and it causes and maintains "self".

    The delusion...? Permanence...its very idea, its nature is to cause "self" to be valid. It is illusory and false yet it pervades all thoughts. Why do we think it unnatural to age..? We do not..? Why then do we spend enormous sums of money in the pursuit of youth.

    Why do we feel sad when we see a faded flower..?

    It is delusions of permanence...

    Illusions of permanence and "self"..this then is Truth...The Second Noble Truth.

    It is sad that we do not listen, we see the words yet they make no impact....we should read these words again...

    Become the Observer and find Peace.... all....from a Buddhist...

  • 1 decade ago

    Had the Bodhisattva NOT forgone enlightenment, he would have noticed the perfection of the movement of Consciousness that 'he' is. He would have noticed there was no one to bring about enlightenment or to forgo it. He would have noticed that there is no one to be liberated and nothing to be liberated from.

    Life is not a problem to be solved, it's a dance of the divine in which there is more than enough room for the beautiful compassion of the Bodhisattva.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I remember descending back into the world thinking, "they don't know" they see themselves as there bodies and minds, I felt sadness at the plight of the dreamers, for this I was to, always living in want, for the ego thinking it is all there is is never happy for long. Many have awoke, it's just that for most it is hard to hear there words pointing to the truth.

    It is possible to be enlightened in the joys and sorrows of the world, it may be the only way. Buddha sits in stillness but Buddha emanates Buddha nature, all things are Buddha nature. Great question! ~*~

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The I you speak of is the ego. Ego must die in order to attain enlightenment of the consciousness. All this means is the mind that is in control must be quieted so all that remains is consciousness. Ego means we care what others think of us and we act accordingly to get approval rather than being different from the norm. There are those of us to lead the way and awaken all who will listen. But, this must not hold us back from our spiritual advancement. To not grow is to atrophy and die.And, to continue to spread enlightenment we must allow ourselves to continue to advance in our own spirit. Otherwise , we de-evolve. We are here for those that will listen. But, spiritual suicide is not the answer to helping others. We do what we can and continue to move on .

    The great shift in consciousness is due to the higher vibration of the area of space we are currently traveling through. When humans vibrational energy raises our consciousness expands into all dimensions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi MV!

    Ecstasy definitely comes to mind......Vibrating with so much energy these days, hard to focus on the work world at hand. I want to run through the streets in Celebration of All That Is, I imagine festival of smiling people, so dang happy bout life, they don;t know what to do but have fun, give thanks, more fun, expressions of creative spontaneity abounding! Art, music, oh sweet music! People are waking up on the planet in great numbers! (yes, I'm am an eternal optimist) Some of you in this forum have pulled great fun out of me and I, after ridding myself of 90% of my fear, (or thereabouts) would stay here in service to others because I find such pleasure in seeing people transform there hearts from fear to courage, hate to love....

    Peace to the Planet

  • Good God, I'm out of my league here.Not having attained enlightenment in the area of what y'all so crazy are talkin' 'bout, from my limited experience, here's what made me hit the answer buzzer :

    I DO sense the great shift, and see it in terms of what it makes me THINK, not feel. Feelings just kind of come and go

    at random, and you have them,then adjust. It's hard to decide in advance what you are going to be feeling even five minutes from now. Something..a phone call..a knock at the door..sounds of a baby crying etc..can come along and change your feelings in an instant.

    Human progress, in the big picture seems SO SLOW and incremental...and our President...HE's mental!..How did we come to this, in the Golden Age of Spiritual Paradigm Shift, to be subject to Base Mental Cases like W. and his Ilk? It's hard enough for the Spiritual Warrior, but now, one step up and Four steps back? THAT makes me feel like crap! And it wasn't the question, but this interferes with the answer, and not just sometimes!...

    But I think we can refine our thinking, one soul, one friend, one random act of kindness at a time, remembering we have choice, and in the long view..tip the scales back toward balance. We have to have faith that the universe will be kind to our feelings, as a result of clearer thinking.

    Source(s): Bohdisattva, won't you take me by the hand? Can you show me, the shine of your Tibet.. The sparkle of your China..Can You Show Me?...Steely Dan Hodja(Whirling Dervish) please, show me how to spin.. Let us Off This Ferris Wheel of Karma, let us stop the Hands of Time......Todd Rundgren
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