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Are you aware of this world unity oriented event? Do you think you could participate?

A respected fellow spiritualist send this link out to me not too long ago, and I have since come across it through friends here and elsewhere....

I am always a bit leery of "big" movements or group things, but this woman's intent rings true, despite my aversion to some of the "frills"....

I am curious, what do you think of this, do you feel moved to join in? Do you believe in the hundredth monkey effect? There have been meaningful discussions in here as of late reguarding unity and expansion of spirit, and there are many who are finding the connections being made here are adding to this rising.

Have you ever contributed your thoughts, your focus, your precious energies, to a large combined act of intent such as this?

If so, what was your experience? Did you feel more expanded through it?

If you never have, why not? Do you feel too small, that your efforts won't make a difference? (do you vote?)

take a look, see what you think.....


canron4peace - I am wondering how this is a con job? even if you aren't interested in all the rest, wouldn't a large scale (free) meditation to promote positive connections be useful?

Update 2:

thank you Phil

I would say that god allows all things

and certainly there is no problem, nor mistake - there is no conflict.

I am here for purpose, and that is to expand - for myself, to expand through compassion. "God" does not need my expansion, I do...and in that, if I stand in content that all is perfect, then this implies there is no movement to be made. I am compelled to reach, until I am no longer of this plane of demonstration -the shifts that can be made here are deep and quick, as this plane is so dense, and I carry them with me when I go - so try I must.

Update 3:

to Shaka La' har

sista my sista

Update 4:

Sunman, goodfella, thor-hestness, and James

glad it caught your attention.

yes indeed, meditators do have to work!!! lol - if they only knew !!!

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    My dear

    Loving is

    Never a waste

    I will be there

    With all of you

    With Jon the Buddha

    July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT

    — 16:41 (4:41 PM) in my time zone —

    On July 17 at 11:11 GMT — 16:41 (4:41 PM) in my time zone — we will assemble from all corners of our world as a collective body of energy to meditate simultaneously for 1 hour (60 minutes).

    To synchronize ourselves worldwide, each time zone begins the Fire the Grid meditation at the GMT equivalent local time

    Sangham Sharanam Gacchaami

  • 1 decade ago

    In one context, it's a wonderful gesture and you should do whatever you are moved to do, and in reality you cannot do otherwise.

    In the larger context, humanity is an expression of divinity and is neither the cause of problems nor the solution. In this context, everything serves, including the apparent 'problems' as well as the apparent 'solutions'. This is perfection and it cannot be otherwise. There is also a context in which the belief that there are problems to be solved is what holds the problems in place.

    I offer one of my poems as a possibility to consider:

    Saving Worlds

    And there it is

    The wide eyed struggle

    Self righteous insistence

    That God is a fool

    A mistake has been made

    And we must rescue

    The hapless creator

    From his carelessness.

    Nothing has gone wrong

    Fear is but the search for love

    Struggle seeks surrender

    Indifference seeks compassion

    Arrogance seeks humility

    Sadness seeks joy

    Violence seeks peace

    Separation seeks unity

    Aloneness seeks oneness

    In your deepest heart

    You know this to be so

    Or you would not be here.

    Freedom is borne of misery

    And is birthed from within

    And tempered by

    The fires of hell

    I beg of you

    To let it be.

  • 5 years ago

    So excited. It will be a great day for the everyman. As a society who elects representatives to protect our interests I think it's important to stand together and make our collective voices heard. If not through peaceful protest how would those representative know what we the people want? Fair treatment, the rights to basic universal needs such as shelter and health care, these are not too much to ask. To stand together, across the world, and ask for acknowledgment of our collective concerns, I think that's a beautiful thing and it saddens me so many people have a problem with it. Particularly the name calling. They are protestors. Allow me to set some people straight, they are not hippies, junkies, anarchists, malcontents,or rioters. They are protestors attempting to have their voices heard. This isn't grade school, the name calling has to stop. And agree or disagree, the least everyone can do, is listen.

  • 1 decade ago

    I took a look at the site, and it resonates with other movements I have seen in the past; I told my husband about it when he related a dream he had about the terrain of collective unconscious. This morning I found by accident a reinforcing endorsement of this kind of practice while looking up information on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi--one of his admonitions for society:

    Vedic Defence - creating an influence of positivity and coherence in collective consciousness through practice of Yogic Flying in large groups.

    It seems to be a similar concept as far as I understand it. I remember some years ago that there was a similar undertaking outlined on Art Bell's Coast to Coast radio show as well. This idea pops up everywhere. This is the first time I've learned of a practice before the date of commission. There is much that interests me in this. Thanks!

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  • 1 decade ago

    A little bird told me about this, too. :-)

    I've been spreading the word.

    Lets hope it becomes like a wildfire.

    Count me in!

    Meditators, too, must work. :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thankyou Michelle for bringing this to a wide audience.

    I did know about it and my intuition is that it is genuine.

    Yes, I have participated in major meditations before and found them effective and inspirational.

    The more people we can get, worldwide, to participate for this hour, the better.



  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, but imo this is a setup, a con job. Let me know when I can stop running. Never again!

  • Sunman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's sounds like a great idea. Count me in.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll stand with you.

  • James
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is good! We should all do it.

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