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What does "bringing formless into form" evoke for you.....?

Shiva is the silent witness, consciousness, compassion.

Shakti is the power to bring forth form, wisdom, the radiating energy of expression without number...

they are not seperate, but One.

We live in the illusion of seperation here. How has this effected your relationships, your journey, your path?

Are you healed? Are you healing? How have you gotten there?

{{{{{{ peace and love }}}}}}


for clarity - I made a jump in my mind -

I am referring to what exists now as One,whole, by all of us on another level (and so is essentially formless - a potential to be realized)

and what exists for many here as "truth", or form, that we exist as seperate from each other.

Update 2:

here I am, reading and readng your answers, brought to tears my your collective beauty and heartfelt wisdom. So I choose all of the answers REALLY - And there is one of the DAZcosmics with such a work, and Shaka with her heart on her sleeve, You guys are amazing.....and I thank you all so very much for lifting me to new insight. Blessed be

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here we go again, asking the easy ones Michelle ! And the merry band of brethren ( gender all inclusive ) are chipping in in splendid form, I hesitate to add my tuppence worth ( thats for you Jon ;-) ).

    OK, here we go, we have 'energy' and we have 'matter', the two are interchangeable, we know this because Albie told us so, and he was Mrs. Einstein's brightest, in fact he was of humanity's finest if the truth be known, he had to bear a far greater cross than some other masters, he gave us the atom bomb, an item that had to be, in order for the program to run to it's full conclusion.

    Energy and Matter then.

    The point is how does the energy get to be 'changed' into matter ? We certainly have little doubt about how it goes the other way ! An astonishingly tiny amount of matter, even in the relatively ( hehehehe ) inefficient process of fission, or even fusion, produces world shattering amounts of energy release. But the process of energy becoming matter is altogether more subtle, we actually, according to Richard Feynman, have no idea how it happens, indeed, Feynman is on record as saying that we really don't have a clue what energy is !

    A suggestion, the catalyst by which the infinite energy that envelops us all is human thought. In terms of Michelle's question the 'Shakti' wisdom is the power of focusing that thought by using our real 'Intent', not the flimsy thing we usually mean, but the capital 'I' 'Intent'.

    When this is real-ised, then we can consider ourselves as healed, healed of the illusion that we can ever be 'hurt'. Once we have come back to the 'place' where we started the journey of the 'One', the 'place' we never really left, then when all the shadows have lifted, then we will know that it has been us, all the time, doing all of this. The misery and suffering, as well as the glorious manifestations of human achievement.

    The separation is nearly over, and it has been within that false condition that we have experienced what we laughingly have called the 'human condition', usually with a heavy ironic twist.

    When we know, again, that we can bring any form we desire into manifestation, without any of the undesirable elements, then we can truly create a 'human condition' worthy of the name.

    {{{{{{{{{{{{ PEACE & LOVE to all }}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Edit :

    Aw shucks, folks, I've gone all crimson. :-p)))

  • 5 years ago

    I don't think anyone can really know everything as life always brings changes that the human brain has to adjust to that new knowledge being passed randomly throughout society at large. Some people would not be aware of the new knowledge for some time while others may have instigated that knowledge in the first place. When this occurs then this new knowledge is by gaining insight into the subject by research or by discovery. Thus we live in a ever-changing world of knowledge to survive with into our future of the living planet called earth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when you said 'bringing formless into form' the first thing that came to my mind was art, especially music. Taking random noises, colors, things, energy, or really anything for that matter, and giving it form is what art is all about. Kitty thinks perhaps getting past the illusion of separation and knowing that we are all one is an art form in itself:)

    as for the healing part, i'd rather not go into that

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Enlightenment unfolding or flowering, Buddha knows this. When there is no one to heal there is true healing, but as Sunman said we are genuine fakes acting as though all beings are real, this is the Bodhisattva's way. How long do we have? An eternity {sorry Jon} he, he. Religions are responsible for ingraining the "human condition" into those that will listen to there lies. Thanks Daz. And Shaka's broken heart opened a door into this place. ~*~

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are not many and they are not one.

    Form pours constantly into manifestation. Everything is coming into creation moment by moment and it is always manifest and it is always imminence. Always. At all places.

    I know that first hand.

    Occasionally I have known myself to be the land I was living on. Known it, not thought it.

    Mostly I know myself as some old bloke, a bit of a depressive sometimes, blundering about. . .

    Second question - how long have you got? (Don't answer that, Cosmic).

    Question three. - healing. Seen some glimpses. Longing for Kensho. (Which probably is one reason it doesn't come).




    I agree with Sunman, DazMaz - masterly (pun definitely intended)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where is Shiva ?

    where is Parvati ?

    Make them appear to me then I will question them .

    Just before Buddha achieved enlightenment, Mara, the god of death, disease and sex (also called Kamdev), appeared before buddha. He said " Shiva also meditated a lot, but I made him falter and made him get attracted to sex , and then he couldnt achieve nirvana. What are you? You are nothing before Shiva." ....

    Coming to the point. Bringing formless to form is nothing but bringing an idea to shape. Such as a painter thinks of something and paints a picture. Got it ? (kiss principle) Keep it simple and ....

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it was breaking my heart...

    I'm not exaggerating in this. I had just hit the bottom and how deep can loneliness go when you consider the state of our separation? how endless it seems?.., and then I walked in the midst of this war zone called Y/A and was shown something entirely different. In the midst of a storm is the "I".

    I was never broken, I just needed to see it, and all of my pain disappeared. Can you imagine, the power of one life, or many? That it can change the path of another and perhaps even all, just by being in....

    peace and love... and kindness...

    Source(s): Oh Michelle....think you can pick the cosmics out of a lineup?! lol
  • 1 decade ago

    i used to try to find love and happiness in relationships and failed because, i had to find it within first. i was mislead by the belief that i yearned to be one with my soul mate, then realised that it was a yearning to be whole as an individual, an organismic being, when i have achieve that i could probably answer what it is to be one as spirit that is not seperated as all is part of the devine.

    Source(s): still healing
  • Sunman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Michelle: who is like God?

    It evokes experiences of the Essence manifesting itself as the Light.

    it evokes feelings of Awareness manifesting itself as Love.

    It evokes ideas of Passion manifesting itself as Concept.

    It evokes the momentum of Thought manifesting itself as Action.

    Overall, it evokes the Truth of Unity manifesting itself as Individuality.

    (So here I am, living a unique life which many consider symbolic, but is it truly an illusion?)

    Yes, I AM whole, but I got here because I treated my relationships, journey and path as if they WERE real.

    Go figure!

    (((Knowledge and Power)))

    -----Daz Mazter: you are the Man!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nature is god and has a form , and shiva is the father [seed],mother earth [mother] godess ,both are in form told in the form of a story which man believes and preacher has a profession where he is paid more then and now.

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