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"Life lives on life.....we all eat and are eaten spiritually...." ~ what do you think of this wisdom?

"When we forget this, we cry;

when we remember this, we can nourish one another."

this is the wisdom of the Buddha, but I wonder if there aren't similar concepts in other spiritual seems to be a broad truth to me, what of you?

How do you experience nourishing others?

Is the experience selfless, do you benifit from it?

Do they notice your gift?


10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Inasmuch as we are intricately woven together, inextricable one from the other and from everything that surrounds us, we absolutely nourish self, other, and the whole...both materially and spiritually. What one does affects all. i never "give" consciously, certainly never with personal gain in mind...rather it flows naturally as an outpouring of the spirit within...which is how many create the selfless exchange that feeds life. If i notice a beautiful bird wing by or sound its territorial song, i am thrilled and lifted...and i then carry that nourishment forward into my day whereby it becomes transformed into actions that might benefit others, even if only through my feeling of lightness that becomes a shared smile beacon for those i encounter. They, in turn, play that good vibration forward, feeding those they meet, and so on in endless harmonization. It is an extraordinarily beautiful thing to eat at the table of life in this way...the banquet is boundless and shared by all. my good deed/action reverberates and touches many more than the initial recipient...our spirits are interlinked, after all. It is those who "forget" our oneness who suffer alone, separated in consciousness from All That Is. But even these we can touch in joy and lightness, for undergirding all is our common spirit.

    i am Sirius

  • Sunman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Reminds me of the give and take of the sane sustaining life...

    If I have nourished others or taken nourishment from them it's for purely selfish reasons, but it just happens to benefit the whole...just like the animals.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems that is how we are designed, certainly on the physical plane. Short of developing the ability to photosynthesize, we're stuck (ultimately) with consuming something that CAN, directly or indirectly. Ultimately, we ourselves become food when we die.

    Certainly this is reflected in the mind. We all have the ability to learn and to teach; it only matters that we open our minds to the possibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nourishing others, nourishes the self. All mothers know this. (addendum: but it all begins with nourishing the Self. This is essential.)

    Good Q.

    Source(s): " If compassion induced misery, then it would be questionable. Why practice something that brings us more trouble? But that is certainly not the case with compassion. Just imagine if we all lived with no compassion, thinking only of ourselves. We would suffer greatly. The more you think of others, the happier you are." ~the Dalai Lama
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  • 1 decade ago

    This is profound wisdom and gist of spirituality.

    If we observation closely, we will realize that each and every object in this Universe is tightly coupled and supports each other without any condition. If we further drill down, we will find that our primary objective is to support others. But we must have this attitude, without any expectations and conditon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Buddha taught Ahimsa. he wanted to stop people from this selfish violent act of eating animal flesh. One has to know the eternal science of the soul to understand things as they are. We as humans do not need to consume animal flesh to live. food meant for humans is of vegetation, beans, grains, fruits veggies, herbs. Not the flesh of innocent animals. As long as we envy the flesh of other animals we are still on the animal platform in consciousness. Humans are to come to the human platform which begins with being vegetarian and realizing ones eternal constitutional position as loving servants of God. The rest is all illusion (Maya). the goal is to stop this cycle of repeated birth death old age and disease and that begins with ending ones karmic reactions by devotional service. (Bhakti)

    I find great nourishment by giving others transcendental wisdom. In this way my activities are transcendental by teaching others the purpose of human life is self realization and how to be transcendental to material activities. This verse In Bhagavad Gita asit is By Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada explains perfectly. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, the feast was begun long ago, Jesus said nothing new just told an age old truth. I love for others to look at reality for themselves for then I am blessed in more ways than I can know. Great question. : )

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, life lives on life by sensations,

    whether experiencing

    the nature of passion or feeling the sensations from a forest,


    mountains or the prairies,

    there are inner voices sounding this wisdom of wholeness with all life,

    animals may

    give one their mystical sense of nature to humans who feel

    this affinity of nature,

    as plants feel our vibrations,

    as water reacts to our moods and can know the meaning of words when written down in any language,


    water responds to words like love and gratitude forming crystals so clear within their substance of existence from our substance of existence...

    One feels this through our actions in natures patterns,

    i also feel this with my love who gives me nourishing sensations which soothe my emotive harmony of completeness proportion to her devotion and highest synthesis of merging two spirits of consciousness where in a moment one may feel the whole worth of life!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of that's what could watch for us in heaven. think of roughly it. God closed the backyard of Eden to guard the wood. on the tip i think of we could get to consume from the Tree of existence. examine the final financial disaster of Revelation, it talks approximately this tree. Eden Restored one million Then the angel confirmed me the river of the water of existence, as clean as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the super highway of the city. On the two factors of the river stood the tree of existence, bearing twelve flora of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. And the leaves of the tree are for the therapeutic of the countries. 3 now no longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb would be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4 they're going to see his face, and his call would be on their foreheads. 5 there will be not extra night. they won't want the sunshine of a lamp or the sunshine of the sunlight, for our lord god will supply them mild. and that they're going to reign with no lead to sight.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can I feast on 'you'?

    ;) good question.

    what does the flower feed on?

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