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The veils between the worlds are thinning; how does that feel for you?

There is great change afoot;the gates are unlocked, the windows and doors of the mind and heart are opening..... what are you experiencing that is surprising and heartening for you? In the midst of the current massive deconstruction, what is your own personal simultaneous creation of the 'new you' looking like? Are you feeling it? Do you ask for what it is you DO want for yourself and others everyday? Out loud? And are you having fun in this creator space of limitless possibilities......???

With much love to my beloved family here on YA, peace and great abundance to your respective worlds!


EDIT: lol!!! to those of you who report feeling 'friskier", good on you!

To those of you who are crusty and jaded, well, please do enjoy your crusts! whatever gets it for you.....

Update 2:

uh, ozone layer ???? let me add some details to perhaps foster a little more clarity......

"Maya is the limited, purely physical and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become entangled. Maya is held to be an illusion, a veiling of the true, unitary Self — the Cosmic Spirit .....The goal of enlightenment is to understand this — more precisely, to experience this: to see intuitively that the distinction between the self and the Universe is a false dichotomy. The distinction between consciousness and physical matter, between mind and body (refer bodymind), is the result of an unenlightened perspective." Therefore; to pierce the veil.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it gives me a tingling sensation in my nether regions

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi! Long time no see! Fun question :-)

    Firstly, I see it as one world, and the thinning is actually our eyes opening to new broader visions as maya and illusions are finally dissolving away. What grand vistas lie ahead! It's an expansion of vision, an expansion of love, an expansion of mind and encompasses all. I think more people are shifting their focus on to the more important aspects of life and humanity and seeing materialism as less important. More people notice the other live living upon the planet and care more about them. Attention is shifting off the little self and onto a bigger sense of oneness. Do you notice that a lot of your thoughts instantly materialize? It's all very beautiful because people are opening up to the beauty :-))))

  • 4 years ago

    I'm thinking Shakti there is more that I don't know in this world as the veils of the gates are lifting for me.

  • First of all it's great to see you back Shaktifire. It seems to me the long lost Goddess is returning, she is the tree of life, the life giver and her return makes life sacred again, she lightens the true path with her call to honor all life and in this way she relieves the greed, anger and fear of those who worship her and and fills the void of those that are open enough to accept her wisdom ways into their hearts.

    Queen Maya was Gautama's Mother, Maya when seen as it is, the joyful arising of everything upon the void of emptiness is Bodhi..........enlightenment. So Maya is not only the Mother of Gautama but the Mother of all Buddha's, past, present and future. Namaste Michelle

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Shakti! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Welcome Back! : )

    To answer your question, it feels a little nerve-wracking, to be honest.

    I too, sense it happening, that the differences between us are getting less & less, but they are not necessarily reflected in the mainstream media, and the public (myself included) are being left in the dark as to how it is happening, why, and how fast.

    I don't know exactly where we are being led... but i sense a growing sense of ease in terms of feeling comfortable about who & what i am.

    (It might just be 'growing up', lol)

    Whatever happens (in 2012, or beyond) I feel that i'll be ready to face what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.

    Until then, I am patient.

    I have another year to go on my course, more or less exactly. Once that's out of the way, i will be in more of a position to re-assess my life & what i want to do with it.

    I've been through a lot this past 15 years; a real 'hole'.

    If the next 15 years can be less of one, i'll be happy. : )

    With Metta, Sis,



    Source(s): moi-meme : )
  • 1 decade ago

    It can be quite revealing... the depths of my personality that I have buried deep tend to surface now and then, bringing with them old tools that still work (after a little cleaning and polishing).

  • I think everyone is experiencing more awareness..The bullshit filters are down. People are aching for the truth..thanks for the cosmic reminders, dear heart!

  • 1 decade ago

    im quite confused actually. i see alota alternative therapies like pranic healin spreading fast. and im not quite sure of the coming of the new world or consciousness or watever. but im curious. hope people like could guide me. im seeking. is it going to make itself more sensable this year coz this year vikruthi is the year of changes. what change is it gonna intiate ,im wondering.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm somewhat older than most of you here, but believe me, I've been hearing exactly the same horsecr@p for like 50 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You mean the ozone layer?

    It still sounds like the ozone layer to me...

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