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Has anyone ever heard of an Atlanta restaurant that served sandwiches on "flowerpot" bread?

I used to live in Atlanta years ago, and I went to this restaurant a couple of times. It was a very casual place, and the food was cafe fare like burgers, sandwiches, fries, chicken fingers, etc. They baked what they called "flowerpot bread": a tasty homemade roll baked in a small clay flowerpot. And I believe most of their sandwiches were served on said bread.

I remember the restaurant was on a busy street (maybe four-lane), maybe like 10th, or Piedmont, or Morningside?, and had mostly outdoor seating. Also, sides like fries and what-not were served in huge overflowing baskets.

If any of this sounds familiar, please help me out with a name and location -- and also let me know if it's still around. If some of the info I've provided doesn't jive, the "flowerpot bread" was the main thing I remember (if I'm even remembering the name correctly).

Thanks for the help.


I apologize, but maybe I made the point of my question unclear. I'm not too concerned with learning how to make the bread, but rather, I just wanted to know the name of the restaurant. Rickaford, you say they went out of business. Do you remember the name of the restaurant or where they were located?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good Old Days. Started out in the Emory Village, and then moved and then closed down. That was a long time ago. Thanks for reviving my memory.

  • 4 years ago

    Sandwiches Atlanta

  • 7 years ago

    The restaurants (one at Emory campus area, one on Roswell Rd near 285, at least one more I don't remember where) specialized in making the sandwiches in the flowerpots. The bread was a honey wheat style and very delicious. These places became known by local slang just as "the Flowerpot" and were around for a few years. I wish they still were. Thanks for the reminder.

  • 6 years ago

    I was just listening to Mazzy Star s Fade Into You on YouTube, and was remembering a little place I used to go to and eat flower pot veggie sandwiches. It was a very casual place in Virginia Highlands, seemed like a converted gas station. Was it in an area called Five Points? I used to drive over an hour on sunny Saturdays, sit outside at a table, eat a flower pot veggie sandwich with little sprouts on it, and read that free newspaper that had personals ads and the like. Seems like that was the late 90s, and it was a great time of my life when I was spreading wings and exploring. Thank you so much for the memory. OH BLESS YOU! It just came to me, it was The Little Five Points Cafe! Please let me know if we are sharing the same memory.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know about the restaurant in Atlanta...but if you're willing to make a short road trip 1 1/2 hours Northwest of can find flower pot bread at the Prickly Pear restaurant at 333 Broad Street in Rome,GA. 706-802-1616 Give them a shout, they might make you up a batch and ship it to you if you don't want to make a road trip. It was truly the best bread I have ever eaten!

  • 5 years ago

    Good Ol' Days. Sandy Springs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not sure about what restaurant you're remembering, but I found a site that explains how to make it - I'm gonna give it a shot! The first link best explains in detail how to prepare the pots - the second shows how to do it using frozen bread rolls - EASY!!!

  • 5 years ago

    Flower Pot Bread

  • 1 decade ago

    They went out of business but the diy network has a receipe for a sandwich like that. You might want to check it out when you have the time!!!!

  • 5 years ago

    The original Good Old Days was in buckhead on Peachtree Rd. Others opened, now there's a few but I don't think they still sell the flowerpot sandwiched. The way you described it. All the outside seating, etc...that's the original. We used to go there every Sunday. Had the best veggie flower pot sandwiches even before veggie was big....70's -not sure when they closed.

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