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Why do people insist on calling pregnant women fat (or other comments)?

I've been pregnant before and am pregnant now. I just wonder why people feel the need to tell me I'm 1) huge, fat, wide, having twins, or whatever else that comes to their mind. It's rude - I'm in the 2nd trimester and I've only gained like 12 lbs!! This morning my co-worker came down to my desk and said "Hey, fat mama!" I've had enough and said, well, you're just fat. Now, I feel like I was the rude one, but I'm tired of people thinking it's not rude to do the same with pregnant women. Anyway, so why do you think people feel the need to say whatever they want to a pregnant woman?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    AMEN! People are rude and inconsiderate of other people's feelings. They think it's ok b/cuz your prego and it's cute. Well I can tell you from first hand's not funny, it's not cute and it's not acceptable!

    My Mother in law and hubby's grandma couldn't stop proclaiming how "huge" I was! Why would you insult a hormonal woman? DUMB! And I'm only 19 weeks and I've gained like 8 lbs! I let it go but I won't be as nice the next time!

    There are ways to comment on a women's blossoming baby belly without being rude. I wish they would be smart enough to know the difference and know that it actually insults you.

    I'm 100% with ya on this one!

    Just know your pregnant and beautiful, no matter how "huge" people make you feel.

    Take care!

  • 1 decade ago

    Not trying to defend your co-worker, but was he maybe trying to make it a compliment as in " PHAT Mama"?

    I do agree though. People are rude and inconciderate when it comes to pregnant women and their weight. It's a sore point as is when you know that you're gaining weight for a very good reason, but no woman wants to see thier weight go up. I'm almost 5 months pregnant, and I stand with my back to the rocker on the scale at the doctor. If I'm gaining too much, they'll tell me. I just don't want to see it.

    I wish I could give you a good "why" reason. I think people are just oblivious.

  • 1 decade ago

    One of my books on pregnancy recommended that the only thing you should ever tell a pregnant woman about her appearance is how great she looks. For example: "Wow you look terrific for X months!" and "You really are glowing."

    This is definitely true because every time people say it to me I feel good and I don't care if it's true or not! :) I am 8 months now.

    I think people just mean well and want to affectionately remind you that they are aware of your condition and happy for you, but they are not always skilled at expressing that. They need to learn that women are extra sensitive about their appearance at this time and find better ways to let you know they care.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know what you mean!! The other day I was in wal*mart and these guys kept coming up to me and harrassing me asking me why I felt the need to wear a tank top when I was soooo fat and no one wanted to see it. The tank top I was wearing was a maternity one that covered EVERYTHING! These guys were so rude, they kept bugging me, I had to go to the management of wal*mart and tell them what was going on to get them to leave me alone.

    I don't understand why people do it. Maybe they are jealous because they don't look like us! But, those type of people I have found its best to just try to ignore them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My friend is pregnant and not that far along and her husband calls her fat, and she calls herself fat and every time they do that I get offended and say you're not fat its Baby. I think they get annoyed with me saying that but I don't care. I think its very rude for them to put pregnant women down like that especially since most pregnant women are very emotional. next time even though you may not feel like crying. start bawlling your eyes out and sobbing really loud in front of everyone and make a scene while say "i'm not fat, why's everyone calling me fat. Fat Mama I'm not fat I'm just pregnant." Maybe they'll actually realize that it bothers you. Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    In a lot of cultures it can be considered an endearment at times. For example; in Mexico a lot of people call their friends and family members gordo or gorda (fatty or chunky) and it isn't menat to insult but simply as an endearing term. I'm also pregnant and I just started my third trimester and I haven't gained a pound, but when people tell me that I'm starting to look huge or fat I just respond with a simply smile and let them be on their way. It can be hard sometimes but it works because the next time they see you they usually say something different.

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because either they can't have anymore kids, or they are jealous, or they don't know what else to say. Or it could be that is how they are, that is the person they are just rude. Someone at my job poked my stomach and I smacked her hand away. And told her don't you ever do that again!!!!!! Someone later told her that she should never poke someone in the stomach when they are pregnant. The lady never had kids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello there,

    i can totally relate as a mother of five. I think it's spiritual in nature and because children are so perfect and pure and also as the mother you are blessed, they want to wreck the experience or steal any happiness from you. I also want to add do not feel bad about addressing it you did the right thing good for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are stupid. And rather then filter their thoughts and weed out the inappropriate comments they just blurt out whatever pops into their heads. Diarrhea of the mouth is what I call it...But when people who seem to have that issue approach me I just develop a quick case of it myself and it usually clears theirs right up :)

    Good luck !

  • 1 decade ago

    They think its easier to pick on pregnant people. When I was pregnant that is all they did. But if you only gained like 12 pounds then your doing good.

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