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Been in a relationship for over 3 years. Were intimate the first year. Since then, nothing, he says it's him.

What do you make of this? Is he a) just slowing down with age b) involved with someone else c) gay or d) doesn't find me attractive anymore?

14 Answers

  • Staci
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unless he has a medical condition which he doesn't want to share with you then he's either seeing someone else, gay or doesn't find you attractive.

    I can't believe you waited 2 years to ask this question. You need to confront this man ASAP and find out what the heck is going on. WOW 2 years. I can't believe you waited this long.

    Sexual intimacy is an expression of love between two people in a committed relationship. It's the I love you that words cannot express. I would like to think that after all of these years you know him well enough and he feels comfortable enough to tell you if he had any medical problems. Some people do experience lack of sexual drive as they age, but they don't stop altogether.

    The first sign that things aren't right is that a partner stops having sex. I'm pretty sure that you already know what the problem is and were looking for some kind of confirmation.

    Face the reality of your situation and handle your business. You have already wasted 3 years of your life with a man who has a problem with being honest and has violated your trust. Don't let another 3 years pass before you decide that he has humiliated you enough and you want out. ACT Now.

    Good luck!

  • Amanda
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Does he treat you right? Does he act like he loves you? If you can answer yes to those then I think it's okay. Slowing down is not a horrible thing. You two have been with eachother for quite a long time, so of course the relationship isn't going to be as intimate as the first year. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years, and we're not as intimate as we were at first. We are really close and we don't have to be all over eachother all of the time to show that we love eachother. But if you and your boyfriend aren't happy together anymore then maybe you are both bored with the relationship. Talk with him. Ask him for his honest opinion on how he feels about you!

    Source(s): Been there, done that.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK, SO WHAT ABOUT HIM? That is what you need to get out in the open. Is he not interested, slowing down. Desires someone else, gay, doesn't find you attractive.

    or all of the above. Don't ask us, ask him! We don't know him and hopefully, he knows himself well enough to answer and be honest with you.

    Strive to explain that you want the truth, no matter the reason, and do not TRIP OUT when you get an answer. Let him know that you will respect his reason and if you can't live with it....MOVE ON AND TELL HIM SO. GOOD LUCK

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd be worried about ANY one of those choices you listed. Only intimate for a year and then not for two years? Thats a long time.. the relationship should still have a fire, it may lose it's spark a bit, but you should still be being intimate even three years later... I don't know what advice to give besides.. sit down and really talk to him.. or perhaps break it off.

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  • 1 decade ago

    d) is the likely answer.

    Don't worry. intimacy isn't everything about a relationship. So if other areas doesn't go downslope like this, then this relationship isn't that bad. Humans are as such that sometimes having seen the person too much, you don't feel as excited like as before. Restoring this back might involve some things like going on tour together, engaging in heart to heart chat, re expression of love, recalling sweet memories, etc..... Hope it will work for you.....

  • 1 decade ago

    GAY, GAY , GAY, GAY. This happened to me. I love the gay, so this is not a derogatory pronouncement, but you need to break up with him and let him find himself. You don't deserve to feel unattractive and unwanted. There are men out there who want you mentally and physically. It takes a while to get over rejection like this, but the sooner you do it, the better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my first instinct is to say he is fooling second guess is that he is not attreacted to you physically anymore...but it could be an age related prob...however if he cared enough he would seek medical/psych help for it so you two could benefit...chances are he is holding on to you for some other reason....are you his $$ support system? If you are the girl he knows he can get whatever he wants from, he will keep this up. Be straight up with him. Tell him what you want, tell him how you feel. Calmly.

  • 1 decade ago

    i'd say hes slowing down with age, you're over the honeymoon stage and have been for quite some time. if you've been together for 3 years and can't ask him or tell him your insecurities yourself you've got problems especially if you're asking yourself if he's gay. talk to him

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This tells you he is somewhere else having some fun,you need to break it off and move on so you can have a relationship that matter to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    It could be any of those. If the relationship is fine otherwise, I would suggest contacting a doctor to find a reason. If there are other problems, I would investigate b) or c)

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