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If I break the law I go to jail cross the border illegally you get a free ride .Why?

You are here illegally and get food stamps and free medical . You are born here and work all your life and when your SS check won't cover your medicine and food you are treated like a dog for asking . My friends wife had to ask for food stamp help . They cut their hours at work and just need help to feed the kids . While filling out paper work this woman comes in and ask for help . She had to have her daughter tranlate for her .when asked how many in the house she said 7 . She walks out with a food stamp card and filled nothing out and signed nothing . My friends wife gets told they make to much and has to wait for 2 weeks to get an appointment . Why does this happen to natural born Americans .

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not fair. I have seen them at the appts and they don't have to PROVE their rent, that the SS cards are valid, how much money they make, etc. I am on disability and work part time and I get $40 in food stamps (the rest of my food comes out of my SSI)..which buys me nothing like fruit, veggies, milk, meat, etc. You would be amazed at how many times my case has gotten "flagged" for review because they thought I was committing fraud. It is sick. The govt doesn't care if I or any other US citizen starve to death or have funds to retire. I am 36 and just had to move back in with my mother because I could not make enough to live on my own.

  • 1 decade ago

    Were you with your friends wife when she applied? Maybe this wasn't the "illegal's" first visit to apply. The United States does not have a national language even though the vast majority of us speak English. 30 states do have English as an official language and you can see them on the link that I've included to check out your state. Anyway, if we don't give them food stamps and medical care here our foreign aid spent in the country of the illegals home of record would cover them. We're spending the bucks one way or another.

  • 1 decade ago

    While I highly doubt this story is true (it seems you left out some REALLY important facts) I hate to be the one to inform you that there are some US born citizens who DO NOT speak English.

    Also, just in case you didn't know, to receive benefits from a state agency, you MUST have a state issued ID/DL or original birth certificate, and an original social security card for each family member that you are applying for. That goes for cash benefits, food stamps, social security, workers comp, unemployment, and disability benefits. About the only "free" public benefit illegals can receive is emergency health care, and I personally believe that is more of a humanitarian issue than an immigration one.

    Unfortunately, you have to be at poverty level or below in order to qualify for welfare benefits. A person making a bit over minimum wage who had their hours cut with another working adult in the house probably would not qualify. Fair? Of course not. But your friend and his wife should start sitting down and figure out where they are going to cut expenses (cable, more than one car, internet access, entertainment, gifts, etc.) in order for them to have enough to feed their kids on. Either that or the friend's wife is going to have to get another part time job. Welcome to the real world!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we have politicians who could care less about citizens and care more about votes. We have people in Washington that refuse to do anything about it. (I include both political parties when I say that, neither party has done squat to solve this problem.) Unless people start voting these people out and decent people into office, nothing will change. Unfortunately, there are too many people in this country who seem to vote with only their pocketbook in mind or don't vote at all.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the current economic model of fighting inflation includes importing cheap labor. The core of the core economic indicators used to meter inflation is wage costs. Keep wage costs down by importing illegal workers to depress wages and... there you go. Profits!

  • 1 decade ago

    Only in America,I say.

    Thank Bush,I don't live there :))

    Thats not the immigrants problem but problem of country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't think immigrants are to blame.

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