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  • Insane Asylum in San Antonio Texas?

    I hear all about it but no one knows where it is . The closest I have gotten in Hwy 37 .Does anyone know where it is ?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • President Obama's passport ?

    Did he have to show his birth certificate to get one or did he take a lap top with him and show them what it looked like ?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do the Republicans and Democrats hate the idea of a 3rd party more than they hate each other ?

    I was chewed out because I said I may vote Tea party . I see no one on the R or D that I like . If the Tea party has no on I like then I won't vote this year . Why should it start such a big mess ?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Moon landing fact or fiction ? Here is your answer once and for all !?

    With all the technology we have we need to put the moon landing myth to rest once and for all . The moon is in the right place at the right time so now is the time to do it ! Take those damn billion dollar telescopes we have and turn the toward the moon and count all the little flags we have left behind . If we get someone from anywhere saying we can't then it is time to start asking where all the money went and why where we lied to all these years . I bet we have at least one telescope that can count how may foot prints there are up there . If the military can see a pack of cigarettes from space and tell you what brand they are we should see something .

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Online schools which one are better?

    I want to start taking on line classes for psychology . Can anyone give me 3 schools to check into or just one they have found was better than the rest ?

    8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • What do you think about the Red Cross?

    We gave them 60 million to help Haiti and after a year not much has been done to help them out or to rebuild . When will they send the money to help rebuild ?

    3 AnswersCommunity Service10 years ago
  • Can a ex-felon regain his gun rights after 10 yrs .?

    It has been 18 yrs since I finished my 8 yr term . Can I get my gun rights back in Texas .

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Deleted Answers Or Questions?

    Ok we most of us have either have or know someone who has had a question or answer deleted because of a word or phrase that was said . I have seen many words that should never had been have been put up but where never put up or left up . I tend to get a little hot and say something I know is going to get toe start trouble but I am grown I will deal with it . Now the word I used was S_CK ----U . Been using it since I was 6 but now it is a nasty word . What happened to the days when you cussed someone out they flipped you off and we both went home with out calling Congress to make a law to stop the other guy from doing what I did . When will we grow up and stop this BS and act like we need to protect every one from getting their feelings hurt by say "your having a bad hair day" or "dude really those shoes with that shirt ?" . Come on people grow up and be an adult again . Sorry for the rant but I had to vent . Your thoughts please .

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Does a dad have rights?

    I am a dad but not a father . My wife had 2 kids while we where married . I know I am not the father (the tap works but the beer is flat) . My wife left with the kids and moved away with her new girl friend . Wife is now in jail and girlfriend will not let me near the kids . She just hates me and uses this to try and hurt me . In the state of Texas does a dad have any rights at all . I know the father does but he does not even know the are his . Any help would be nice thanks .

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Need help to finish this joke !?

    3 ducks and a gay moose are walking down a street and meet a kinky nun in drag .... This joke was being told in a bar when I was 17 and they guy was called outside and killed before he finished it . Please help it has been 30 yrs and driving me nuts .

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Immigration Laws Mexico vs USA?

    Why does Mexico tell the US to change our laws so their people can stay when they have laws that makes Hitlers Germany look almost tame ? Mexico has laws in place to make sure you can't become a citizen but they want illegals here to become legal . Should we just tell Mexico to back off until they start letting people in .

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Need help with country song?

    I can hear it in my mind but no idea what the title is . ... " Driven home late at night I turn up the radio and let your memory take control girl it's solid gold I just wanted you to know " artist and title will help thank you .

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Why won't Yahoo tell me what was wrong ?

    I answered a question ans someone was offend by it so why can't I find out what was asked and what I said to know what I did wrong . I asked twice and get nothing more than " your answer was deleted because someone found it offensive ". That don't tell me what was asked or what I said . Anyone else have this problem . I was also told the question was deleted What is up with that ?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Does a dad have any rights to a child if he is not the blood father ?

    My wife and I have been married for 8 yrs but we she only married me to give her kids a dad . We split and been back several times . Her girlfriend wanted kids with her (but hated me ) and she found 2 sperm donors to give her a daughter and son a little over a year apart . Now mom has moved out of state and with another woman who will not let me see the kids . Do I have any rights to them under Texas law ?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Does a dad have any rights to a child if he is not the blood father ?

    My wife and I have been married for 8 yrs but we she only married me to give her kids a dad . We split and been back several times . Her girlfriend wanted kids with her (but hated me ) and she found 2 sperm donors to give her a daughter and son a little over a year apart . Now mom has moved out of state and with another woman who will not let me see the kids . Do I have any rights to them under Texas law ?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • need help on a 70's song?

    It's kinda a song sung by a sailor for his Lady. Tells all about her and how much he loves her . Refrain is my Lady my Lady...

    I have only herd it 2 times in my life and never all the way .

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Where can I find adult chat rooms that are kid free.?

    Since yahoo did away with their adult chat rooms the only place I have found to talk to adults is on pay sights . Any ideas to where to go to get away from the kiddies and have a conversation with people over 21 ?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Why do mexicans have more rights in the US than US citizens ?

    Bush tried to get a new hearing for a man born in Mexico and raised in the US . This man helped rape and kill 2 girls (14 & 16) . Now he wants a new hearing because he didn't have access to his countries legal council . He has been on Texas death row for 25 yrs and now wants to try to get out of his date with the needle . Why have the rights of US nationals taken 2nd place to mexican nationals ? When we tell mexico to back off and take back there people ? More importantly when will we tell our government to let us have our country back .

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Terrorist found in Texas ?

    in 2004 a small town sheriff stop a car for a minor traffic violation . When the mans ID came back as fake he was arrested . After several hours of checking the sheriff found the man was on the FBI's most watched list and had been missing almost 2 yrs . The man had been in town over a year had had troop movements in and out of Fort Hood for a year . A list of all officials in town . Plus the migritory habits of the wild life in the area he was in . Maps , charts and other things where found in his house . I found out about this from a Houston radio station . The shrriff was going to call them and give a report after the FBI took the man into custady . The sherriff never called and when he was called to be asked questions he refused and never said why . After 2 yrs I still can not find anything out about what happened . If you know anything please let me know .

    6 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • If I break the law I go to jail cross the border illegally you get a free ride .Why?

    You are here illegally and get food stamps and free medical . You are born here and work all your life and when your SS check won't cover your medicine and food you are treated like a dog for asking . My friends wife had to ask for food stamp help . They cut their hours at work and just need help to feed the kids . While filling out paper work this woman comes in and ask for help . She had to have her daughter tranlate for her .when asked how many in the house she said 7 . She walks out with a food stamp card and filled nothing out and signed nothing . My friends wife gets told they make to much and has to wait for 2 weeks to get an appointment . Why does this happen to natural born Americans .

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago