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Online schools which one are better?

I want to start taking on line classes for psychology . Can anyone give me 3 schools to check into or just one they have found was better than the rest ?

8 Answers

  • CoachT
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "online school" doesn't have to mean "as seen on TV, for profit school"

    Nearly 80% of all colleges and universities teach online these days - including Harvard, Cornell, UC Berkeley, Oxford, .... Some really good schools. Your local State U probably also offers degrees 100% online. It's not 1982 anymore and the internet has turned out to not be a passing fad. is a list of some of the state systems that have consolidated their offerings on a single list for you to search through.

    A good example is UMass - far from a "diploma mill" --

    Now, if you're talking just taking some classes and transferring later (vs completing a whole degree) then "better" is probably "cheapest" since the name of the school only matters on your final diploma. That would be some of the community college systems such as New Mexico and Nebraska where tuition is incredibly reasonable.

    New Mexico -

    Nebraska -

    with your local community college probably (not always) being the most cost effective.

    If you'd like "world class" instruction online try these:

    Harvard University -

    UC Berkeley -

    If you need good quality but upper level (which a community college doesn't offer) and a low price:

    Louisiana State University -

    Brigham Young University -

    Just remember, if you pick "as seen on TV" then everyone else has seen it on TV too and most people don't think too highly of those. They're also way more expensive - they have to pay for all of those TV commercials.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


  • 10 years ago

    There are tons of traditional schools, colleges, and universities offering full programs online. Check out your state colleges to see what they have. This site has a listing of schools offering online degrees by state.

    The key is to make sure the college/university is accredited. I have three basic recommendations for everyone looking into online/distance education. They all have to do with exploring; after all, you have to defend your assets.

    1. Make certain that you have triple checked their accreditation. First, they tell you what it is, then you go to that accrediting body’s website (not through the link provided by the school), and thirdly you would visit the department of education to see what they have to say. Do your diligent research into the institutions once you have narrowed down to a couple. You can look at the Better Business Bureau for more information on the college.

    2. You must have extreme self motivation and be able to teach yourself per say. This means that you will not have someone telling you verbally, so it is up to you to get the information from the course room, text, and other resources. The best way to look at it is like a guided independent study course.

    3. Review your goals, personal and professional. Make sure that the school that you are going to offers the programs that match your goals. Do not settle. There are many programs that are similar, but you have to make the ultimate decision. Do not let it be based on finances and length of program, but the fact that when you are finished or near finished you will be able to assume your proper place in the career field sought.

    There are many traditional universities offering degrees that can be earned through online methods. Distance Learning Alliance has a list of these traditional online schools. Look at that if you are truly concerned with the name of the school. Good luck on your search!

  • 10 years ago

    Psychology is one of the most popular majors in spite of the fact there are few jobs for a person with a bachelor's degree in Psychology.

    You can only realistically expect to make a good living in this field if you get a PhD so you can set yourself up in private practice as a Psychologist. There are a few jobs available just with a masters. To do either of these you have to graduate from your bachelors program with a GPA of at least 3.0. If you think you can do this and commit yourself to at least 4 years of additional schooling after you get your bachelors, maybe 6, then great.

    But if you do not think you will get at least a 3.0 or do not intend to stay in school past your bachelors degree then you should consider a different field. There are vastly more people with a bachelors degree in psychology than there is anything resembling enough jobs for them in this field.

    Since you need a PhD and once you have a PhD no one really cares where you got your bachelors, just go to the place you can go for the cheapest, generally your closest state university, as an in state student. A less competitive school is best as you will end up with a better GPA. A high GPA from a less competitive school is better than a mediocre GPA from a competitive school. Save your money for grad school and your PhD. It is normal to go to a different school for your grad degree and PhD anyway.

    If you do not want to pursue a masters in Psychology, you can also go into a masters program in a lot of other areas or to law school as well.

    People with only an undergrad degree in psychology and who actually got a job that had anything to do with the degree made a starting salary of $36,000 per year on average in 2009 according to:

    Some people confuse this with psychiatry. To be a psychiatrist you need to become a medical doctor first and you first need to get into medical school which is even harder to do that getting into a graduate level psychology program. After getting your MD you then specialize in psychiatry.

    Check out this link. Check out the answer by Francisco Munoz.;_ylt=AtzvQ...

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Virtual virginia

    All of virginia's governor schools

    In my opinion, online classes are much better, than class at school.

  • 10 years ago

    i'd do my best to avoid online schools. certain licensing boards frown upon distance learning, so your best bet would be to go to a traditional school. but if you insist, the university of phoenix is a good one. capella university is another good one. and i believe walden university has an online psy program. a fourth would be nova southeastern university. again try to avoid online programs if you can, but these ones will do.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    None. Get it from an accredited on campus college/university.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Every on-line school is equally as bad.

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