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Pandora asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

YA violation...?? Why are people resorting to this for disagreements?

Just to inform fellow sirs et madames who have been guilty of targetting because you happen to voice the wrong opinion...

Yesterday in answering a questions Who actually like B Manning? I put up my response which was actually critical...

This morning in my mail I recieved an email from "floppydick" a user on YA of course who said "see your account get suspended he he" .. I was surprised because actually I didnt think anything in my answer was offensive or even unacceptable...but later this afternoon I received a Yahoo Violation notice from YA....which deleted my answer in total...

I believe in freedom of speech and fair debate and dont think things are black and white...why people behave so childishly as if I dont agree with you so I am going to report you? what are the thumbs up and down for then?

Anyway I looked at this guys response and he referenced the word "n**ger" so I reported him and sent him the same email back in return which was very satisfying....


really this question is about why people do this? what offends them so much they think you should be disqualified ?

may be floppdick can answer ?

and what are people general experience of this....

Update 2:

Enoch Ghost - I find it very difficult to believe that you posted un racist remarks as you qoute and that somebody else reported you for something that was unracist....

but you feel the need to vindicate yourself by being a YA policeman go ahead....make your day...

Update 3:

Enoch Ghost - I find it very difficult to believe that you posted un racist remarks as you qoute and that somebody else reported you for something that was unracist....

but you feel the need to vindicate yourself by being a YA policeman go ahead....make your day...

Update 4:

Why does your profile say 0% questions asked and why dont you put the link up for everyone to see...

I can tell you this from what you say I dont agree with that anyway ....I dont agree with extremism but I wont report it as an abuse... this is an abuse of YA ...and its shows intolerance regardless of what you say this is about.... From what people say here its not just from politically divided its for other reasons to....

35 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes people take this site WAY too seriously!

    Yes there needs to be controls on racist stuff,pornography etc but some of you guys are getting a little outta control with the violations.

    Can you really not tell when someone has posted a question /answer for a giggle,to pull your leg etc

    ...dont take life or Yahoo too serious guys and gals, have fun!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is a very interesting question.

    free speech and racism hmmm....

    salman rushdie comes to mind here at present. and to make matters worse allmutt and the wests "peacers" want tony to act as a negotiator in the middleeast debate!!! ha ha ha thats so ironic. i could make this a very long winded answer but i wont because they are boring.

    i actually used to believe in "free speech" ( when i was younger ) but then i grew up and now believe that if we are ignorant on a particular subject or culture or faith then free speech should be " banned ".

    as civilised human beings 2007ad. where info and education are peaking, we should get this absolutely correct.

    we simply cannot call a black person a ******, or a fat person fatty etc etc..

    we have to care for eveyones pain and cherish their sensitivities.

    for example salman rushdie has no respect or decency for ppl yet BRITAIN is honouring him?!!

    politically this is LUDICROUS.

    and iam no politition, but even i as a brit tax payer object, i mean i work for a very large brit company and i would lose my position if i were to be racially or sexually prejudgemental to a colleague yet in the world of those in power they can ( in our name ) offend any countrys religious practices.

    hmmm maybe this should be a question, i'll just go and post it.

    Source(s): sorry it was a bit long.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've received several violations just for expressing views that were not offensive to anyone! It's getting a bit ridiculous.

    I do think, though, that most of us only report others if they are being racist, for example, or something equally repulsive. Sadly, there seem to be a small number of people on this site who appear to spend most of their time reporting 'abuse' to Yahoo when none occurred. I know the violation notices I've received are totally, utterly absurd!

  • 1 decade ago

    YA need to be careful. Reporting should only be for stuff that is truly, deliberately and gratuitously designed to offend.

    Taking people out just for taking a contrary position to the majority will soon mean that YA becomes so boring that you would think MSN were managing it.

    And, of course, that's when the interesting people will stop contributing and it will become as informative and intelligent a site as a redtop is a newspaper

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  • 1 decade ago

    Amazingly, I have to agree with Plato here. I challenged a violation and all I got back was a list of reportable offence by yahoo, none of which fit the bill. Those who are making malicious reports of abuse need to be identified and blocked.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I lost 20 points (and level 2 status) and had answres deleted for asking if any truth to rumor Hillary had just one testicle, which, I admit, was offensive. But it was 2 a.m. and seemed very funny and provoked a lot of very interesting conversation. How does it all work? Someone files a complaint on you?

    Hadn't seen previous answers; some think Yahoo is (phonetically--Yay-hoo) taken from King Jehu of Kings/Chronicles in Bible

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Its low brow people who think they have a right to never be offended on both the far right and far left. I once asked if the first amendment wasn't created to protect disagreeable or unpopular speech and you would be amazed at where the majority voted.

    I've just wanted adult debate and input on questions. And I've had my account totally deleted three times. Now I stick to totally innocuous conversation, a waste of this forum.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the risk you take when you come on THIS section. I'm not saying it hasn't happened in other sections of Y!Answers, but it's REALLY bad here.

    When I signed on here, I contemplated allowing mail but I am so OH SO glad that I didn't - my mailbox is reserved for people I know, trust & cherish. There are really cool people on here, that I would have enjoyed chatting with but the morons & stalkers, trolls are just too many reasons why I keep to myself in this aspect. Hope that you calm down enough to enjoy other questions. It's not consolation but it's happened to the best & worst of us.

    (Maybe justice is blind...)

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't worry to much. I like the action you took.

    there are a few idiots on here. have fun with them, its quite rewarding to mess around with them watching them get angry over nothing. The Armenian's on here think they are doing their country a benefit by Slating the long list of empires which have conquered their Lands. they couldn't be further form the truth.

    Some people like to rant and believe there view is the one and only.

    Don't worry about it they just end up looking like fools.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi I have the same experince as you and got a violation from Yahoo nad they willnot enter into conversation about this.

    I didn't think my answer to a similar question- -which was

    Do you like ??? warranted a violation.

    My offensive answer????


    How can this be a violation of rules??

    If anyone can answer this for me i would be greatful.

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