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For lateral thinkers...?

Listen to this story:

A weaver of a village went to the marketplace everyday to purchase the finest threads for making a tapestry.

Everyday, the weaver came back to the house, treading over a sturdy hemp mat, overlaid with fine feathers, with a single inlaid black pearl.

Slowly, day by day the weaver worked on the masterpiece, selecting carefully the right threads, teasing out that which appeared out of place, and replacing worn threads, whilst the hemp mat began to age and the feathers ruffled with every tread.

Eventually the townspeople began to notice the weaver's tapestry, they amassed in large crowds, rushing into the house to gaze at the weaver's wonderous tapestry taking shape.

When the tapestry was finally complete, the townspeople were overjoyed, carrying the weaver on their shoulders and proclaiming "here lives the greatest weaver of our time", whilst the hemp mat lay in trampled ruin, feathers gone, the black pearl shattered.


The question is:

What does the following to you stand for?

the weaver

the hemp mat

the feather

the pearl

the threads

the tapestry

the townspeople

the meaning of the story?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To me, you have just shown why I abandoned my Catholic faith. I, too, felt the need to be a weaver, to show the whole world how faithful I was and what a "good christian" I could be. Meanwhile, my hemp mat (actual faith) was slowly worn away and trampled to death.

    Then I found paganism, specifically Wicca. A belief system where the tapestry has no place, but my mat is well tended. My pearl is whole again, and I am at peace with myself and the world around me.

    Source(s): an educated pagan
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This question is to hard... It's time for my afternoon nap. But turning all that good weed into hemp was a mistake... That stuff could have been used by the townspeople and this story would have had a better ending.

    [][][] r u randy? [][][]


  • 1 decade ago

    "The master potter leaves no trace". It's an ancient saying having to do with the ego. That the town's people only recognized the man and not the finest production of his life. Until we begin to realize it is our actions, together, which carry the most weight, we are doomed to repeat our ego's demands. To become an enlightened society we need to see ourselves without the need for self-aggrandizement.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the hemp mat I guess

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    eh...taking something for granted?

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