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Joining the USMC from a wealthy family....?

Well I was really considering joining the United States Marine Core. Long story short I wanted to join back in HS (4yrs ago) but my parents talk me out of it. Which is good in sense I wanted to join infantry back then with my friends(2 of them past away in 2005). But now my other friends are going and I am having a hard time getting my parents to back me up. They say “people like us don’t go to the military” its mostly because we come from a family with money. But to me serving ones country is more then money its pride and joy. Has anyone had this? Lack ness of support? I know boot camp is really really hard and it makes me second guess myself but I am sure I can make it with my parents support.


Well my family opinions mean a lot to me we are a very close family.

On the dying part I not scared of that, better dye for ones country to die on drugs or drunk driver etc whatever it be…

But so far thanks for your advice everyone. I did talk to the recruiter about possible jobs non infantry and options seem good. A little details he offer Finical department, work in the core office and a sure me that I won’t see battle. Which my friend is calling me a POG Person Other then Grunt

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I joined the Marine Corps my mother fell out in the floor at my recruiter's feet begging him to reject me. (I've never been so embarrassed in my life). Few parents actually want their children to join the military because they are aware of the inherent risks associated with such a decision; your socio-economic background, while significant to your parents, is of little importance in the larger scheme of things. This may sound like strange advice coming from a Marine, but weigh their objections carefully in your head...there may be snobbery associated with their complaints but there is also genuine concern for your well-being, and a realization that we are a nation currently at war. My mother never warmed to the idea either until I returned from boot camp; but she never slept soundly again until I was finally out eight years later. That's the nature of parenthood, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Ultimately it is your decision, so make sure it is an informed decision...(that's a Marine characteristic if ever I've heard one). Should you decide to join our ranks, you'll be given that opportunity and a hearty "welcome aboard". Good luck in your decision-making process Semper Fidelis.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your parents have a poor attitude about their position in society. Just because they are rich doesn't mean they have a right to excuse them from certain civic duties. Lots of rich people throughout our history have seen their sons in the military.

    If you are 18 and over you don't need your parents' permission to join the military. However, that would be going against your parents' wishes. That's a tough thing to do. They have no legal or moral right to keep you from doing what you want to do. If you want to smoke pot, run off to Africa and become a missionary, etc. they cannot legally stop you. There are times in life when we have to make hard choices and this looks like it's your time now. Joining the military because your friends are joining is not a credible reason to go. It's your call.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are about 22 from your description and that's old enough to make this kind of decision yourself. While it would be nice to have the support of your parents, you are a grown man and the Marines need men not boys. Make your decision on what is right for your life.

    However, that said, I must point out that while serving ones country is an honorable thing, the government that is putting our military at risk is doing so for no good reason. You need to consider if this is the right time to offer to have your face blown off for a rich man's folly. Perhaps that is what your parents are afraid of.

  • 5 years ago

    Bottom line..It is either Join the Marines... or Stay at home and have Kids... The two are like Oil & Water...they don't Mix... You have a very warped misconception of Military Life... WARNING: The Divorce Rate For First Time Enlistees is 95%+>>> Per DOD Stats... Besides the Corp wouldn't allow you to Enlist in the First Place... Prime candidates are Single with No Dependence... (and they want you to stay that way...) If the Corps has their will have to stay Single with No Dependents for your first 4 year Contract... (Personally I hope they Do...)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shame on your parents for not supporting you! I'll take honor over money any day.

    You have to decide what your life is about, not your parents. You have to live with the decisions the rest of your life. You can cop out on this decision by asking in this venue. Most here don't have a clue about real life. What you are deciding about is. Son, you make the decision on your own, then you will be able to live with the consequences.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey guy, your parents are undeserving of what they have. IMHO Whether you go into the Corps or not you have already made a big fan out of a Texan (me). I know the feeling as a young man. Jarheads are stupid, get the 2nd rate gear from headquarters, have the prettiest uniforms, the longest military tradition and end up deserving of the most respect. If you do it, I'd say you redeem your parents.

  • If your afraid to die for your Country, you need to keep your rich *** at home. Your friends who died knew what it meant to join, you on the other hand, do not if you were afraid then, what makes anything different now.

    The fact your letting your "rich" mommy and daddy make your decision at your age, also shows you are not man enough to join the Corp. Here is some advice, keep your rich *** at home, it will even be worse on your in the Corp if anyone found out that "rich mommy and daddy" is making your decision for the past 4 yrs.

    Source(s): Marine Corp 1st Sgt.
  • Neka
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you are over 18 it doesn't matter what your parents think. If joining the Marines is what you want then go for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you are now an adult, and can decide for yourself. You don't join the Marines, you become one. Semper Fi!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like your parents arrogance, but I am sure that deep down they are just worried about you going to war and getting injured or killed.

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