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Anonymous asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Steps to Stop Global Warming for Kids?

I'm a kid, and I'm wondering what steps that kids can take to stop global warming. Thanks.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's so rude the way some of these crackpots behave, especially when you stated up front that you are a child. Some people forget themselves I suppose...

    I think to start off simply, just try not to waste energy. Turn off lights when you're not in the room. Unplug things that you are not using (the toaster, etc.). Turn off the computer and things like that when they're not being used. Get a group of friends together from your neighborhood and walk to and from school together so your parents won't have to use their cars. On rainy days, carpool. Ask your teachers about submitting some assignments online to save paper. You can research more ideas over the summer and maybe in the fall you can help put a plan in place for saving energy at your school. I bet you're a natural born leader!

    I think there's a lot kids can do, thank you for asking and have a great summer!

  • 3DM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Look for a different motivation. You should live your life with as little environmental impact as possible regardless of whether the world is heating, cooling, or staying the same. Are you nice to your parents because you won't get as much at Christmas if you're not?

    Nothing in this world is free. There is an environmental cost of every item you use up or throw away, every action you take. Consider them and try to use the items with lower environmental impact, choose actions that decrease environmental damage.

    Folks have already given you a number of good specific actions to take. I'll add one that some people don't think of: buy fresh produce in season (that means learning when certain fruits and vegetables are normally harvested.) We used to not have certain produce available year round. In order to do that today, that produce is shipped from half way around the globe at great energy cost, or it is forced closer by, but with agricultural techniques that have a higher resource/energy cost than the "natural" produce. In a market economy, production is based on supply and demand. Decrease the demand, and grocers will end up decreasing their supply.

  • 1 decade ago

    Somethings everyone should be doing, including kids, are: -turning off any light or appliance, like air conditioners, heaters, computers...) that's not in use. If you really do this every time, it works; it saves up a lot of energy and thus, pollution.

    - using as little water as you can (clean water supplies will be scarce in the future, and you know how much hotter the Earth is gonna be soon)

    - recycling, and try to use less plastic and foam containers. Don't throw away what you can recycle.

    - you should tell (and insist) your parents to do all of this, and whatever more they can.

    - you can also tell your friends or whoever you want to do all this too

    - This is about all I know you can do, but surely there's more, so go search for more steps on the Internet...

    JUst do everything you can. It's cool you like a clean, healthy planet to live on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whether or not you want to refer to Global Warming, pollution is the main issue. Eating at fast food restaurants is probably the worst thing for pollution. Most items served at these places have been shipped long distances, many people then drive to these places to eat "food" that is very wastefully packaged. Make your own sandwich instead, pack it in a reusable container and then walk to a nice site for a picnic.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some of the same things that adults do:

    Ride your bike to places, like school, instead of having your paretns drive you.

    Eat lunches that are not pre-packaged (no chips, soda, Lunchables(tm), etc...) but pack apples, bananas, sandwiches from home and other stuff like that.

    Turn off appliance when you are done using them! Turn out lights, turn off the computer, turn off the Playstation(tm), turn off the radio, etc...

    Close the door to keep the cool air in.

    Get and use rechargable batteries for your Ipod(tm) and other personal electronic stuff. Use a solar recharger to recharge the batteries.

    Recycle aluminum, glass, newspaper and plastic.

    Plant a garden or plants in containers.

    Keep talking to the adults you know about protecting the environment. The more you know and talk with them, the more they have to learn to keep up with you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just saw this on an Wall Street Journal article about a new website: "Carbon Diet Plan, which lists ways to improve one's ecological profile "and provides inspiration for your friends to do the same."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Start agitating to make the environmentalists live in the environment as nature intended: Naked cold hunter gatherers with a 20 year lifespan. Make 'em go back to the caves first to try it out before they make everyone else go. I'll be waiting in my air conditioned house. It's the one with all the lights on and the windows open.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, you can question the lack of accurate science teaching in your public school. If your parents can afford it, the home schooling and some private schools teach you much more of critical things and how to separate truth from trash.

    Learn about propaganda, and how the media tries to influence you, so you can discern truth from fiction in it. And what are half-truths put in to mislead you away from the reality.

    Get a sound background in science and math. Important to know these basics well. One other person on here showed the absurdity of a salesman on TV who as trying to sell air conditioners by using false math to show how antipollution they were.

    Know Chemistry and Biology. Chemistry so you can identify what elements are involved and what they actually do alone and in combination. Biology so you can understand why and how a monoculture of Oil Palms replacing an old diversified jungle really raised the overall CO2 levels and acts contrary to what the companies are being paid big bucks to do. Pockets are lined, and CO2 shoved up, and since most folks do not know biology, they let it happen, and money talks big to the ignorant.

    Study history, and especially that related to various demagogues who rose to power on false premises, and the damage they did to Civilization. Learn to recognize the type in time.

    Lean to read well, and study the vocabulary, so you can understand the books and learn from the very precise works and words of past writers. A person who reads and understands a lot of different literature has fun, and is hard to lead astray. And learn to appreciate all forms of music...broaden and see how music can affect your attitude and thoughts. You can then tell is someone is trying to direct your thoughts improperly by the music, words and tunes.

    This is NOT what you will be pressured to do, by peers, parents, government, and society in general. It is not the easy way, but your life will be richer, and you may be the one to make a critical difference in the future, when you know, and resist pressure to do improper things.

    And, of course, ask yourself now what is proven wrong with letting nature warm up as the long tide of history predicts, before the next slide to a 90,000 year glaciation? Ask yourself who really benefits from what is being proposed to be done...does it benefit us to have to go on austerity diets, to stop being able to travel and mix with other peoples and learn from them of their ways, be controlled in our lives by a Consensus group of the elite...and so on. One that only a few years ago was telling us with equal fervor that Global Cooling was the imminent disaster...their computers proved it! Learn the meaning of GIGO!!

    I frankly like the idea of higher CO2 making for lush plant growth. Of shallow sea extentions that are warm and nice and can be fished or fish farmed and kelps be raised to add to our diets. I like the idea of new scenery not seen for 100,000 years coming to light, and the history we will find of earlier mankind coming out from under the ice, plus having so much MORE farmland, not overworked and overpolluted so it will grow large and clean crops to feed the whole world, and new and more minerals to work with.

    I'd like to climb the red mountain up in the Alaskan or Canadian interior I saw from a plane a few years ago.

    I did NOT like the idea we cannot expand and find new things and grow more and more varied crops, for everybody. Is there a really good purpose to hold mankind back from this? Other than to have power over a lot of lives?

    So much of the gloom and doom is predicated on computer programs of unknown reliability, aside from they seem not to be able to predict past events from data coming before them, so how much confidence do I have in their accurately predicting future events from things now?

    But if you study and learn and analyze carefully, you can help keep the earth on the right course that way. Keep science and politics wholly open and honest, avoid using them to oppress peoples, and YOU will go a long ways toward saving the earth.

    Have at it. kids. Make a real difference, from the foundations of knowledge and wisdom.

    Source(s): General knowledge, and the background my parents gave me of the importance of knowledge tempered by wisdom and goodness. I have in my ways tried to pass this on and spread it further.
  • 1 decade ago

    Stop and question. It bothers me that people are trying to scare you, and make you feel that you need to do something. If no one else has, let me be the first to say, "There is no such thing as Global Warming, you're OK"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best thing you can do is stop believing everything you hear about the existence of global warming. Global warming is about as believable as the Easter Bunny.

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