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If you can't take the heat, then why ask the Question?

If I feel a Question is really stupid, I'll give it a stupid answer, do you agree with me or not?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Eh, Well in a way I do. Sometimes, I wonder why people ask certain questions but then again....they may be genuinely searching for an answer. I'll give a stupid answer sometimes as a joke but I try not to offend anyone by it.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. There is no need to answer a stupid question. You have

    to ignore it or ask the asker for a question relevant to the

    subject being discussed. For if you entertain a stupid question,

    it will only encourage others to emulate the asker and your

    session will not prosper and is only a waste of time.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is you may be a radical that thinks all questions are stupid. However, you have the right to answer anyway you want. As long as you don't report others for answering your stupid questions accordingly. That would make you a radical hypocrite.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually no i don't people ask what they think is important to them they may not always word it articulately, but it must have been what was on their mind so a stupid answer is not always the way to go....why can't people just answer decently.

  • HP
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yep, my mother always told me, if you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer.

    Only problem though is not everyone on here agrees with the definition of 'stupid'.

    For further information go see the religion & sprituality section.

  • completely, sometimes i want to pull my hair out because i really try to be polite to people but its hard when you see questions like.... my boyfriend is in the army should i give it up to him?? or i cheated on my solider husband and now im pregnant what should i do? i mean for pete sake people i know its a free world but grow some dam braincells!! and if your going to whine and block me for trying to smack a dumb person in the face to wake up and smell the coffee then i really didn't need your input either because that indicates that there an idiot too.

    i really try to ignore dumb questions but every once in awhile i come across that one that i just have to call them stupid for even asking something ludicrous. it really scares me at how many people out there lack common sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    reminds of a saying I made up just this may go down in history as a popular way to spot an to ask a simple wuestion.

    Let your answer be true and reflect the essence of your character and your nature. intentional mispellings

    Source(s): my own thoughts on the matter.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    then you will take the heat for this crappy question?

    the majority of people ask questions for serious answers.

    as in they seriously need help.

    think about it, if you were stressed over something very important to you, would you want someone to mock you just because they don't think on your level?

    next time consider peoples opinions before answering insensitively.

  • dude
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes. I think it is also important to remember this is for entertainment. It is a game. Some people get to bent out of shape. Like the Answer Nazi's.

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