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Hey, i'm 15 years old and i've started writing a book, i want to be an author and i need opinions?

I welcome you into this story, with hopes that you leave it with a wandering mind.

My story takes place in a world very different from the one you live in. I live in the world of the three kingdoms. The kingdoms of Peace, Tranquility, and Harmony. It would be wise not to be fooled by there names, for the names are just now meaningless titles. There was a place that only the very wise and powerful knew of, the Valley of Unknown powers. No one was quite sure who lived there and why, but all everyone knew was that you went in with a small talent and came out very powerful, you became one of the guardians of the realm. I lived in the most powerful and the cruelest of the kingdoms, the Kingdom of Peace. Although it did not seem that way, for I did not live as a peasant, or a beggar, I lived as the daughter of the next most powerful king of the kingdoms. Prince Garthus the second was to be the next ruler of our kingdom when his father king Garthus the first will be assassinated, for people in these kingdoms don’t pass away, the royalty most likely get murdered. I felt no compassion towards my father for I did not know him so well, I was well cared for but not by a parent. It was horrible of me to think it but I wanted my father assassinated before he took the crown due to the fact that I did not want to be taken to the Valley of Unknown Powers, all the kings, sons and daughters had to go there until they are well acquainted with the other royalty, are prepared for there future duties and have a secret weapon of there own. My name: Annabella, has been down on the list for the v.o.u.p. since birth. I will start my tale from the early years of my life….

I woke up to the sun hitting my face and warming my body after the chilly night, the castle was going to be rampaging with guests this week, for the yearly banquet of the royalties was going to be held at our castle this year, I lay in my bed listening to the yells of the planners, laying there idly while every one was running about there business. But I too was soon taken away from my daydreams by Tenma, the mother figure in my life. She came in barging in a rush, so I pretended to be asleep. She murmured while looking about my room, which looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in a very long while. “Where did she leave it? I knew I shouldn’t have shown it to her and that she would end up taking it, those guards will have to be punished.” I yawned loudly to get her to leave and she scurried out of the room. She was talking about the white amulet. There were seven main sources of power in our kingdom. The Luthen Amulets. Of seven colors they are. Earlier Tenma said that a very powerful one was hidden in this castle, and she thought she knew where it might be. Now I’ve always been a little special, but nobody knew it. So, later that night I went to my room, locked the door and lighted a few candles. I let myself slip into unconsciousness.

I was walking down a dark corridor with crisp cobble stoned walls, as a breeze hit the back of my neck. I frantically looked around, but kept scampering to the end of the passageway I saw a mossy wooden door, and reached for it. It was sealed, so I concentrated harder, it opened with a crack, and past that door was a room about two feet in width and length. A blinding light of silver-white reached my eyes, and I stretched my hands…

Chapter two?

I woke up the next morning with my stomach rumbling, lying on the cold stone floor of my room. The accounts of last night rushed back to me. I took my hand to my neck and felt the warmth of the white amulet, and smiled at my success, there was a knock on my door, so I hastily put it under my dress. It was Tenma looking frustrated, as she said “Where have you been? The dukes and duchesses of Harmony are here. Why are you still wearing your night gown? Oh, we don’t have time for this. Come, come hurry put on your gown.”

“Good morning to you too, Tenma.”

Tenma giggled and gave me a smack on the back of my head that I deserved. “Make hurry, almost everyone is here, what were you doing all this time?”

I walked down the stone staircases and started awkwardly greeting the guests. All seemed quite nice. But the air was not clean, it was impure, things were being hidden on the inside. Things that shouldn’t be. I wondered who was hiding them, when I was rudely pulled into a dark corner. “Let me go, what are you doing to me?” I looked up at the face of my capturer and saw a friendly grinning face. Kestn, my best friend was looking down at me with a smile that showed his teeth from every angle, and his hazel eyes gleaming in the dark through his shaggy brown hair. I thought you would like to be escorted out of this banquet of the snobs.” We both laughed, and left the castle, sneaking past the maids, servants and guards. We ran up a hill until we were sure that nobody had followed or seen us. “Thanks for the help, listen, I have to tell you something.” I told him about last night, because I told him everything, and as I brought out the white amulet, he gasped. He already knew that I was special, but not this much. We sat there talking for a long time, about what we would have to do in our lives, when I felt a strange presence take over him.

“I have something to say, but you have to be very open minded about this, okay?” I simply nodded my head, wondering what was coming to me. “Well, I was thinking why don’t you and me go look for the amulets together?” I just looked back at him, without any reaction whatsoever. That would have been a good idea, but the problem is the remaining six amulets are scattered over the 3 kingdoms by the true owner, who has long been dead, it was said that whoever sought the power and would be able to conquer it would have to find them first. “But Kestn I’m only 16 and you 17, do you think well be able to cross the rivers, swamps, hills, and mountains that separate the kingdoms?” It looked like he was thinking hard about this, and waited for several minutes before he said “Just promise me you’ll think about it okay?” Then he left without another word.

He left me to walk back to the castle by myself, and so I did, I politely nodded at some of the guests and was hoping to make it back to my room, if I hadn’t seen my father gesturing to me, to come and meet his old friend. I walked up slowly, wondering how long this was going to take. “Hello young lady, pleasure to meet you” I tried to reply politely, “the pleasure is mines sir.” He chuckled delightfully while saying “you’re everything your father said you are”, as I gave my father an accusing look, I notice the badge of the kingdom of Harmony on the other Kings chest, “How would you like to come and live at the palace of tranquility? I mean as the wife of the prince” He finished.

I just stood there, frozen, staring blankly at him, and at the words that he spoke. From my frozen mode, came a pounding rush of thoughts, my life here, the amulets, Tenma, Kestn, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me waiting for my reply, but they wouldn’t here it… I ran from the room, letting my numbness let go of me, I scampered up three flights of stairs, ran into my room, shut the door, and jumped on my bed. I don’t know how long I laid there sprawled on my mattress, but when I awoke it was dark outside. The events of the previous hours rushed back to me. Oh no…. what am I going to do, I can’t stay here anymore. My friend’s faces vividly appeared in my mind, Kestn, his offer…

I started packing immediately, everything I would need, clothes, my life savings, and I had just enough time to run into the kitchens and get some dried peppered meat, and stale bread. The main doors were locked, and my bedroom window was too high. I looked desperately out the window, thinking my plans were being abashed by something so simple when I heard someone speak in a deep voice, “Not running away little princess, are you?” That familiar voice gave a comfort, only one person called me princess in that manner when I am disappointed. I saw Kestn, all the way down there, with a rope ladder, “Are you packed princess?” I didn’t have to ask how he knew, but he always did, I saw that he also carried a bag. I climbed down and we half walked, half tippy toed our way to the stables, where two beautiful mares were waiting for us, one with a coat of whitened gold, and a mane of silver, while the other had skin the color of midnight, but with the same silver mane. There yellow eyes gleamed down at us as we took their ropes. “Wow, you thought ahead didn’t you?” I said with a smile.

“Well someone had to, seeing you took so long to figure out what you had to do, so I took the liberty of preparing our needs for the expedition. Anyways I heard what happened, and am therefore satisfied with your decision.

“Why, don’t you want me to stay home, or at least have a new one??”

“You call this place a home? You are imprisoned against your own will, without knowing it and have been made to believe that you have everything you want. But as long as you remain here, you will never know what’s waiting for you past the maids and butlers, past the afternoon tea and royal acquaintances, past the gloomy and isolated towers of this castle that you call a home. Your going to have to forget this fantasy of a home and life that you are know leaving behind and think about what’s coming towards you” he said with a last breath.

We walked in silence for a while, listening to the soft sounds of the horse’s hooves as we walk alongside them. The orchards weren’t as bright right now as they were during the day. The wind would wrap itself against us with its feather-like touch around our necks, trying to sweep us away from our direction but we kept walking. The leaves whispered in our wake, from the nearby trees, rustling against each other. Wondering who was sneaking off at this time of night. The silence of the moonlight gave me a ringing sound in my ears; I felt like I was going to have to stay like that forever, until Kestn finally spoke, “do you think what were doing id the right thing? I mean something that we won’t regret later? Because I don’t think were that prepared for what’s coming our way” I took a while to let his words sink in… what were we really doing? Running away from our homes in the middle of the night? Could this be the right thing to do? I replied in slow, soft meaningless words that didn’t seem to comfort anybody, “I guess well have to find out”. I was getting tired of walking so much and by now we were almost leaving the orchards, I could see the soft glisten of the candles of the village that was ahead of us, the mud colored houses had an eerie look to it at night, with the occasional glow of the candles. Kestn, the horses and I made our way through the village slowly, often seeing bright colored eyes in the alleyways. The cats in this village were praised for there stealthy ways and rich coats of fur. We kept on walking, trying to get through this village that seemed to be getting longer the more we walked, Kestn took a quick glance back and hurriedly looked forward again. “Izabella” he whispered, “Were being followed. Keep calm, don’t look back. Play along with me”. Panic fled through my veins but yet I felt safe with Kestn. He slowly and stealthily put his hand in his pocket and handed me a sharp bladed knife. He took out a more spear-like with strange embodiments on it. He abruptly stopped in his place and grabbed my elbow to stop me. We waited there looking at each other for about a minute when behind me someone lurched out of a large trash bin and grabbed me by the neck. Fear was beating in my heart. But Kestn didn’t move at all he just stood there and stared at the situation. “Hand me your loot, the bearded man said with his deep yet squeaky voice. Surprisingly Kestn just walked forward and the man gave him a warning of hurting me when I started to feel the air leaving my mouth. It was getting really hard to breathe with the robbers fingers clasped over my air pipes. Kestn saw my color become pale and he lowered his knife and it in to his pocked then he raised his arms throwing something very small skinny and sharp at the man. He nearly missed my head but it hit the other mans throat as he fell I fell with him. His hand released from my throat I was finally able to breathe, my heart pumping hard in fright and relieve. Kestn helped me get up. I was violently shaking now my face pearly white. Kestn held me in his arms silently until the shaking decreased, I could feel his heart pounding against my head. He let go and I thanked him, we kept on walking and at last we cleared the village. Now able to speak again I asked Kestn where he was planning to go.

“I thought we could stop at a deserted ravine for the night. But first we must find one. I’m getting tired. Who do you think sent that man after us?” He added. “I’m not sure but that frightened me. This isn’t exactly safe. Running away from a castle and going of on a journey all by ourselves. Especially at night” I said with a last breathe.

“Don’t worry princess, your not alone, well yet at least.” Laughter and relieve followed this. I remembered who I was with, my lifetime best friend.

Meanwhile back at the castle dawn was approaching. . . . . . . .

Tenma was knocking on the door to the empty bedroom. “Oh come on darling, you don’t have to leave here just yet. Talk it over with the king.” More frantic knocking came from the door but this time a deeper voice said "Annabella, I order you to come out.” Her father’s voice rang and echoed off the walls of the empty room. Then in a lower voice it said, “We don’t have a choice, break the lock.” There was a loud click and Tenma rushed into the deserted room and made a run for the fluffed up lump of a blanket only to find that nobody was under it.

“She’s gone, sir, she’s gone!!!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Sir, she’s not here, she probably left last night, but how? She’s on the third floor. Oh my poor child, she’s all alone now!”

Although the king didn’t exactly love his daughter the way a father should, if he didn’t take immediate action his daughter would be found and held for ransom, or the citizens would think this wasn’t a righteous king. So the king ordered his team of members to inform the villagers of the kingdom would get a 30,000 glone {unit of money used in the kingdom, 1 glone =7 dollars} reward. A frantic search was taking place…


“How much farther do we have to ride?” I asked Kestn in a very whiny voice, as if I was being dragged into doing this. “I told you Izabella, you have to be patient we’ll stop in the next village”, he answered me as if he was talking to a frustrated 4-year-old. “Hand me the map” he added. I bent over the side of my horse, and started rummaging around in one of the pockets of the saddle until I felt parchment. I straightened up and handed the map to Kestn. He took it from me and opened it and used the horses’ neck to support it. He looked up and saw that I was staring at him because he had a weary look in his hazel eyes which glowed green in the warm sun. “What’s the matter?” I asked. But he didn’t answer. He just looked ahead, as if in deep concentration. Moments went on in silence as I stared quizzically stared ahead. Finally a sigh from Kestn broke the silence. “There’s a problem” he said heavily. I looked at him with innocent eyes wondering what I’ve done. “Annabella, I think the villages might be informed, to look for you.” He finished. “Why would you think that?” I asked sweetly. “Well, incase your daydreams haven’t also made you blind, look around, your picture is hung up everywhere. We’re going to have to go around the village this may take the whole night” He finished. “Oh, fine” I said sheepishly while my upper cheeks began to turn into a rosy pink.

So that’s what we did, we rode the horses as silently as possible around the village in the warm late summer night. It took much longer than I anticipated but I did not complain and neither did Kestn. I longed for the protection of a roof over my head and having a lantern blazing warmly on my studying desk and writing. But I would rather be taking this trip with Kestn any day than having to marry that worthless stupid prince as my husband.

Chapter 3

A sharp pain hit my elbow. “Oh just 10 more minutes Tenma.” I mumbled. “Well honey its getting late, and you know your going to be late for your studies.” Said a mimicked voice. I quickly sat up and looked around not to find myself lying on my warm comfortable mattress but on the cold, rough dirt floor. Looking around a little more, through the entrance of the dome-like cave I saw Kestn on his horse with a small bag over his shoulder, sniggering. I fell back on my backside hard and closed my eyes. I thought the events of the past few days were a dream. I heard a shuffle as Kestn came down from the horse and stood near where my hands laid spread out. “Kestn?”

“Annabella” he replied.

“I’m hungry.”

“Really now, Annabella? You didn’t to seem have realized it but you’re a heavy sleep walker. And if I wasn’t standing guard outside you would have fallen off into the gorge below us. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I was wondering how much food could a girl fill in her stomach without realizing she’s finished our whole food supply that was supposed to last us for another week?”

My tummy grumbled and we both fell to the ground laughing, week-kneed and breathless. “But Kestn I’m hungry” I said when I finally caught my breath after several painful minutes. “Well since you finished all that was left, I decided to go and look for something. I found more than I bargained for Izabella. I found some scarlet berries on a rather big thorny bush.”

“You know Kestn I can pick berries, too, it’s a common talent” I said.

“Its what I found when I reached in rather deep, a hard stone wall, ever seen one behind a poison berry bush?” he finished exaggerated as I threw the berries to the ground that I was slowly taking to my mouth. “So what’s so special about a stone wall?” I said as I got up again and clapped my hands together to remove the dust. “well its more the rough wooden door more than the stone wall. Do you know what that means?” He finished.

“That we can find a beaver with really strong teeth that doesn’t like the water?” I grimaced. “Now really, Annabella, think. You can’t be this slow. Somebody must know that no one would go picking poison berries, so that would be a good place to hide something. You know what that thing is?” he said with more anticipation than before. He smiled as understanding slowly dawned on my face.

“Are you sure its here Kestn?” I asked minutes later as we walked together to the place he found the berries. “The last time I’m going to say it I Annabella, it’s underneath a steep cliff and believe me you’ll notice it once were there.

And so I did. I was bewildered. There was a brown muddy cliff with rocks that came out occasionally out of it, and it slowly turned into smooth gray rock. And a little below the rock was a magnificent bush of bright red berries each round with a minuscule yellow dot on them hung on stems of truest dark green. It looked like Christmas. Then I noticed the gleaming thorns each about one and a half inches glowing in a rusty golden color. It looked like nature gone wild. It went in pretty deep and I sat down in the dust in front of the bush, trying to breathe in the sight in front of me. Kestn just stood there knowing what I was trying to do and leaned against the wall next to me. I was analyzing the sight, and at the same time felt like I was being analyzed, and as I looked to the left I saw Kestn with a hard concentrating look on his face that made me slightly blush as he revealed a small smile in return. I went back to concentrating on the bush. I closed my pale gray oval eyes, and moved the slightly curled black hair out of my snow white skin and let it drop onto my back.

I breathed in deeply taking in my surroundings. The surroundings which started slowly to fade. And I felt my spirit leave my body back on the ground and it took a glance at Kestn still standing there with one foot set against the rock behind him, and then at myself breathing slightly through my small nose. I looked forward and went towards the bush, with out the thorns harming me I pushed them away and Kestn noticed as he let out a small gasp of awe. They moved out of my way making rustling noises at the most faint touch of my fingers. The door emerged. It was made of rough wood bark. I went forward and slightly touched it but it didn’t open. I gave it an encouraging push but with no result. I concentrated harder, my mind set, and gave a forceful nudge but nothing happened. I realized this would take more than command. I centered my energy and mind equally on the door and heard a little crack as I felt my energy and power seep through my skin and leaving me helpless……..

“Annabella! Anna! Are you alright? Get up, you did it! The door has opened, get up” I heard Kestn’s voice ringing rather far away. When I didn’t answer, I heard some faint mumblings from his mouth in a language I didn’t recognize as I was slowly lifted from the comfortable darkness into the dazzling sunlight and to find myself half sitting up in his arms. I looked up and saw his eyes glowing in enjoyment. So I got up and weakly looked towards the rose bush, the amulet hadn’t come out; I was completely drained of energy just with the opening of the door.

I got up with Kestn’s help and brushed the dust off myself. Together we walked through the door that was only four feet high and 2 feet wide. It was a tight cram with both of us in the 4 by 3 room. I looked around but nothing was here. Kestn tried moving around a bit because he came in after me and he accidentally shut the door with his back turned to it. He stopped shuffling, and we both listened and a horrible feeling quenched my insides; we were moving, I fell to the ground while Kestn just stood as if nothing was going on. And just as suddenly as it started the movement stopped. I grabbed Kestn’s arm tightly, as I used it for support to stand back up digging my fingernails in with fright. I gained my balance, and just as I did a gaping hole appeared in the middle, making Kestn and I lean as hard as possible against the walls. I just stood there paralyzed by the suddenness of the changes while Kestn bravely stopped leaning against the dirt walls and peered into the hole. “It’s a tube. It looks like a slide, are you ready?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? What do you mean?” I gasped out, in one breath. “Oh Annabella you know what I mean. For this.” And with out another word he just jumped in to the gaping hole, leaving me, and then as if his stupid act gave me strength, without hesitation I followed.

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At the same time, back at the castle training grounds stood captain Kruner, Looking down at his cadets, with cold black lifeless eyes that gleamed hungrily. He abruptly barked out in a harsh violent voice. “You know what to do, You have a mission to find the princess before anyone else does. You report to me and only to me. ” He paused to lick his vein lined lips. Then continued “You will be separated into comand groups, each of you assigned with a different location, you bring the princess back alive, as for her companion either way would make no difference. You will be in disguise, no one is to know of your true identities, understood?!!"

"Sir, yes Sir" answered the crowd of 300 men.

"Dissmissed!", shouted captain Kruner, as he walked out of the training grounds. There, waiting at the door that leads to the castle grounds was King Garthus the first, mearly nodding as Captain Kruner came up to him to give details on the plans. They ajourned to the banquet hall, met there by Prince Garthus the second. There they sat at a smaller table and started discussing the matters of Princess Isabella.

"She's not alone, we know that for sure" started Captain Kruner.

"How can you be so sure of that?" Rebudled Prince Garthus.

"Well two horses were taken out of the stables, and the thieves in disguise i sent said she was seen with a male at the time of the attack, but the other one didn't come back alive, it seems Princess Annabaella has a guard with her."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It depends on the strength and willingness of the two."

"Well we know that they're not going to be willing to come back here" said King Garthus, speaking for the first time, "They specifacally ran away because of the fact that we were going to give Annabella away, I shouldn't have been so thoughtless as to tell Isabella right then, this marriage is crucial so that the Kingdom of Harmony could keep care of our grounds as we try to overthrow the Kingdom of Tranquility. Our plans will have to be postponed."

All three men got up and were heading to the exits when a little girl came in, looking red in the face as she handed the King a telegram, and scurried back out. The king looked down at the envelope in his hand, his old yet handsome features screwed up in a scowl. He slowly put his rough hands to the corner of the envelope and started opening it, as he did a round coin fell to the floor. The King didn't mind the coin at first, he just read the letter that was written in an elegant handwriting, It said :

Greetings to the current king,

I have sent this message so you will have been informed that Prinicess Annabella is being taken care of. You should not be worried or care for her whereabouits. It will be considered wise if you don't send anyone after her, for i garuntee you they will not be returning. This journey is one that should be embarked on without outside help. Let it happen, you won't be able to stop it.


{P.S. I think you will remember the uses of the coin.}

The King let out a heavy sigh, but not one of defeat, he picked the coin up and closely examined it. It was as big as the palm of a toddlers hand, a rustic gold color with a picture of a diamond in the middle. Two circles were around it, and in between them were strange symbols, a kind of writing in an unrecognized language. The king silently put both into his pockets and proceeded down the steps leading from the exit. The other two followed, without asking questions.

"Send the soldiers out by evening" King Garthus told Captain Kruner in a heavy voice.

Chapter 4

I was sliding down a narrow tube, smooth cold stone under me, and the dark figure of Kestn ahead of me. I felt blank as i heard Kestn land with a thump and soon after him was me on the gronud. I stood up and noticed that the ground was the same cold stone of the tube. Looking around, I saw that the walls were high and rough, i couldn't see the cieling though. There were three passage ways out of the hall, I looked uncertainly up at Kestn who was observing our surroundings. He silently gestured to the three passages and and said in a hollow voice "Your choice?"

I moved forward toward the one nearest me, the left one. Kestn was following me and as I was about to step through it, he pulled me back, and kicked some rocks into it. After a couple seconds we heard the rocks land.

"Well, that went well. You choose next." I said.

Kestn went towards the one in the middle and walked in, i followed hesitantly. It seemed as if he knew what he was doing. "Keep quiet Annabella."

And so i did, everything was pitch black, I had no idea how Kestn could see where he was going.

"Kestn..." I said in a whisper, he quickly hushed me. I could feel him turn around and face me. He came close enough for me to hear his light, quick breathing. I felt my stomach tighten. He took his hands up to my face and put his fingers over my eyes and brushing my cheek as he turned around once again. That was strange because whatever kestn did, now i could see clearly but in a dark turqoise light. There were tall pillars of a lighter turqoise on eiher sides, walls weren't visible. This seemed to stretch on for quite a bit. So we silenltly continued down our path. Kestn was ahead of me, and after several minutes of walking, he slowed down a bit as we saw the end, It was a wall. A blank wall. But in the center chained to it was a figure of a girl around my age, with her face down and her hair covering it. Her dress was tattered. I stood back, but Kestn moved forward and whispered breathlessly "Ilana". Kestn moved closer still, in arms reach of her. I've never seen this side of Kestn before. There was so much i didn't know about him, and i started to get uncomfortable.

I moved a little bit to the side for a better view, Kestn was reaching his hand up to her face, Ilana did he say? His fingers rested on her slupmed chin and he rasied it. I could see a sallaw face, dark clear skin, and her wavy auburn hair seemed to fall to her waist. Kestn was giving her a hard gaze, I dont know if the turqoise shade of everything was deceiving my sight or if his eyes glowed for a moment, but abruptly the chains let go and she fell forward on to him. Kestn caught her and gently let her down to the ground. He looked to the corner in which i have slowly backed away to, and said "Come here Annabella, she needs help.", in a deeper voice than was usually his.

I slowly started walking towards them and kneeled at his side. He was holding both of her hands in his. I tied my hair back as some of it fell onto my face, and opened my bag to take out a round container with water in it. Kestn helped her sit down, even though she was unconcious. I brought the water up to her mouth and i slowly tipped some in, she swallowed and started stirring as i backed away. She let out a barley audiable gasp and sat up. Her eyes surprised me. They were dark green with yellow encrusted in it. She was enchanting. She looked around at me and Kestn, and putting one of her slender arms on Kestn's shoulder and started to stand. I quickly went to her aid, and helped her up. She stood and I looked up at her, because she was slightly taller than me she was lookindg down. I handed her some more water and she drank, Kestn watching us. He started walking towards the exit and I stayed back to help the girl. So slowly we half limped towards were we came in, as we reached our original entrance we came back into the gray room and my sight came back to normal. Ilana sat down on the edge of the tube. I looked questioningly at Kestn.

He simply stated " She can help us, she's a friend." I have full trust in Kestn so I accepted it. We waited around for a couple of minutes while nothing happened. I kept my distance from Ilana. She sighed, looked up at me, and back to Kestn as she said "Who is she?"

I was utterly bewildered. Her voice was like a sorrowful ballad, but i couldn't understand what she said. She was'nt speaking in English.

"You speak her tongue, too?" She added, as i hestantly looked at Kestn.

He replied in the same language, "I needed her to get to you, she isn't useless, she opened the door. Her name is Annabella and she will be joining us on our journey."

"Kes...Kestn?" I said hestantly as i saw a look of forboding on Ilana's face. I didn't exactly like her yet, I agree she was intimidating.

"Annabella, this is Ilana, you too should be properly introduced. We will be looking for the amulets together." he said. I walked up to Ilana and shook her hand as she kept her dark golden look on me. It was all very awkward. She seemed weak and tired, but i sensed an aura of determined strength around her. She got up and walked towards Kestn, and said in that starnge yet familiar language to Kestn, "Good choice if she's the one that got the door opened. I can feel her power, it's hidden in her emotions. The amulet is this way." She said as she headed towards the last passage.

Kestn translated by saying "The amulet is through there. She'll get it herself, just wait here with me."

It was the first time me and Kestn were alone since i've met Ilana. A million questions were running through my mind but i couldn't catch any of them. So I just burst out "Kestn what's happening? Who is she? What language is that? How do you know whats going on?!"

He came towards me, looked me in my eyes and said in one breath "She's an old friend and she can help us find the amulets, she's not from around here. You can trust her"

I didn't know what was going on. I guess I felt hurt that i didn't know about these things, and taken aback with this sudden presense of Ilana. While waiting for her to come back, Kestn explained that the middle passage way was a trap for others seeking the amulets, and Ilana got caught up when she fell for it. About an hour later Ilana came back holding something covered in a dark cloth, and as she came into the hall we were in, she sat in the middle of the foor, and pulled out from an inner pocket another cloth. I came closer, and as she opened the dark cloth a glowing came and when She pulled the cloth completely off, out came another amulet. But not white like the one i had tied around my neck. This one was a deep blue. It looked as if you were looking into the depth of the ocean. Then Ilana unraveled the other lumpy cloth and an amulet of rich brown appeared, and the glowing increased as they were set next to eachother.

Ilana told Kestn something, and then Kestn told me to bring my amulet out. I was uncomfortable with revieling it so I didn't take it off. I just let it hang around my neck and as it faintly glowed Ilana stood up and came close to me and held it in her hands, her mistyfing eyes wide.

"The white amulet. The amulet of guidance. How did she get it! This one looks for the owner, it can't be found by anyone." She breathed over her shoulder at Kestn.

"May it be better she learn what it does and it's powers by herself." Kestn answered.

I still didn't understand the graceful way they would talk to eachother, and by this point it was getting exagerating. Interuppting my thoughts, Kestn said, "Well there's four left then."

This fact struck me as odd, already three were with us.How hard could it be to find the rest? We were going to find out.

Chapter 5

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    opinions on what dear?

    In theory, you have just as much of a chance of being an author as the next person. It takes heart, a good story, and good writing skills. And a thick skin, as you'll be faced with many rejections before you get one acceptance.

    Stick with it!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I would prefer to be a writer. Just because 1) Im too ugly to be an actress and 2) I would like to work from my own home, in my own environment. But if you are confident at acting, and love writing, why not do both, it is perfectly possible :D Either way, good luck with your career xxx

  • 1 decade ago

    As an author, you don't need opinions, you need to observe. Watch what people do and try and put yourself in their shoes. This is key to being able to really bring your characters into life and giving each one their own personality and quirks. As an author, you don't need opinions, you need to research. Good novels have well researched settings and background. It is kinda like being a detective in a way. I know those may not be the answers you seek, but quality of writing dictate the quality of response. Finally, do not go through Lulu. Once a book is published like this, it looses market value. First impression counts. If your book's first impression is through Lulu or similar venue it rarely recovers and finds a home in bookstores or get picked by other publishers.

  • 1 decade ago

    well my dear it depends on what route you want to go. if you want a quick, yet reliable fix then i would use Lulu. To publish your book is actually free and you can attempt to market your book through the web. Regardless I highly recommend that before you publish your book, have someone to thoroughly edit it for you. Edit it for grammar/punctuation but also for content. what ruins a great book is grammatical errors.

    also another thing to consider is your cover art. you'll want something that will attract your readers to even want to pick up your book. if you go with lulu, the do have their own free cover art that you can pick from, but there are other resources out there that you can use for your own cover art.

    lastly, make sure you send your book off to the national library of congress for copyrighting. take it from me, you'll be glad you did.

    i hope this helps. if you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know. I'd be glad to answer them for you.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Go you. I'm 14 and I am also a writer(well I'm trying to be) and I think it is great that you are writing. But what do you want opinions on?

  • 1 decade ago

    Not to flame or attack you in any way, but your question isn't really structured properly. And if you want to be a writer, most people who read your work will throw your work away at laziness like that.

    But if you want to be an author, do the Stephen King method. Read for four hours a day, and write for four hours a day. It may be a little extreme, but good work takes patience and practice!

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    The hardest thing about writing a book is keeping the story to yourself before getting it published. Get someone you trust to help you find a reputable publisher who can guide you through the process.

  • 1 decade ago

    Opinions regarding what?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read, read, read, and read.

    Reading will improve your writing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Opinions on what? You didnt post anything..

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