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How can people be so ignorant?

To finish my question: How can people be so ignorant as to think that being gay is a "lifestyle choice", or just some type of current trendy statement that people just choose to divulge into and can get out of any time?

The thing that I find the most funny about this; is that virtually ALL of the people making these claims are not gay themselves, and many do not even KNOW any gay people. I would like to know what qualifies them to make such statements over people who actually know what's going on in their mind and body and can tell from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that they did not choose what they are.


Cee: Popular? You mean the fact that society has finally become just a little more tolerant of homosexuality so that people can stop lying and calling themselves straight. Even though they know in their heart that they're not?

Update 2:

Cee: You're obviously completely oblivious to the truth anyway. In the past people were sheltered from virtually everything that society deemed "bad". No one can "confuse" children into a sexuality, it's something you end up realizing (and hopefully accepting). Do you know how many people there are who went through their entire lives pretending to be straight just because they didn't want to displease others? There are plenty. Are you going to sit there and call all of these people liars for your own selfish and misinformed argument?

Update 3:

dadof7n2001: I don't know how you don't see that your opinion on the matter is "gay bashing"; because it is and uneducated one.

I can tell you right now that I did not choose what I am. Although I'm sure you'll say I'm lying. I was never molested, raped, abused, or anything and I did not turn out "heterosexual".

What your opinion is saying is that: gay people MUST have been abused as children to be anything other than what you understand and know. That's a big part of the true misinformed belief I am referring to that stems these absurd claims.

Oh and as for the prison and other "arousal" methods. Prison is out of desperation. The only people I've heard of doing those things regularly did so on the 'outside' with the opposite gender and couldn't control themselves.

And who ever said that urges such as necrophilia and pedophilia aren't natural? The problem with things like pedophilia/rape is that they are HARMING someone. Whether or not they are uncontrollable is irrelevant.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not gay but am smart enough to know that being gay is not something that be turned off and on, or changed.

    You are who you are and that's perfectly allright.People do not choose to be gay or bi, it's the way they were created.

  • waggy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Where it all stems from is a grain of truth. Sometimes people especially when they are insecure will latch onto someting to be percieved as different. I have seen it time and time again where there will be some 'camp queen' parading around like a complete fool and still going on despite the jeers and their remaining friends telling them to stop. It is great to be an individual, but that involves really knowing yourself. Being true to who you really are, not who you think others want or expect you to be.

    Sexuality is not a black and white thing it is something that grows with each one of us as an integral part of our being. Whether this be defined as 'gay', 'straight', 'bi' or somewhere in between doesn't matter. However who we are as people is undeniably dictated to us by our social environments whatever they might be. So people will latch onto ideas or images they think will express who they are or want others to see them as being. This is not to say that you can not be genuine but unfortunately some people will become a stereotype and others will see that and automatically make assumptions!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This question for Matt, the troll.

    Matty, answer this one question. Could you decide, starting tmrrw morning, that from now on, you would get physically and emotionally aroused at the site of a naked man? Starting tomorrow, if you see a hot guy, you are going to get a woody and want to have sex with him? In other words, the same exact feelings you get when you see a hot chick?

    Do you really think you could do that? I'll answer for you. You couldn't, no more than I could do the same concerning a hot chick.

    You cannot choose your sexuality. The parent is correct, this stuff always comes from straights who have never had to think twice about their sexuality!!

    Again, you cannot choose your sexuality. Trust me, I spent 28 years trying like hell to choose mine. I just does not work like that. You are who you are. end of discussion

  • 1 decade ago

    Surely it's a choice. People just want, oh so badly, to be one of the most socially reviled, religiously persecuted groups there is.

    Of course, this never occurs to the idiots who think it's a choice.

    Oh, and if it's a choice, doesn't that mean that they could choose to be gay, as a demonstration?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They aren't necessarily ignorant. Most people are uncomfortable with anything that differs from their own situation, their "norm". Nothing qualifies the people making these statements as correct in doing so. So little is known about the human psyche and the body; making such judgments is quite unfair.

  • 1 decade ago

    So by your reasoning, you are stating that even as being gay is not a choice, neither is it a choice to be a pedofile, a necrophiliac, or a person who only gets sexually stimulated by means of rape.

    I know a number of people who say that they are gay and when I have discussed this with them it has generally come out that they had an experience at an early age that turned them towards people of their own sex.

    What about men and women who are happy being hetero until they end up doing hard time in prison and when they get out they are admitting to liking the same sex?

    I am sure that you and I can agree that we will always disagree on this issue. We shouldn't be spending so much time hating each other. Gay bashing is not acceptable in society but it has become popular to bash straight people in the gay and lesbian community.

  • 1 decade ago

    if your gay or not your still gods kids we all are and who are we to sister is gay.i don't know why ppl just don't look at ppl as they are i love all tonight i got an email from someone about my schooling .you're 50 and your spelling and grammar is that bad??? so there ya go .like i say clean your own back yard up first before starting on mine take care god bless ya

  • cee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    my question is, how come its so popular all of a sudden?

    i knew that answer was coming! I mean there was a time when children did not grow up wondering do I like? boys or girls,,,, it was normal for them to like the opposite sex...there was no choice. now everyone says johnny if you like johnny, ts ok!

    confusing normally straight kids into wondering am I gay?

    and you do choose! like any other decision in life, you choose which way to live,

    well Ive never called you a name yet, I do understand how people have had to live. you cant tell me what I know or understand just like you say I cant tell you. I know plenty of gay people, never said they were bad people, or have ever admonished them for their lifestyle, maybe you should know more about a person before you jump them also...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    some people are just messed up,coming from a staright person who knows a gay.

    The only thing giving them the right is freedom of speech,but there are worse things that they could say

  • 1 decade ago

    who freaking cares, its their opinion if thats what they think, then let it go !!!

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