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spare the rod spoil the child who here belives that a lil spanking is ok check out this site?

and tell me what u think as well , also do u belive in a spanking or time out and why


ok all im not for or against this spanking every child evry household has there own ways of bringing up there kids , what works for one may not work for others i just wanted to know everyone elses believes , input etc on this

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like the idea of the appointment slip... though I wouldn't call it an appointment. Punishments should occur immediately, they shouldn't be let to "forget" about it, then be blasted with a punishment after they have been good for two hours (like an appointment suggests). And loose the padle, you don't have to hurt them (like it says) so just use your hand so you can feel how much force you are using! I don't hit my children with any object. I don't think a swat is necessary for every "crime" The punishment should fit the crime. There's no sense hitting a child for every thing they do "wrong" Not only does that diminish the effect the swats have, it's just not cool.When I spank, I want it to mean something. I ask myself, "Would you like your boss to swat your @$$ every time you made a mistake?" No one is perfect, and kids are no exception.

    I like that the child has to write there bad behavior down...that will help them remember what they did wrong, and remember not to do it again. The punishment list needs to be revised in my opinion, but I can see the behavior slip working as a great advantage as it holds the kid responsible for longer then a swat lasts, and it serves as a reminder of what areas the child needs improvement on(or has already improved on). Time out works great, but there are times when a little swat is what they need to realize that you as a parent are serious about there behavior, and you care enough to take action on it.

    It also holds the parent responsible for being consistent in there punishments... that in itself is priceless and would turn any parents world into a better place to be.

    The card idea could also be included in recording good behaviors too, as incentive to be able to get the recognition cards under good terms, so instead of the punishment line there could be a reward line. It's just as important to make a big deal of what they are doing rite as it is making a big deal about what they are doing wrong.

    I also wanted to add that when a baby is old enouph to crawl and get into trouble, it is old enouph to understand rite from wrong. (balieve it or not, I've seen it numerous times, they are smarter then they are given credit for) I don't wait until the child is in it's terrible two's and out of control to start telling them they can't do what they have been able to get away with all that time. Thats just not fair, and makes for a unecessary "war" between parent and child. Granted, a baby does not have the capability of remebering the rules~ you have to remind them that it's not OK to 'slap your face, or dig your eye balls out, or rip your earings out, or spill the dog's water, or standing underfoot while you are cooking on a hot stove'....or any of the small things they do. If you let them get away with it then, you have already taught them that its OK, thus confusing them when all of the sudden you don't think it's cute any more and you punish them for it!........... SO, in not waiting you have an early grasp on behavior as it starts and before it's a problem= less spankings needed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Something tells me that spanking a kid 5 times who is old enough to drink and smoke isn't all that effective. If a parent is spanking without letting their child know why they're being punished, then they're not doing their job. Personally I think the website is pretty silly. A parent ought to be able to talk reasonably with their child without the use of an "appointment slip."

    I think spanking should be used sparingly, as a last resort. I don't like the idea of using objects to do it. There are all sorts of other ways to discipline a child (or better, to prevent misbehavior). Both time out and spanking worked on me. I can literally count the times I was spanked on one hand. For people who lose count, I'm thinking they were spanked excessively...and it obviously didn't work.

    Source(s): PS- Lemonbeards- Just a forewarning here, be prepared to have social services knocking on your door should any responsible adult in your children's lives find out that you force them to sleep outside as a form of punishment. You sound a little mental (and you can't type).
  • 1 decade ago

    That's just ridiculous. I am an advocate of spanking. This psychological, psychobabble bull crap that spanking our children will ruin their little personalities is a bunch of bull honkey. Young children, around the age of 1-5 do not understand why they are being spanked if it's done hours after the fact. The spanking is to get their attention, while they are in the act of doing something wrong. The pain of the spanking reminds them the next time they think of doing this act, that the same reaction will happen again, and stops the behaviour.

    You're website says 5 spankings for a child who has endagered another life, taken drugs, or drinks alcohol. Come on? Seriously? If your child is doing any of the above, it's time for military school. Parents need to take charge of their children. They are not adults and should not be treated as such.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That may be a lovely notion, but if your child is old enough to write down and reason through their bad decision and reason for their punishment, then they will resent you no matter what means you use to justify this demeaning act. I fully believe that spanking has its place as a form of discipline. A young child (1-6yrs) should have privilages removed (ie: no TV, Video Game, Toys, Coloring books, or my favorite DESSERT!) If this does not curb the bad behavior a time-out may. I have found that time-out only works for minor infractions (NOTE: only put your child in time-out 1 minute for each year of age). Time-outs must be monitored! You should allow no talking, no tv, radio, other children, pets,toys, etc. If talking persists add 1 minute for each infraction, but if this happens more than 3 times it is time to pull out the stops. You should warn your child that if the behavior continues you will HAVE to spank him. Give ONLY 2 chances (and be firm with your tone of voice). You must let the child know that you are the adult and he must follow the rules. If spanking becomes the only option 3 swats is enough to get your childs attention. Don't use any "weapon" on your child, your hand is a sufficient paddle. You don't want to spank the child hard enough to hurt your hand, but make sure you are not just patting the rear end. Only spank on the rear end, anywhere else is NOT a spanking. When the spanking is over tell your child that you are sorry you HAD to spank them and LET IT GO! Don't linger on the punishment or bad behavior. This can hurt your child's self-esteem.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think one quick swat on the butt is very effective for discipline. I think some people can go overboard with it and beat their kids, which is wrong. The bible does say that if you spank the child with the rod, he will not die. I personally don't believe in spanking with anything but my hand. My pastor calls it 'applying the hand of knowledge to the seat of understanding." Now, spanking doesn't work on all kids. Some kids respond better to time out, or having a toy taken from them. Each child is different, and as a parent, you need to learn what works best for you kids.

    Personally, when I have to discipline my niece, she first gets a swat, then a time out. After her time in the corner is done, we then sit down and discuss why she got in trouble. That way she understand consequence to action, but also why she was disciplined for making a wrong choice. It works well for her, and teaches her respect and love. After all of that, we remind her to say she is sorry, and then we hug. That way she understands that discipline is part of love.

    I think that if parents were more concerned about being parents than being friends to kids, our society would be much better. Children are running the home, and scaring parents by threatening to call CPS if they get a spanking. Crying shame if you ask me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that spanking should be an option. Hopefully spanking is one tool you can use to form good behavior so after the elementary school years spanking isn't necessary. What are you going to do, ground a 3 yr old? It doesn't faze them, they have no priviledges to take away really. Children need to have respect for authority and understand there are consequences for their actions. I NEVER once got in trouble in school or out with my friends because I knew my mother would be waiting at the front door with a switch with my name on it. My siblings and I were spanked on our bottoms and popped in the mouth for backtalking, as were my parents and their siblings and every other child in our family. My mother didn't believe in using the belt, but she'd threaten to out a little fear in us. We all turned out just fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. Just wow.

    I think its a very good idea for children to be disciplined... but really, who is this Joey guy to tell parents exactly what to do when their child does a bad thing?

    I think it should be up to the parent to decide the consequence. For example: If a kid hits another kid, the parent of the kid who was hitting would need to quickly consult witheachother to decide what to do. They shouldn't be reading that chart by Joey to see what to do. Thats just wrong.

    It says on there 5 spanking for drugs. What 5 year old is gonna do drugs?!

    If its like a 15 year old, as if the parent is going to spank them on the butt! The parent should ground them, or put them in rehab. Just 5 spanks with a paddle on the butt won't change their mind!

    I think its a light punishment, parents should make up their own disciplining ideas depending what their child did.

    Source(s): 13 years so far of being a kid!! :)
  • 1 decade ago

    Very interesting site. I do believe in spanking. But I always try to be careful and do it sparingly, and not in anger. When I have spanked, I do support them so they dont fall down, and I only limit myself to one swat on their rump. I do use time outs as an alternative. I understand this has gotten to be a big issue with a lot of people, and I don't force my beliefs on discipline on anyone. You'll never see a bruise on my children as a result from spanking. They are being raised in a loving home, and they know they are deeply loved.

  • 1 decade ago

    That actually made no sense to me. Me and my husband spanked my son when he was younger, he's 4 now, because it's not like you can sit down and reason with a child under the age of 3. We spanked him when there was no other way to let him know he did something wrong. I don't think a 2 year old can sit down and write down what he did wrong, like that link was saying to do.

    Now that he's older and we can reason with him, we don't much. Spanking is used as the last option, after lectures and time-outs have not worked.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian and this is a Christian rooted belief. We started to spank our children at around age 2 for being disobedient. Now they are 7 and 11 and we don't have to spank them as often. They have respect for authority. I don't have any problems with my children at school or when they visit places. No one ever complains about my children misbehaving. Children need discipline and the bible basically says that if you don't that you will get NO REST! These are the parents of the teens that curse their parents out and are completely out of control. I refuse to take care of anyone that is out of control.

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