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Do you believe in psychic crime solving or is it more false than true?

If yes, do you have a personal experience to share?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a scam. Read up on James Randi, Joe Nickell, and other scambusters for the exposes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great question! I believe in it, but I also believe that it could be easy for a psychic to be giving out general clues (even unintentionally) that really fit the facts in retrospect. But, then again, you have the Russians and the USA working with Remote Viewers as spies, so maybe there is something to it.

    My feeling is, who cares if it is really psychic phenomena or not, as long as it helps to solve the crime?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do believe in psychic crime solving. But I have had things happen I can't explain. I dreamt I had car wreck and then a few weeks later I dreamt my sister died. That scared me so bad I called her, woke her up demanding to know if she was okay.

    I had my car wreck Sept 9,1996, they found my sister dead of a diabetic coma on Nov 15,1996. Those are only two that really stick out for me, but I have a constant sense of deja vu. I have seen things that can't be explained, no one could know that someone buried a victim where he could see her and gloat. A Psychic did and the guy was nailed. I love to watch the shows on Court TV and it never fails to amaze me that people still don't believe in psychics, I guess they need a personal touch for them to actually get over it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that there are a lot of things we cannot explain and this is just one of them. Yes I believe and I have had a psychic experience in the past. I do not choose to elaborate on this.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know several real psychic, That have found missing children, And have solved murder cases, And a multitude of other things and no true psychic would ever charge a dime for their work... Its just that there are too many famous false readers out there, Trying to make that quick buck that give true psychic readers a bad name..... I have never seen one of the readers that I know ever fail....

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe it works. Look at all the crimes that psychics have helped solve on CourtTV. Those cops & detectives would not lie about the help they received; as a group, they are sceptical & don't want to be made fun of by others in law enforcement.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that we only use a very small portion of our brain. The portion that is left, we know very little about. So, why couldn't someone have been blessed, or cursed with this unbelievable talent. I myself have had premonitions over the last 30 yrs or so. Of airplanes crashing, girls gone missing etc. I've never acted on them for fear of being ridiculed, but many have been quite accurate.There's no way that I can prove this to anyone, but it was very real to me. I've also watched several documentaries where police officers have admitted to using psychics during investigations. There's no way all of them are lying. Thank You for listening to me. Chazz

  • 1 decade ago

    My grandmother helped my grandfather (who was with the RCMP) solve some crimes. A trapper came in to the police station and told them he had killed someone, but they could not find the body or the murder weapon and the man claimed he couldn't remember what he had done with them. My grandfather gave my grandmother a piece of clothing that belonged to the murdered man and she meditated on them and was able to pinpoint the location of the body and of the murder weapon, which were exactly where she said they would be (some distance away from the murdered man's cabin and behind a log). She was also able to help grandpa find a large contraband stash, but I never got any more details about that one.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    the thought police departments or any regulation enforcement agencies is incredibly lots a mix of city delusion and literary build. as a rely of actuality that there are a finished of 0 police departments that use psychics or people who declare to have para generic powers. noticeably contained in u.s. technique and technique of accumulating info is as significant as what your findings are. You in no way might desire to get a seek warrant in accordance with somebody that claimed to be a psychic. you are able to no longer even call a unmarried psychic it particularly is interior the everyday public eye that has no longer been uncovered as a fraud.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I believe in psychic crime solving. What I don't understand and probably never will, is the unilateral idiocy and closemindeness of people who deride those with gifts.

    If it isn't in their scope of experience, why of course it must be FALSE !

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