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did adam and eve go to heaven or hell?

im not a christian but i had always wanted sum1 2 answer it, but noone i asked knew...

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hell doesn't exist in the time of Adam and Eve it takes the formation of Christianity to make hell

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For the sake of His own character and law, God must judge sin; but for the sake of His beloved Son, God is willing to forgive sin. Remember, Jesus is the Lamb "slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8; see Acts 2:23; 4:27-28), so that God had already made provision for forgiveness and salvation.

    A new name (v. 20). Adam believed God's promises (vv. 15-16) and called his wife's name "Eve," which means "living." Faith simply takes God at His Word and acts upon it.

    New clothing (v. 21). God's response to Adam and Eve's faith was to remove their flimsy man-made garments and clothe them with acceptable garments that He Himself provided (Isa. 61:10). Innocent animals had to die so that the man and woman might have a new beginning and be back in fellowship with the Lord. It's a picture of what Jesus did for sinners on the cross when He died for a sinful world (2 Cor. 5:21).

    From these verses, I expect that Adam & Eve are in heaven

    Source(s): —Bible Exposition Commentary
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello, Kita:

    Hell, as popularly taught is not in the Bible--it actually means the grave. Jesus said there is a time coming when everyone in the grave will hear His voice and rise. Some to the resurrection of righteousness and others to the resurrection of damnation--that is still future when He comes to harvest the planet, and you will want to be in the first Resurrection--a vacation home in paradise awaits you.

    As for Adam and Eve, the Lord God (Jesus) offered a sacrificial lamb, and God covered their nakedness with the skin.

    Able tended sheep for sacrifices, and they knew the death of an innocent lamb pointed to the savior to come.

    Today we are looking back in time to the Lamb's sacrifice at Calvary, so we'll be saved with Adam and Eve.

    The complete plan of salvation is revealed in a Bible code, sealed until "the end of the days." Read and you may very well believe and become an inhabitant of Gloryland.

    Blessings, Balaam

  • 1 decade ago

    The first humans, Adam and Eve, were created perfect. Their fall into sin was deliberate. Before them was either everlasting life or death. They disobeyed God and sided with Satan. When they died, they had no prospect of benefiting from Christ’s ransom sacrifice. Rather, they went to Gehenna.

    Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day because they made each of their disciples “a subject for Gehenna.” (Matthew 23:15) Back at that time, people were familiar with the Valley of Hinnom, an area used as a garbage dump where bodies of executed criminals who were deemed unworthy of a proper burial were deposited. Earlier, Jesus himself had made mention of Gehenna in his Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 5:29, 30) Its symbolic meaning was clear to his listeners. Gehenna represented complete destruction without hope of a resurrection.

    Source(s): learn more!
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You must understand that the false heaven and hell concepts that have been so recklessly taught, in churches, up through the ages, (first injected into 'church dogma' by the Roman Catholic church and then into the Protestant churches as well), are NOT biblical as they have been presented. (Those false concepts came out of Greek mythology and pagan ideology).

    The bible teaches that, 1.) all who die will remain dead, ( 'asleep', as the bible says), until the 'second coming' of Jesus the Christ. 2.) and all will be resurrected, either at the 'second coming' of Jesus Christ or later at the 'Great White Throne Judgment', at the end of the coming millennium. (The 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ here upon the earth).


    None of us go to heaven now, (or some 'misconstrued' sort of hell), at our death. (The 'immortal soul' concept is not scriptural either. More 'concoctions' from the early Roman Church).

    Adam and Eve are 'asleep' awaiting the return of Jesus Christ JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAVE DIED.

    It's all plainly described in the bible. ( 1 Cor. 15, Romans, and Revelation 20,21,and 22).

    God bless; and be careful about what you 'hear' from these 'misinformed' denominations. (The true 'Church of God' teaches the 'truth').

    Source(s): Visit or for the REAL TRUTH!!
  • 1 decade ago


    There is no heaven nor hell, therefore, the fate of the mythical Adam and Eve resulted in neither off these destinations.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither. Hell is for people that have a hope of release from death as Revelation says, that death and hell gave up those dead in it.

    But Adam and Eve will not be resurrected, they will remain dead as they do not have a redeemer.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible doesn't say where they spend eternity but they did start sacrificing for sin after the fall so they may very well have gone to Heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    Islam says that both of them were forgiven and they were among the most righteous people (Adam was also the first prophet of God) , so they are in heaven.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They went to Essex Fells, New Jersey.

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