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Do you believe people who commit suicide go to Heaven?

A friend of mine killed himself 2 weeks ago. Do you think he's in heaven, or somewhere else?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From reading the bible it does mention that their would be 144,000 that would go to heaven..not everyone. i think your friend has a chance of being resurrected in the future. Right now though he is just sleeping in the grave. No pain, no thoughts just in a deep sleep. John 5:28,29

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow, don't do this to yourself. you don't need this forum to have peoples opinions on heaven and hell help screw up your grieving. honor your friends memory and know that he is not facing demons any longer. I do think suicide is a lousy way out and hurts everyone, but how could a supposed merciful god condemn someone to eternal damnation because they were to screwed up to carry on. If there is a god, he would have to understand mental illness and depression right?

    Ya know what, screw all of you that are telling this kid her friend is damned. Not very christian at all, not too mention damn insensitive. I know she posted the question but it is just wrong to use someone elses grief to push your own "beliefs"

    That's all they are, Beliefs, no proof, all theory based on a book written by man that has been the basis for countless wars and gross acts..

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe in a God that has no compassion of a person who arrives at a point that doesn't remain other thing but the suicide! God is the Compassion and Mercy. I think the suicides are their sons like others, sons that need more of His Consolation.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they go to heaven.What if the person had a mental illness? Then they didn't have any control over what they were doing.I think if a person committed suicide to get back at someone or did it out of anger or revenge then they will probably reincarnate.(I believe in reincarnation)

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  • 1 decade ago

    i'm sorry for your loss.... that is really tough/sad. :(

    i am christian, but i don't know. no matter what i have heard, about heaven and hell, i DO NOT KNOW 100% for sure. so please don't let anyone judge your friend, or condemn him for what he's done. i think the saddest thing is that no one was able to Help this person to not do it.

    my pastor actually believes that Jesus died for all of us, and has forgiven us for past, present and future sins. and if someone was DRIVEN in THIS life to such unhappiness and sadness to commit suicide, i think that is what we need to mourn over, not whether or not he goes to Heaven or Hell. these are concepts, these are viewpoints, these are theories... no one knows for sure until we all die.

    i think we all need to try hard to seek what is Good, Right, Positive, Healthy and Wise... and it will make us better people, and hopefully it will help us to reach out to others and help them. good luck~

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope, but then no one else is either. Heaven is a manmade concept as part of one of the many manmade religions. Most references to heaven are not even based on the biblical references which continually amazes me.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, God states that you are not your own your body is the temple of the holy ghost and he who destroys his body god will destroy you,people who commit suicide can not repent for killing themselves,they commited murder on themselves.He is in a place called sheol hades(hell) waitng for the final judgement, i dont mean to sound cold but thats the truth,I am so sorry about your friend only if he knew the outcome before he did that it might of changed his mind,also the mentally challenged are not responsible for what they do not know they have minds of babys and god doesnot hold babys accountable till they are accountable age the Kingdom of god belongs to such as these

    Source(s): Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes and no.

    all souls go back to God where they came from.

    souls are divided into murder victims and murderers, saved, unsaved.

    it's not clear where self murder comes into the equation. many who do such selfish things are mentally and or chemically imbalanced.

    Will the Old man give them a break because of that situation? Likely....reckin' we'll find in out in time.

    Also, nobody but that soul and God knows what he said before he murdered himself. He could have said "God forgive me" etc....that would get him in the door no doubt. Between him and the old dude.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes sometimes ...suicide bombers no ..but others maybe .....and I'm sorry for your grief ...still wearing the scars of similar ......still asking ...... ..WHY ............still grieving ...have no answer it was his birthday today took up flowers prayed for him but still don't understand why think I will never know but know he is in heaven because he was still an innocent and maybe to good for this place

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have no way of knowing. But we can pray that he made it to heaven. Maybe in his last moments he spoke to God and made amends. I don't know. I'm very sorry for your loss.

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