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littleJaina asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

Do any other females ever get the feeling that you're "in heat"?

It lasts for days, and it's not the same as just being sexually excited. It's a dull ache, it can be hard to breathe, and your emotions run almost as bad as PMS. Instead of being "excited" it just aches down there, constantly. It happens to me almost every month, about a week after my period, and lasts for about a week itself. Am I the only one this happens to? Is there anything you can do about it (other than the obvious)?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    The first time this happened to me, I thought I had some kind of infection or something. I wasn't sexually active, so I ruled out the whole STD thing. Anyway, my OB told me it's a natural body reaction to ovulation. After the luteal cycle if complete, you go in "heat" as you said. It can last anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks.

    You can do the obvious, take a warm shower, or do stretching exercises. Good Luck!

  • Laredo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you'll check your calendar it's more like 12 days to 2 weeks after your period. You don't know how close to right you were when you called it "in heat." That's when you are ovulating and in order to do that your reproductive organs actually heat up for 3 to 5 days so they can release the ovum (egg). As a result your clitoris sits on "Ready." I've actually had someone tell me they were so hot they felt like humping a door knob.

    There is a couple of things you can do. (1) The obvious, or (2) Sit in a tub of ice water.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had this happen to me many, many times. I am all to familiar with the "ache." Sometimes your entire body aches (your back, neck, legs, arms) and it does not just ache down there. It is as if you are at your "sexual peak" for the month. This used to happen to me more when I was in my twenties. If the needs or urges become too overpowering and the aches do not go away on their own, either have your partner take care of you or take care of it yourself. Sometimes not taking care of it makes it worse! You are a healthy human being with natural instincts, so do what you have to do!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it happens to me almost monthly as well. My emotions will feel pms-like, and once in a while It'll ache...but rarely. It happens to me a little before...then awhile after my period. Im open about it though, and II have told my boyfriend whome I have been dating for a year about it. I always joke that I'm "in heat".

    P.S. Yes, I do often get the feeling almost monthly that I am "in heat" no joke.

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  • 1 decade ago

    LOL Yes I know what you are talking about, my husband loves it at that time. The only thing I have ever figured out is the obvious, but don't get mad when they can't keep up lol. It's a shame it only last a week huh?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a doctor but I watch a lot of shows where doctors answer questions like these. I think it's a surge of hormones, that's all. I don't think there is medication for this, but is it really all that bad? LOL Just kidding. If it's bothering you that bad maybe you should go see a doctor. But I think f a woman's hormones peak and decline throughout the month.

  • 1 decade ago

    UGH!! YES!! And the hubby can't ever keep up!! Try taking care of it yourself, because unless you are ready for kids, you have an excellent chance of getting pregnant at this time.

    The cold shower idea can help sometimes too...HTH!!

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG, Girl I do. Sometimes I can go months w/out wanting any and out of nowhere get in heat. Its the weather I think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fantastic question.. Yes this is true and also natural just before you start your menstrual cycle you will have the "in heat" feeling this is natural because your more fertile and therefore more likely willing to have intercourse its the way we have been made embrace your natural cycle...

    P.s. your more likely to dress more revealing at this time.

    Source(s): Personal thoughts/Alternative therapist
  • 1 decade ago

    It's just hormones and ovulation. I either just resist it and ignore the feelings, or masturbate. It depends on my mood which one I pick. It's up to you, either way it goes away after awhile.

    I don't masturbate much because I am afraid of getting addicted to it like some guys I know.

    Source(s): Personal experience.
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