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My iPod is acting goofy, please help!?

Thanks for taking the time to read/help.

I have an iPod 'click wheel' model...I got it a few years back (black/white screen. no video or pic capability). A couple of months ago, I noticed that my iPod would play any song that I put on it from a CD that i previously owned...but would automatically skip over any downloaded songs that I purchased on iTunes.

Usually, linking my iPod to my computer (to update) would correct the problem for a week or two, then I would have to do it again.

Recently, updating it in this manner doesn't work at all.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    call the iPod help line or go to and click on iPod + iTunes and click on support

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm usually pretty good at technology and iPod stuff, but ur problem sounds very technical. well, i'm sorry, but i don't think i will be able to fix this problem of yours. maybe try calling up the iPod company, or, even better, google it. you'll most likely have better findings than yahoo answers. i hope this helps!

  • kieck
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Plug it in on your pc and sync it. that would desire to assist. If no longer, then enable the battery run out and recharge it. it is going to re-set the settings (such as you have been attempting to do) and gets rid of the little apple icon with the spokes ~XIII

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