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Will Democrats be fooled again like they were in 2006?

While democrats promised to end the war and make progress all i've seen from them is stalling on iraq and healthcare and a fairness doctrine that limits free speech. So do you trust them enough to vote for them, again? Not me!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I didn't trust them in the 1st place, so their current ineptness / flakiness doesn't surprise me!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok let's get some information out there so everyone has a complete idea of the picture. The Democratic controlled congress sent two funding bills to Bush's desk, both of which he vetoed. Both times, the override of those bills were halted because they did not have the votes. So to say, the Democrats has "fooled" anyone is not technically correct. They have attempted to work out solutions with Bush which are automatically rejected. For some reason, people seem to forget that when Republicans had the majority and were unable to get something on their agenda, they were not saying the Republicans had "fooled" anyone. Like any politcal party, the Democrats ran and won on grandiose plans to do something about the war and other high ticket items. Some of which they have gotten passed, minimum wage increase, lobbyist reform, etc. Both this is a bicameral institution requiring an effective working relationship between both parties, which so far is easier said than done. At least that's the way I see it.

  • 1 decade ago

    All they've done so far is made fools of themselves, I consider myself independant, but I lean to the left on most issues. They let the voters down, I knew the war wouldn't end, Bush and company would veto it, democrats haven't even TRIED, they havent tried to compromise, or anything, that's the only way we're going to even get close to an end. Nope, they've simply sent bills on that (and immigration) that they know wont pass, and that most Americans don't want to see pass. I don't trust the republicans, and I don't trust the democrats.

    America is in a sad state.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep... they will get fooled in 2008, 2012, 2016.... just add 4...

    I want (1) publically financed campaigns (not campaign finance reform) (2) instant runoff voting (vote 1,2,3, not just 1) and (3) paper ballots or paper trails. I'm not voting anymore until somebody brings it up. And the money.... if just 10% of all the campaign money was put into a "public fund", then we wouldn't have to pay taxes anymore... but that's NOT the goal.

    Source(s): Although I would love a Mike Gravel/Dennis Kuscenich ticket. But even if they won, their term would be like Carter (1) hi interest rates (2) ration gas and (3) ration electricity Enron Style! We have to "sweep" the nation with Green/Progressives. (Wake up, Dorothy!)
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  • 1 decade ago

    Just so they're not fooled again like they were in 2000. You crack me up. Bush gets his full eight years to bankrupt the U.S. economy and our international reputation. His treasonous acts are too many to list here. But the Democrats, who have a majority in the House but don't control it, who have a bare majority in the Senate, who are still set against a totalitarian, oligarchic Executive Branch and a nineteenth century Supreme Court are to blame. Oh yeah.

  • 1 decade ago

    You will not see a lot of Dems crossing over because simply, they just hate Bush too much. But a Bloomberge candidacy might draw enough Dems to have the Ross Perot effect, so that Governor Romney can be our next president!

  • 1 decade ago

    as long as it is anti-bush they cant see the forest for the trees.

    the left wing politicians know this and play off it. fortunately Bush is a almost a non factor, so now without their primary target for all their attention and rage they will begin to lose their cohesion.

    Fortunately The far left is very predictable in its reactions and it's lack of general structure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The fairness doctrine has been around for decades and it does not limit free speech. It ensures that all sides are guaranteed the ability to be heard... even ignorant people like you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who do they have...Barack Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden...or some total beeeoootch that was walked all over by her husband (if her husband could walk all over her, imagine what a country would do).

    Vote Condoleeza Rice!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Democrats doing what they said they would. That is a good one, They are always ineffective. The only thing the do know how to do is raise our taxes.

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