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What do you believe Bush's legacy will be?

He is a hero to Albanians. Do you think he got the message about immigration and wouldn't do anything behind our backs anyway?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    His legacy will most likely be the best president mexico ever had.

  • Izzy N
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The guy is a power hungry freak, along with all his cronies and all the wrong he's done will eventually come to light.

    I was just in the grocery store today and some magazine had him on the cover as the feature article. I flipped to it and it had 10 or 11 reasons why he's ruined our country- stating it will take generations to reverse the damage he's caused to our country.

    I wish all you ignorant people would do some online research at unbiased/uncensored sites.

    Do you know that he changed the Constitution of the USA? A law that stood from 1789-2006. Habaus Corpus- meaning you can't be held without reason.

    Or how about 9/11? You may call me a conspiracy whack, but I think anyone with half a brain should look at these:

    I think 9/11 was the setup he needed to get us into the middle east. It got us hating Arab people, then the pretense of WMD's to get us into Iraq to steal the oil since Saddam was going to put it on the open market using Euros instead of the internationally agreed upon US Dollar, etc., etc.

    People, you see this stuff in movies all the time, what makes you think real life isn't the same or even worse?

    False Flag anyone?

  • 1 decade ago

    He squandered his chance at a legacy in my opinion. I voted for him .. twice.

    I was happy with income tax cuts, estate tax cuts, no child left behind program, talk of student vouchers that he unfortunatley dropped. I was for actions in afghanistan, I was for removing Saddam.

    I have had mixed feelings on the lingering stagnation of Iraq.

    And since then Bush's thumbing his nose at the republican party the first go around on immigration and brazenly saying we will see you at the bill signing.

    This along with some smaller issues mixed in, some good , some bad.

    His first term went pretty good, the second one really went south ( I wasnt meaning toward the border but now that you mention it.. )

  • 1 decade ago

    his legacy will be a lot better than his current rating regardless of whether he deserves it or not. Just look at Gerald Ford, when he died people were calling him underrated and a good president, when most people hated him when he was president.

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  • Daisy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I can't believe his legacy will be anything for him to be proud of. I liked him in the beginning, but not now that he has shown himself to be pro-illegal immigrant. That turned me against him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush will be remembered as a head strong, war monger, brutal, born again christian, whose biggest achievement is lying and waging unnecessary wars, based on a false perception that Lord God wanted him to do so.,

    He thinks he is the messiah before tjhe second coming

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    poor. a failed war. a failing economy, insane spending, staggering debt. borrowing money from china? a very unpopular immigration program. questionable elections. serious constitutional infractions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When people will look back at him, they will think of him as FDR. FDR started care for the needy, and Bush started the care for world peace and safety.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush's legacy will be that he had the balls to stand up to radical Islam and nations that sponsor terrorism.

  • He did what was right, not necessarily what was popular.

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