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how to get rid of snow moth caterpillars?

these are the green bugs that are about 1/8 inch by 3/4 inch that defoliate northeastern US trees in the spring and come from the white moths you see late in the year. After several years of abuse I am afraid my landscape trees will die within a year or two if I let theses bugs continue there yearly feed.


we have lots of birds and feeders; the birds like the seed not so much the bugs , the bugs are found by the millions as the trees leave.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is difficult to suggest an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program without knowing the specific insect that we are dealing with. A bit more detailed information about the caterpillar characteristics, the type of trees it feeds on and if a nest exists or not would all help to pin point the specific insect.

    If it is a true caterpillar, the non-toxic use of the bacteria bT (bacteria toxic only to caterpillars) can be sprayed on to your tree's foliage and will control most caterpillars. This is best done when the caterpillars are small and young.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dang, I know.

    Just, set out bird feeders and baths to attract birds to feed on them..

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