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Jon M
Lv 4
Jon M asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why did the Democrats decide to ignore the upcoming September Report on the Surge and vote to pull troops now?

The Surge is only a few months old and the Democrats refuse to let it run at least the planned course. Could they be worried that it is actually working? Since they are so heavily vested in our defeat?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The US Military won in Vietnam and the Dems pulled the troops and cut the funding for the South Vietnamese so they were over-run. It seems like they are going to screw over the Middle East now.

    Let's see, the Turks are waiting to kill the Kurds. The Lebanese are struggling mightily. The UAE, Saudi & Yemen had a big arms market to arm their militaries against the Iranians. Things aren't looking too good, but the US military is still doing its job, without the support of our elected representatives.

  • 1 decade ago

    Promises, Promises, Promises!

    Isn't all this war nonsense getting just a little bit weary?

    1. We have heard so much b.s. about why our military was sent into Iraq, in the first place - not true! No wmd's

    2. The deaths of Iraqi's should be enough reason to leave, but... our own military are dying, for what? A Civil War? A war which has been going on in the Middle East, for how long?

    3. Our military being put into horrific situations, in which there really is no adequate defense - because they don't always know who the 'real' enemy is, until they get caught in the middle of the shooting - when, it's all too often, too late.

    4. No real strategy for the war, itself, and definitely no strategy for ending it.

    This was geared up to only be a 'Military Action.' It became a full blown chaotic battle - war? It seems to me when our military go to war, they usually know who the enemy actually is.

    How many more of our people, and the Iraqi people will need to die, before it is abundantly clear, it's the wrong place, the wrong action, and... who really IS responsible for the 9/11 attacks? Oh, btw; that's the reason given for going into Iraq, in the first place!

    The HS guy, made mention that 'summer' seems to be the occasion for attacks on American soil ? Is he letting us know we're going to be attacked, now? Or, is this just another, get out the vote, because it's close to election, time - and, we need to make sure you are scared enough to vote our way!?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How many more people do you want to die before this folley is ended? I mean it's only been 4 + years. This "surge" is just a few more than has been trespassing all along. It's time to stop making enemies. If Bush was passing out kindness instead of death and destruction the world would like him. Of course he'd have to leave other peoples lands and oil alone too. You reap what you sow..

  • 1 decade ago

    The longer we wait the more that die. So I guess it is a difference of the glass is half empty or the glass is half full. While the president sees some progress on less than half of the benchmarks as half full, everyone else realizes that it is only a couple of drops in the bottom.

    If the president can figure out a way to make the Iraqi Parliament come together Iraq will most likely have a much more stable future. I think we have seen what our blind support has made them do however, nothing whatever. Throw the dissenters who refuse to show up out of the green zone for a week, I think we will see great progress after that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Read the article again!

    the troop withdrawl wouldn't start for 120 days, that is three more months, even if it doesn't get vetoed.

    and would continue through September 2008 it isn't an immediate withdrawl. Even then, troops would remain to provide security and training for the iraqie squatters, begging them to fight for their own freedom.

    Bush is playing political games with our troops' lives.

    He refuses to change his approach, which has been far less than successful for years.

    This action in turn forces congress to take matters into their own hands, in order to prevent needless deaths of our troops.

    Currently there are only two choices congress has, unless they get real crafty, and that is to order a withdrawl, or quit funding the war.

    Now if they order an immediate withdrawl, your type will be claiming they are undermining our troops, if they attempt to quit funding the war, to force Bush to withdrawl, Bush knowing this, he'll leave them there claiming that democrats don't support our troops.

    Democrats aren't the only ones who want us out of this mess, republicans are starting to abandon ship as well.

    Like all of Bush's polcies, the approach was wrong, and it is costing the lives of Americans. There is no way to prevent people who think America is evil and trying to control them from thinking anything else when countries of their own culture is being sidelined in the effort.

    Democrats have already attempted to get Bush to change the plan and come up with a better one, but he refuses to do so. Even Rummy was calling for a change in plans just before he got canned. You do remember what Rummy's job was right??

    You can't fight guerilla style tactics, with conventional ground war methods. It has been proven time and time again. Its only a matter of time before those wackos over there start dressing like our troops and walking up in a bunch of them and blowing themselves up, with so many troops present.

    It has already started to happen, you just don't hear much about it in the media. Why do you think so many troops that end up being abducted end up being found without their uniforms?

    Bush, like anyone, is looking for a way out of this mess, but he wants one he can blame on democrats, and is buy his time until he gets it, with the lives of our troops.

    And I'll tell you what Bub, the latest reports about the strength of Al Queda pretty much follows what my buddies who have been and are in Iraq said two years ago:

    "I can't tell you what it is we do in Iraq, but I can tell yu that these people over here have not even begun to fight. If the American people had any Idea what Bush got us into, they would never trust another thing that comes out of his mouth."

    I highly doubt insurgents have really gotten stronger as the media reports, I think strategy analysts have realized, that they were just feeling things out, and Al Queda are now ready to start laying it on, by bringing in fighters from all over.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take your tired and defeated plucky and go to church and pray for forgiveness! The war is lost now, or it is lost later! Take your choice!

    But, remember who is paying the bill.

    We all know that it is not the Conservatives like Bush who are dying and suffering, it is the Soldiers, or kids, in uniform. I feel sorry for them, they were in the military during another Leadership gap like the Vietnam War.

    Lord, forgive those who would make War for others to die just because they are willing to see it happen.

    If you are so dedicated, re-up! If you have not participated, join and do the surging yourself!

  • 1 decade ago

    "The Man in the Box" is right. Democrats and liberals aren't the only ones fed up of this. And in case you haven't notice, the most recent intelligence reports state that Al Qaeda is even stronger now, how do you explain that?

    What do you suggest doing? Sit around twiddling our thumbs hoping that by invading the wrong place we'll somehow accomplish something in the real terrorist infected areas?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any positive news and progress in Iraq means a definite defeat in the 2008 Presidential campaign.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You don't think six years of "I'm sure the next report will be better" is enough? This has already gone on for longer than WW II. Bush's private little war is a failure, along with his presidency. It's time to accept this.

  • 1 decade ago

    They want to embarrass Bush so bad that they don't care and in fact I think they want us to look like losers. This will empower them. They either don't care or are not thinking of the consequences of how emboldened militant Islamic terrorists would be come if we come out of Iraq to soon. Heaven forbid terrorists get hold of a nuke.

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