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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Is life worth living?

I'm n ot depressed, rather just being realistic. Think about all the things we have in this life. Competition, materialism, hate, diseases, accidents, problems, injustice, corruption, confusion, so many things, and in the end, no matter who you are, how much money you have, or where you live, you'd have to face some kind of hardship or another.

And in the end, we all lose our youth/vigor/looks, might get a disease, lose our friends/loved ones, and definitely die.

That's how many dollars later we paid for rent, cars, gas, food, clothes, so many other things we also didnt really need or want thanks to media/brainwashing/expectations of society, we probably had to fill social roles expected of us, or might live under a horrible government or deal with lies and bs, and what not.

I mean, is this life REALLY worth living?

Many people living today act as if they don't really like life, as they're miserable and what not.

I'm not glorifying death but, isn't this life crazy?


Most of you are thinking, oh is this guy crazy, of course it is, and you probably think of your loved ones, material possessions and the things you enjoy in life.

Why though? you can lose any of those people at a snap, and your own life, and even if you don't there's always car accidents, things breaking down, people lying, stealing, cheating, and other things that go wrong.

Is all of this REALLY worth it?

Even if we have a problem free life we eventually die anyways. Why bother?

47 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wonderful question!

    I'm not being sarcastic either. That is what most people deep down are really wondering. Sure people can say they "live" for something weather it be god, money, love, a job and on and on. The largest majority believe they have to be "good" in order to move on to a better afterlife.

    That question brings up so many other questions as well.

    Should we give up after getting this far?

    Is there really an afterlife and will our actions here have anything to do with what it might be?

    I think that life can be what we make it. Personally I believe we need to stop letting others tell us what life is (media, propaganda, monetary system...all that non-sense) and make our own little spot in the world to simply live and put behind all the structure that's building up around us. Problem is the world is becoming increasingly small with industrialization and technology. There are very few places left to get away short of dying. Of course nobody truly knows what happens when we die except for those who already have. It's nice to think of a happy place waiting for us where there is no pain, no worries and endless bliss. I don't think it is that simple however. The story of Jesus for instance was written 1200 years before he was supposedly born. Only at the time everyone regarded the story of "Mithra" as a myth and only a myth. When it was retold the religious leaders needed something more legitimate in order to control peoples lives. Now it's not just our parents or the church or the government that wants to control our lives but practically everyone wanting to control everyone else’s lives simultaneously. Some are a little more proficient and determined then others.

    That is the largest problem with life. The control factor. If we could break away from that need to control others and let life happen as it should it could be heaven on earth.

    Perhaps the afterlife is also what you make of it. Just as this place can be. So if you get there and believe it's a horrible place then your mind will make it a reality. Maybe people have to take action in the afterlife to make it a better place just as people have to do here. If no action is ever taken then nothing will change and we'll be prisoners of our own conciseness allowing an outsider to tell us what reality is even though they don't have the answer themselves.

    Source(s): One thing that helps me get by is realizing that there is no such thing as good or bad. Life is simply a constant state of change. And nothing can change that.
  • LodiTX
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, you are not saying anything I haven't thought, so if you're crazy, I am, too. I continue living despite it all by ignoring the world at large. I seldom watch national news and never international because I am just not interested, unless it's something remarkable like some disaster that catches my attention. I have noticed that regardless of what's going on outside my immediate area it has never affected me in anyway, so I don't care who's in office or who we're at war with, etc. Especially who we're at war with. Calling the invasions we do today wars is laughable. If you can count the numbers and name the bodies of everyone who died each day; it is not a war.

    I think that even the media supports the view that little matters in the long term. Have you noticed how some story will grab their attention and they'll flog it and push it for however long they can and then something else will happen and the first one will disappear from all reporting; as if it never happened. You never know the outcome or the resolution, if any. It's just not important anymore.

    Because of this rather insular attitude I get my pleasure and value from the things I do each day. Caring for the animals with whom I live and any others I can reach. (I feed numerous wild creatures daily.) Giving pleasure to my children, who are grown, gives me pleasure and keeping up with what's going on in their lives is also interesting to me.

    But you are right. Eventually every body fails and I have known since I was 12 that if I lived long enough for that to happen, then I would kill myself in some nonpainful and noninvasive way. I have already decided upon the method, which requires no tools and no assistance, only the time remains uncertain.

    One should always remember the advice of Epicurus, who I paraphrase here, when life ceases to be a pleasure the only alternative for a thinking person is to end it, and he did.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know where you are coming at and in ways I am still asking the same question, but after a few years this is the answer I came up with.

    A cherry blossom that blooms with divine beauty once and is scattered into the winds like it never existed.

    It depends on the person. Would the person rather have never felt the love of their loved ones or given joy to those around him? How much does the person really value his life and what the person does with it? Each person must evaluate the costs and benefits of their lives and decide whether it was worth suffering only just to experience life once.

    The cherry blossom disappeared, but the image of its height in beauty will be etched into the minds of its admirers, beholders, artists alike. Even if it is seen by only a boy who grows and dies or forgets it, the cherry blossom brought happiness to that one boy for that one moment in his life.

  • 1 decade ago

    But what about all of the good things in life? Love, children, jobs. Geting old doesn't really mean you will lose all of your vigor. My Nana's friend is 103 years old and she runs at 3.5 mph for 30 min every day. We don't have to play social roles. That is a common misconception. The community guidelines are there, but is our choice to follow them. And there are always people like you if you chose to not follow them. You cannot blame only the media for making you want the clothes. Somewhere deep down you must have wanted them and the media made you realize it. Life is worth living if you do your Best everyday. Life is worth living if you find someone to share it with. Life is worth living if you learn of life's true values and experience them. And death.... is just another great adventure (not religiously)!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are at the point I was many years ago when I decided I would stick around to see what happens next just for the fun of it. Shortly afterward I started looking for actual truth. I eventually found it in the last place I could imagine. Christianity. Yup the very thing I was told was total fantasy turned out to be the answer to all my questions and the beginning of a life worth living. Jesus Rocks!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes it is crazy! I allways think whats the point in living. No I am not Emo. lmao. But I said taht because Now there are sterotypes. I have to face this in middle school now. Before When I was younger I couldnt want to start school but life has changed. I wish people could be nicer but I no that is not you point. Like its about diseases and everything. But I guess we should Live, Laugh, and Love. Face The ups and Downs. It's Life and that's probably why some people commit suicide? I know I NEVER will. I think its crazy,horrific, and sad! Oh & I guess I can set a gola for myself. become famous but here in Indiana stuff is hard. I mean nothing will ever happen. Life sucks, most the time. I had teh cahance but peopel here make me realy sad!

    Source(s): I know this is so not the best answer. But opinion you know. I bet this will get thumbs down. If not Wow Nice people out there. might as well be a dork and thumbs down me. Blahhh Who cares! Get a Life!
  • 1 decade ago

    When someone pulls a gun out, you run.

    You don't want to die.

    So yes, life is worth living. There's a far more powerful part of your brain than the one you are familiar with, and it is that part of your brain that knows to get your legs to run.

    You could sit around all day thinking of questions like this, but you'd just be wasting your time instead of living life. It is one of the most unintelligent things you can do, but it is part of the growing process. I certainly also went through that phase of wondering whether or not the world is real, whether or not I'm really in a coma and I'm just dreaming all of this. Then I got a clue. Life isn't about you, it's about everyone else.

    God doesn't have a plan for you. If you drive with your eyes closed and pray to God to protect you, you'll be dead in a few seconds. God has better things to do. Life is all about love and laughter and fun and sharing that with everyone else. A lot of life is just sitting around, not doing much, but even that can be enjoyable if you look at it the right way and find ways to entertain yourself, and the most effective way of doing that is by entertaining others.

  • 1 decade ago

    Life in modern society isn't worth living. I swear, if for some reason I could only live in a city or the suburbs throughout my life I'd end up killing myself before too long. Lucky I have plans in motion to get out of here and live a more wholesome, purposeful life ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    You learn to trust and love in life. Isn't that enough? Even though you are going to die, the time that you spend in life made you learn more about yourself and others. If you were never alive you would not know anything about trusts, love, friendship, and etc..My point is that life might be short and sometimes so painfull that it makes you want to suicide but at least you experienced through it!! You will end up regretting if you don't want to be alive.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Friends Family One Special Guy ♥

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