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My right ear seems like it's blocked and I can't hear that well. Is there anything to get rid of the problem?

The ear problem started right after I had a really serious flu. It's really annoying because I tried everything to get rid of it like using alcohol with a cotton swab. I'm not sure what the main source of the problem is but I need it removed. I don't want to go to the doctor and get it syringed or anything. please help me!!!

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi there,

    Your problem is with your eustachian tube. The mucus from the sinuses passes into our throat via the ear through this tube. During an infection, this tube gets inflammed and the mucus does not flow easily into your throat. So you get a blocked ear.

    So firstly, do not try to do anything from the outside. Because your problem is not on the outside of the ear but inside. YOu might just end up doing further damage.

    Secondly, take steam. Just boil some water, put some salt in it and take the steam fo 5 to 10 minutes. Do this three times a day for a week. It will help.

    Thirdly, gargle with salt water about three times everyday.

    Fourth, oop your eustachian tube. You can try the method mentioned by one of the answerers. Or sit straight. Close your nose with your fingers. Fill your mouth with air, and try to breathe out from your nose but still keeping it closed with your fingers. You will hear a pop sound in your ears. Hold it for two to three seconds. And then open let the air out through your nose. You will feel some mucus flowing into your throat.

    If this does not help, you will have to go to the doctor because you might need another course of antibiotics.

    Hope this helps.

  • 6 years ago

    My both the ears are blocked and I am suffering from severe ear pain since last two days, some creamy liquid started flowing from my both the ears and I hearing capacity slowed down to minimum. What may be the root cause to it I want to know so that I can take some preventive action so that same problem will not happen again. (History: I visited Bangalore in AC sleeper class to and fro and stayed in an AC lodge there. After coming this problem started)

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The answer is yes. It is possible to have tinnitus in one ear. It is the same case with eye problems. Most people have

    vision impairment in one eye rather than both. The same applies to ear problems. At times, the ringing may be experienced

    in one ear alone. Even so, depending on how loud the noise is, the noises can be disturbing. One way of easing the symptoms

    of tinnitus is by educating yourself extensively about the problem.

    The noise may be perceived as:








    Click Here :

  • 6 years ago

    Tinnitus affects over 36 million Americans. A medical condition arising from dysfunction in the auditory system, tinnitus

    is characterized by persistent ringing, roaring, and/or clicking noises that rarely subside. If you have tinnitus, it can

    make you feel like you're going crazy. But you don't have to suffer - tinnitus is treatable.

    Before you can treat tinnitus, it's important to know what causes it. The short answer: a variety of things. Tinnitus can

    be caused by something as simple as wax buildup on the eardrum, or something more serious like a tumor on the hearing

    nerve. Various ear diseases are associated with tinnitus, as are effects from drug or alcohol abuse.

    But most often it's repeated exposure to loud noises like gunfire, rock concerts, and chain saws that cause tinnitus. So it

    makes sense that one of the best ways to prevent tinnitus is to protect and preserve your hearing, whose complex mechanism

    turns sound waves into meaningful information your brain can process and identify.

    Sound waves enter the ear canal and vibrate the ear drum. This causes the middle ear mechanism (ossicles) to vibrate,

    sending the sound waves on to the inner ear and brain. Here they are turned into data your brain recognizes as sounds. Soft

    sounds like whispers don't cause any harm, but loud sounds like airplane jets cause discomfort and, after repeated

    exposure, hearing damage such a tinnitus.

    Click Here :

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    My Ear Is Blocked

  • 1 decade ago

    First you should not use a cotton swab ever! It does nothing but push the wax ( fluid ) further and further back by doing this.

    I sometimes get fluid retained in my ear when i wash my hair, get sick or what have you. what seems to work for me is holding (squeezing) my nose close with my hand and then blowing (keep your mouth closed). you will feel the fluid popping and it will drain out. you can also try paroxide , just put some on a cotton ball and squeez it down your ear. it will aslo drain. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Try getting some ear candles from a health food store. It's called a candle but in reality is more like a funnel.

    You'll need a friend to help you. The candle, when lit, creates a suction that draws whatever may be in your ear. It dries out any liquid that may be bausing problems. The heat causes the un-needed wax to be drawn from you ear into the candle. After it gets down to about 3 inches, you'll blow out the candle. Then you cna cut the candle and see what was giving you all the hassle. It's gross but kind of neat all at the same time.

    Be sure to pick up a pamplet at the store so you can read all the details.

  • 7 years ago

    How can stop right ear pain it is blacked. I can't take it no more i want it our

  • 6 years ago

    I love your answer. I ve been having this problem for like weeks and I did this closing mouth trying to blow air out from nose and man o man.. It worked like charm. It worked. Tomorrow I have an interview and I was so worried.

    Thank You very much.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I heard ringing in my ears too, like louder hearing test. It could be tinnitus. Gets louder over time. Use this to reduce the ringing.

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