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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Christians, please advise? Serious replys only!?

I was at the hospital this weekend when a man i had never met before approached me and started to talk with me. The conversation turned toward the Lord and His love. Eventually this man advised me that he was a minister. He said he had come over to talk to me because God had told him that i was his brother in Christ. He said God had told him that I would be a minister, and asked me what I did for the Lord. i said i write poetry with a Christian message and I write and sing my own gospel songs. he said God wants me to persue this and give it to the world so that it may change lives. I was almost in tears. I was amazed that God would send a message to me like this. I need to know where to start, please advise me. What do you think?


This man was a Minister. I tested his spirit by asking him if he believed that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh. He answered yes, and that He (Jesus) was returning soon!

40 Answers

  • gone
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God uses different people as His instruments. This believer touched your life in a significant way. First thing you should do is to personally pray over the matter and seek discernment if this is truly what God has sought of you. I would pursue with your poetry and music. If God has additional plans for you, it will be given unto you. Continue to do God's work as you now are, even on this forum. Continue to use your talents for His purposes, and you will soon know what path He wishes you to take. It will be given unto you, and He will show you the way.

  • This is the way in which God sometimes sends us a sign--through a stranger.

    You need to get more serious now about your poetry and music. You need to compile your poems and make a demo of some of your songs. Then you can submit them to publishers and record companies. In the meantime, you should send some poems to religious publications and websites and ask them to publish them. This will give you exposure and critical feedback. But remember that at this beginning level, the poems you submit will probably become the property of the company to which you submit them. So, don't send all your best stuff, save some stuff for your own book when you publish it.

    Whether you become really famous or not does not matter. What matters is the hearts you touch along the way with your music and poetry.

    Good luck and God bless!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pray over this whole incident and ask God to lead you, and to confirm that this truly is a man of God. I am older, and wiser now and do not believe that everyone who comes in the Lord's name is sent from God. You are a brilliant talented, and anointed man of God. Stay under your church covering, and do not be swayed especially by people you don't know. The enemy is nothing but an imitator of God..I know that God wants to use you, and believe he is already using you. I also believe that God has a great destiny for you..just be leery of false prophets, and people who claim to be sent from God. The enemy is nothing but an imitator and may look like light..I just don't trust anyone like that. God gives us the Spirit of discernment as well..just Pray over this. God will give you the answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you are already ministering to people through what you do. God will lead you where He wants you to go. Just pray and walk through the doors He opens. You may end up at a Christian college, get a degree, and go on to full time preaching. I couldn't do that but have become active with our church family. I share song leading responsibilities with another brother and fill in for our full time minister several times a year.

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, beware of people who claim to have been told things by God. "Test the spirits" as St. John advises in the Scriputres. Secondly, God ordinarily works in ordinary ways, namely through His Word and through Baptism and Holy Communion. These are promises given in the Bible. What you do with your life in service to God could take a variety of forms and be expressed through a thousand different vocations. The term minister means servant. God can be served in many ways. Do what you enjoy and feel you are gifted to do. Whether or not it is in formal ministry isn't an issue at all. But if you do go into the ministry, remember this. The tough part is summer weddings and winter funerals.

  • Joel 2
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hallelujah!!! This is obviously a message from the Lord. You say that you were almost in tears. Could you tell that it was truly a message of God? If so then pray whole heartedly for confirmation. And when it comes, and it will, pray that God shows you what your next step be. God is going to open doors for you. When they open there will be no doubt that God is the one turning the knob. My sould rejoices that you have heard from the Lord. Begin to pray. Seek the face of the Lord, and He will not hide from you. God Bless you my brother in Christ.

    In Jesus Name

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prophecy confirms it never directs. Do not do anything based on what this man said. It might not be of the Lord. If it is from God it will simply confirm what you eventually do. Don't rush into anything. Follow the activities and plans you already were.

    Ministry seldom breaks out in a flash. It grows over time. Minister in whatever capacity is set before you. One principle of ministry is that legitimate, God-given ministry is recognized by Church leadership. Don't get bitter if God does not cause them to recognize the value of a ministry gift you think is precious. If you are diligent and faithful in what God gives you to do he will open other doors of service for you. In the end you will be quite surprised by many of the things that unfold. It generally takes time and you need to grow. Study the examples of Abraham, Moses, and David. God called and anointed them long before he used them. This in-between time can be quite frustrating if you are expecting everything to happen right away.

    I am concerned that this man did tell you to pursue something. That is directive in nature and I think it is an invalid approach to spiritual gifts. GOD DIRECTS YOU DIRECTLY. He uses others to confirm this direction. If he had simply told you that God was going to use you in some way that would have been different. I have been in the ministry for many years and I have seen many people hurt and disillusioned by this kind of directive "prophecy."

    A couple of books to consider reading along these lines are "God Told Me to Tell You" by Robert Whitworth and "Thus Saith the Lord" by John Bevere.

    God bless you in your service for him!

  • faith
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think you are blessed. Over the years, I have had two such "out of the blue" words given me by total strangers. Each word came to pass in due time.

    Pray about it. Be specific with The Lord. And start at the beginning. Talk to your minister of music. Show him your work.

    Offer to sing for him and the church. And then when you are comfortable, branch out to other local ministries. When the timing is perfect, Almighty God step up the game and the outreach. In the meantime, learn all you can learn about the Christian music industry and those in the know. Prepare yourself for your journey.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best thing for you to do is get on your knees and pray to God and ask him to show you the way. Ask God does he talk to ones in this way to lend them over to you in public or private places like stores and hospitals.

    Many times Satan may send these ones in sheep clothing and the disguise is under the pretense that it is something good from God. Beware, and only God knows your heart. Pray earnestly and ask for God's guidance on this matter, and others.

    It may be something that you never expected at all, and it may be something in response from God, that is not what you wanted at all. Remember, he is our Heavenly Father and knows best. Only He knows your heart, so if you're truly of righteousness inside he will show you the correct way.

    Remember, there is only one narrow path to life and many thousands that lead elsewhere; to destruction. Always pray and he will hear you if your heart is in the right place.

    Remember Proverbs 15: 29:

    Jehovah is far away from the wicked ones, but the prayer of the righteous ones he hears.

    If you are a righteous man living your life in harmony with Godly standards, your heart being of goodness and righteousness, he will hear you.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Explaining the Trinity is very difficult considering our knowledge is limited, but to God it does make sense. This is the only example that can best explain it and rather poor in my opinion. There is one man, but he is three persons. The man is a father, a son and a husband. He is a father because he has a son. He is a son because he has a son, and he is a husband because he has a wife. Still one man, but three different persons. Now concerning God, please realize it is far more complex that we can never fully understand. God is not limited like we are, so it is possible for Jesus to be God while God is still in heaven all at the same time. I try not to think about it too much or else my mind will begin to hurt. This may not be the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps. God bless you too.

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