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Why do people refuse to get out of the left lane on the highway when faster cars are behind them?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They justify it by saying that they are going the speed limit. However the vehicle code is clear, its not who is right, its how do you avoid an accident. The same goes with yielding at a stop sign. I'm surprised these same slow fast lane drivers don't smash into other cars that go before them.

    My point is that you should yield to the people that want or need to drive faster because trying to incite people and cause road rage is less safe for everyone else on the road. Yield and move to the right for the safety of everyone else on the road so they don't have to try and swerve around you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people think it is better to drive in the far left lane on a major highway because you avoid the slow-down created by the cars merging on the far right lane. Most states now have laws against cruising in the left lane, and they also post signs saying slower traffic keep right. HOWEVER, in defense of these drivers, they are often going right at the speed limit, which means technically they are within their rights to drive in that lane just like anyone else. Usually (myself included) I am in the far left lane because it is Moooooving man! And I am a man on the move!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What is it that happens to otherwise courteous people when they get in their cars? I can't imagine that if anybody was in a suppermarket checkout line that wasn't moving as fast as you'd like that you would tap the person in front of you and ask them to move out of the way because you are in a hurry. Yet many of you have no problem doing just that on the highway.

    I can't answer for everybody but if I'm following a line of cars that are going a certain speed and some idiot comes up behind me and starts flashing his lights screw him. The speed for the lane has been well established and if he doesn't like it he can find another lane. Most of you who do this kind of crap really make me laugh. I have about a 20 mile drive to work and I always move to the left lane and match the speed of the car in front of me. I don't know how many times some clown has come up behind me flashing and whatever and cruises by and flips me the finger and then traffic comes to a halt in another few miles and there we are. Right next to each other. Boy I sure slowed him down by not getting out of his way huh?

    Unnecessary lane changes are the primary cause of accidents on high speed freeways and highways. If you don't like the lane you're in then be my guest and put yourself and your passengers at risk. But don't ask me to make what I consider to be an unnecessary lane change.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ignore, person whom said it was due to women he obviously does not have one lol jk ... most of the time its because they feel that anyone going over the speed limit should slow down, other times its because they are new drivers and either scared *hitless, or just not smart. oh and road rage has a big thing to do with that. if someones trying to pass in the left lane and someone gets quickly on their tail end they tend to stay there and slow down just to prove a point.

    Source(s): drive in chicago once in awhile or detroit and you learn how many truely stupid drivers there are.
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  • 1 decade ago

    amancalledj, you should know that all 'Why?' questions cannot be answered analytically.

    All 'Why?' questions are theological, and depend not on what we can learn intellectually, but on what we believe.

    If you believe that humankind is perfectable, then the answer is that these people have not reached their full potential, and you should meet them where they are, but see them where they can be.

    If, on the other hand, you believe that humankind is inherently evil, you must seek salvation through grace, and hope that they do too.

    Or just say to h*** with 'em, and carry a big sign with "GET THE H*** OUT OF THE WAY, DIPSTICK!" printed backwards on it, and flash it in their rear view mirrors.

    Hope this helps. Peace!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They have attitudes.

    They have no clue as to what the left lane is for.

    I'm sure there are others. I stopped getting angry at them years ago. I simply take the first opening and go around. Not worth getting riled up over.

  • Because some pople are just plain stupid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because some people are dumb.. they don't understand "slower cars to the right.."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why should they if you should do go way beyond the speed limit

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