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What would you do with one million dollars?

This seems to be asked a lot, but I want to put another thought into it: This isn't money dropped from the sky type. One of your close relatives that you highly respect turns out to be a secret and great investor. He/She passes away and shockingly leaves you and every member of his family one million dollars. This includes children, grandchildren, and funds reserved for anyone that wishes to go to any school they wish, enough to get their Doctrine! Also shockingly, his life appeared modest, almost poverty like. Now knowing this, what would you do with it? I ask this because there was an interesting article I read regarding baby boomer's that are leaving inheritances that may boost economy and wanted to know how people would react to such a scenario.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no one will ever know what to do with one million dollars. i sure dont know. maybe go shopping or give it all away..but really people dont know how to use their money. no one would put it in the bank for safe keeping. no one would use the money like they say they would once a person gets the million dollars in their hands there is no telling what that person will do with it or how it will be used.if i said i was giong to give it in donation to a childrens found and then win the million dollars im not going to want to give it away.. i would not know what to do till i get the million dollars. im saying that i would win the million dollars then not know what to do with it... i might not even go shopping with it... the thing is that people talk about what they would do with a million dollars then not know...once they get the million dollars they start to think about what they really want to do with it....bottom line i say i would go shopping. but the real question is will i really go shopping????

    Source(s): off the top of my mind..... its really running a million miles an hour rite now.... i had a rockstar!
  • 1 decade ago

    Oh wouldn't that be sweet! I would pay off my old shanty and have it remodled. Since I'm entering my senior years, I need to add a bedroom downstairs. My bedrooms are upstairs with no bath up there. Buy a new car. And bank some. Last but definately not least help others in dire need. Like my brother, who is a broken man. Who is alone and in his earl 70's.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I don't have anything exciting to report, only because a million really isn't that much money.

    I would definitely start a family business, one that can support my family as well as future generations.

    I would also sell my home and purchase a farm- I would raise only organic foods and unpasturized dairy products. There is a growing need for this type of farming and I think it would benefit the community and our economy greatly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can easily bring in a lot of legitimate cash completing free offers on GPT sites. GPT (Get Paid To) websites are a good and easy way to make fast and free money online. A good site to learn about them is

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  • travel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I would use part of it for investment, donate to charity or establish an organization to help others, and use the rest for travelling around the world.

    Not to forget, save some as well!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would spend it! The first thing I would do would be to give my girlfriend a wedding she's always dreamed of, I would marry her sooner but she deserves something magical.

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